Chapter 346 Tang San’s Journey to the Underworld (2 in 1)

Lin Manshan looked at Zhu Zhuyu and controlled two spirit bones to float over, "Zhu Zhuyu, your current right leg bone is of average quality and age, now it's time to replace it. This one from Tang San can be used as a replacement, I'll assist with the amputation and replacement of the bone later on. There's also Tang San's right arm bone, you can absorb it later."

"As for the skull and torso bones, you can obtain them when you acquire the eighth and ninth spirit rings."

"Well, thank you, Ah Man." Zhu Zhuyu nodded her head somewhat coyly and accepted it carefully.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Shui Yue'er, picking out two pieces from Tang Chen's set of spirit bones and handing them over, "Yue'er, your martial soul is water-attributed, and you're agile biased, so it doesn't clash with the strength-type spirit bones. The left leg bone and right arm bone that Tang Chen dropped can just fill the two vacancies."

"As for the skull and the remaining left arm bone, it's better to rely on obtaining the last two spirit rings to make up for it."

"Hmm." Shui Yue'er also nodded and took it.

Lin Manshan looked at Ye Lingling as well, "Lingling, these spirit bones aren't suitable for you, so I can only postpone getting them added."

"It's fine, my spirit power is now level 84, even without the spirit bones, I should be able to break through the Titled Douluo level in the future." Ye Lengleng shook her head slightly and softly said:

"In addition, it's not easy for spirit beasts to cultivate, if it's not necessary, it's better to minimise killing."

Lin Manshan nodded, "Lingling, you can rest assured, I have my own plans for this matter. As a matter of fact, death is also one of the paths to reaching Godhood that I have planned for the Spirit Beast Clan."

"Now that I have become a God and entered the Underworld, I think it's time to start making attempts."

As the words fell, at the side of Shui Bing'er, the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor appeared at the same time.

Previously, when they listened to Lin Manshan distributing spirit bones from within Shui Bing'er's body, they actually had a very bad taste in their mouths. Because a spirit bone represented the death of a high-level spirit beast. Moreover, with Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyu, and Shui Yue'er's current realms, when they finished absorbing the spirit bones, they would definitely be able to advance to level 80. This meant that Lin Manshan would soon bring them to hunt 100,000-year-old spirit beasts.

Right now, it was the eighth spirit ring, and there would be a ninth spirit ring behind it, so that would be six 100,000-year-old spirit beasts upon counting.

Together with Zhu Zhuyun, Dugu Yan, and Ye Lingling, who were not far from breaking through level 90, there would be another three 100,000-year-old spirit beasts.

As a spirit beast themselves, they knew how difficult it was for a spirit beast to cultivate to the 100,000-year-old level.

Now that Lin Manshan is going to kill so many of them at once, how could they not feel bad in their hearts?

However, listening to what Lin Manshan had just said, it seemed that the next hunt for 100,000-year-old spirit beasts for a few girls wasn't just about obtaining 100,000-year-old spirit rings and spirit bones. There was also the purpose of experimenting with one of the possibilities for the spirit beast to become a god?

"Ghost God, this is one of the paths to Godhood that I have planned for the Spirit Beast clan." Seeing the two of them appear, Lin Manshan gazed at the Snow Emperor and said bluntly, "From now on, for those 100,000-year-old spirit beasts that have a low bloodline and are incapable of surviving the first two Ferocious Beast Thunder Tribulations, I will transfer their souls into the Underworld before their souls are dispersed and grant them enchantments so that their souls won't be dispersed. After that, they can continue cultivating in the Underworld in their soul form until their soul strength reaches the divine soul level."

"At this point, they will become a Ghost God."

"After that, I will enthrone them as gods and allow them to participate in the management of the Underworld, and this is what I want to get."

Good lord, you're recruiting wage earners. Dugu Bo raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but think darkly.

"In addition, ghosts and gods are also graded." Lin Manshan continued, "Having just stepped into the realm of divine souls, with only a soul and no physical body, this is the lowest-ranked ghost god."

"Only by condensing a physical body can one become a higher-ranking Underworld God, and also an Underworld True God."

"As for how to condense a physical body and the necessary preparations, I already have a rough idea in mind, and now I'm just waiting for the time to be ripe before I can attempt it."

When he said this, he changed his words and added, "And for spirit beasts like you that can pass through multiple thunder tribulations, as I said at the beginning, it would be best if you try to pass through as many as possible, so that you can have the opportunity to directly enter the Underworld with a physical body to become an Underworld God."

