Chapter 333 Goodbye Ning Rongrong

Regathering his thoughts, Lin Manshan casually picked up the conversation.

"Grandpa, with Zhuyun's recent cultivation speed, counting the time, she should be able to break through level 80 early next month. Now that you've become a god, this time when we go to the Star Dou Great Forest, we might be able to meet those two 100,000-year-old spirit beasts in the core circle."

Lest the peaches be picked by Tang San in the future, in addition, it would be even better if we could run into Tang San this time when we go. Inwardly, he thought darkly.

Dugu Bo nodded, "Good, let's catch those two 100,000-year-old spirit beasts back on the way, to avoid having to make another trip next time. Moreover, it's only the beginning of the month, there's almost a month in between, which is also enough time for me to adapt to this promotion."

After completing the Seven Emotions Assessment, he was rewarded with a 50,000-year enhancement in the age of all his spirit rings.

Moreover, during the process of inheriting the divine position, all the spirit bones on his body were transformed into divine armour. At this point, all the spirit ring and spirit bone age had all exceeded 100,000 years.

Nine red and one grey were the colours of his current spirit rings.

Restraining two hundred thousand-year-old spirit beasts and capturing them back was not a difficult task for the current him.

In addition, back then, in order to facilitate the Sacred Healing Faculty's collection and cultivation of medicinal herbs, he asked Lou Gao to bring a letter to the Blacksmith Association to help search the continent for news of spirit tools capable of storing living things. As of now, two or three with a relatively large carrying capacity have been purchased.

Enough to hold the Sky Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

It wasn't a hundred meters tall like the Ice Devil Titan, and the Titan Giant Ape was only about a dozen meters when it stood up, so it was nothing.

"That's what I meant." Lin Manshan smiled back.

Thus, the two returned to their respective residences.

A few days later, the Spirit Master Tournament came to an end, and the new Skywalker Battle Team returned to the academy safely and brought back the good result of winning first place. Exactly that night, Xue Ye sent someone to invite the members of the battle team, as well as Lin Manshan, Dugu Bo, and the others to go to the Imperial Palace the next day to participate in the commendation ceremony.

Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo led the team and arrived as promised.

After some speeches, Xue Ye announced in public that the succession ceremony would be held three days later, and the throne would be officially passed on to Qian Renxue.

For this, Lin Manshan personally went up to congratulate Qian Renxue after the party.

Seeing the two of them talking happily, all the ministers present, including Xue Ye, who was already old and had difficulty moving, were all happy. With Lin Manshan backing up, there was no doubt that the handover of the throne would go smoothly, and no one would have any objections to Qian Renxue inheriting the throne.

Ning Fengzhi was also satisfied, after all, Xue Qinghe was his personal disciple.

Ning Rongrong beside him had a somewhat complicated gaze. Thinking back to that year, when she had just joined Shrek Academy, when she had heard Xiao Wu mention Lin Manshan's martial soul and innate spirit power, she also had some contempt. But now, Lin Manshan had become an existence that she looked up to.

Over the years, she had practised extremely hard, but her spirit power was still only at level 45.

Lin Manshan, however, had already become an existence comparable to that of a Titled Douluo. Even Ye Lingling, who is also an auxiliary spirit master, is known to have at least the strength of the Spirit Saint, more than thirty levels of spirit power gap, which can be said to be quite a large gap.

And all of this was brought about by Lin Manshan.

Unfortunately, the past is not recoverable, regret is also useless, this point, she understood in her heart. Moreover, she was also clear that from now on, the gap between the two would only grow wider.

After all, her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul could only allow her to cultivate up to level 79.

Asking Lin Manshan to help with the martial soul defect?

It was almost hopeless.   

With the current strength of the Skywalker Academy, there was no doubt that their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan had completely lost their bargaining chips for a fair negotiation. Unless they would be willing to become a vassal.

However, when thinking about it differently, she had to admit that the current Skywalker Academy did not lack a Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan. Moreover, it would be difficult to predict the pros and cons of hastily accepting a super sect with complicated internal dynamics.

It was unlikely that Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo wouldn't realize this, and thus, they might not agree to accept them.

In addition, as one of the upper three clans, to be willing to be a vassal, this kind of decision was not something that anyone dared to make.

The consequences were too serious, and if one did not get it right, the foundation of many years would be destroyed instantly.

After all, Skywalker Academy is really powerful.

It is not impossible to accept and annex them.

Now that the Clear Sky Clan has been destroyed, and the Skywalk Academy has become a dominant force in the Heaven Dou Empire, the balance has been broken, and the future of the clan has grown unpredictable and confusing. Father has often been worried recently, perhaps it is because of this. Utilizing the new Emperor Xue Qinghe as an intermediary to maintain a relationship with the Skywalk Academy was indeed the best way to go about things right now. With a quiet sigh, she couldn't help but feel bitterness within her heart.

Honestly speaking, it wasn't that she hadn't thought about pledging herself to Lin Manshan for the sake of the clan. However, Lin Manshan's girlfriends beside him, when she asked herself, she really can't compare to any of them. In terms of talent and strength, she was an auxiliary spirit master with a defective martial soul, so she simply couldn't compare. Wisdom and beauty, the opposite side is not bad, even better than her. Family and power, today's Lin Manshan didn't need to consider this.

Every time she thought about what she could do for the clan, she felt more and more useless.

At the same time, she could understand the hardships of her father, Ning Fengzhi, over the years. She had tried very hard, but the reality tended to be something that couldn't be attained just by working hard.

In this world of the weak and the strong, strength is the fundamental thing that determines everything. She understood this truth more and more. However, what is the use of understanding?

Now there is nothing she can do. Thinking of this, her eyes can not help but be somewhat dim.

Time passed little by little, after a long time, the party was over, and Dugu Bo brought Lin Manshan to greet Xue Ye, and then came straight to Ning Fengzhi at the front row, and expressed his intention, "Clan Leader Ning, It's getting late, so I am going to leave now."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded, but still wanted to struggle a bit more, so he couldn't help but open his mouth and say, "I wonder when Brother Dugu will have some time? There are still some things in Ning's mind that I would like to ask Brother Dugu for advice, but unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to do so, and I'm really regretful that I don't have the time to spare today."

"I'm sorry, Clan Leader Ning, I've been really busy lately." Dugu Bo shook his head, "After a while, I still have to go out. As for when I come back, I've recently been fortunate enough to have gained something in my cultivation, so I'm afraid that I'll need to remain in seclusion for a period of time to gain some deeper comprehension."

"There's no harm in that, it's a fortunate thing." Ning Fengzhi's face kept the usual smile fixed, "When Brother Dugu finishes his work, I will find the time to pay a visit again."

"Good." Dugu Bo nodded, arching his hand slightly as he turned to leave.

Lin Manshan on the side also slightly arched his hand, then turned his head to look at Ning Rongrong, who was standing on Ning Fengzhi's side, smiled and nodded his head, then turned around. The whole process was so smooth that Ning Rongrong had just managed to pull a smile out of her face in response, but there was already Lin Manshan's back in her eyes.

After all, they were already people of two worlds. Thinking of the gap in strength between the two of them, her eyes couldn't help but dim again.

"Let's go, Rongrong, we should go back as well." Seeing the people walk away, Ning Fengzhi also withdrew his somewhat gloomy gaze.

"Hm." Ning Rongrong nodded slightly, following Ning Fengzhi's steps.

A month later, Skywalker Academy.

"Ah Man, I broke through level 80." Zhu Zhuyun gleefully ran up to Lin Manshan to report her good news.

"In that case, we'll set off to the Star Dou Great Forest tomorrow." Lin Manshan responded with a smile.


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