"In this way, one can also directly skip the stage of Ghost God, saving countless years of bitter cultivation."

Hearing this, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but wrinkle her brows, her physical body had long since turned to ash during the sacrifice. Moreover, no matter how she looked at it, Lin Manshan's words sounded like he wanted their Spirit Beast Clan to go and work as oxen for the Underworld as free labour.

Lin Manshan seemed to have guessed her thoughts and continued, "Don't worry, I will personally help with your physical bodies when the time comes. In addition..." His eyes looked towards the Ice Emperor, "Ice Emperor, you don't think that you don't need to work after ascending into the Divine Realm, do you?"

"." The Ice Emperor choked and said in a low audible voice, "No, I didn't! I didn't think so."

Personally helping out with the physical body, wouldn't that mean, being watched by Lin Manshan? Maybe he even wanted to make a move. This kind of thought inexplicably rose in her heart, her gaze couldn't help but dodge a little, her little head glancing to the side in a little womanly manner.

"???" Sensing the shyness and nervousness that came from the Ice Emperor's spiritual body, Lin Manshan had a brain full of question marks.

What situation is this? What was this guy thinking?

"It's good that you don't think like that." With a nod of his head, he responded, "All the gods in the Divine Realm have their divine duties, and it's the same in my Underworld. Only by working together can we make the Underworld better in the future. It is also only when the Underworld is strong that it can accommodate more Gods."

"Therefore, if you want more of your clansmen to be able to become gods and enjoy eternal longevity, you must not take any chances."

"Mm, I understand." The Snow Emperor nodded her head with a slightly solemn expression on her face, looking very serious.

"Oh." The Ice Emperor, on the other hand, responded in a small voice.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan nodded slightly, his gaze once again moving down to the spirit bones on the table. The head spirit bone, right leg bone, and torso bone were dropped by Tang Chen. Tang San dropped the Illusory Wisdom head bone as well as the Ironback Dragon torso bone, a total of five spirit bones remained.

After Shui Bing'er accepted the sacrifices of the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor, her spirit bone was already at the top of the list, so she didn't need to replace it.

Dugu Yan's spirit bone is still short of a left leg bone, and when she breaks through level 90, she will be able to obtain it after hunting the spirit beast. In addition, the quality of the black-backed sea lizard's left arm bone that she had absorbed at the beginning was still a bit poor, waiting to be replaced. However, the left leg bone on the table had already been distributed.

'Well, it's worth planning for a while. It just so happens that Yan'er also lacks a ninth spirit ring.' Between his thoughts, he reached out and brushed his hand, pushing the two torso bones on the table in front of Dugu Bo, "Grandpa, these two torso bones, please go and give them to Uncle Yang and Uncle Niu."

"With their current state, they should be able to directly break through to level 95 after absorbing them."

"Good." Dugu Bo nodded and reached out to take it, "Just in time to go ask for a drink."

"As for these remaining three pieces..." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Shui Bing'er, "The Wisdom Head Bone and Right Leg Bone dropped by Tang Chen are both of notable quality, Bing'er, take them and give them to father-in-law. His spirit power is now at level 88, and there's a shortage of them on his body, so after absorbing them he should be able to quickly advance to the Titled Douluo level. He can make up for the torso bone when he finishes absorbing the ninth spirit ring as well."

"Hmm." Shui Bing'er smiled and nodded, she was obviously extremely elated that her dad could be promoted to Titled Douluo level.

"As for this last piece of Illusion Head Bone, its quality isn't bad, it's just that its age is a bit lower, only 20,000 years. Grandpa, keep it as a reward for the academy. Or we can ask Lingling's mother if she wants it, the soul residue inside has already been cleansed by me, and the evolutionary potential isn't too low after absorbing it." Lin Manshan looked up to Dugu Bo and pushed the spirit bone.

"Hmm, I'll take some time to ask." Dugu Bo nodded slightly and put the spirit bone into the spirit tool.   

At this point, all the spirit bones that Tang San and Tang Chen had dropped were distributed.

"Since everything's done, I'll leave first." Dugu Bo directly got up and left.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan also stood up from the sofa and brought Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu back to his room to amputate their limbs and replace their bones. The rest of the few girls went back to their rooms to absorb the spirit bones, those who should cultivate went to cultivate, and those who should go out had gone out, and the living room was soon empty.

Three days later, several girls had all absorbed the spirit bone, and Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyu, and Shui Yue'er's three spirit powers broke through level 80. In addition, Dugu Bo also passed on the good news that Yang Wudi and Niu Gao both broke through to Level 95, and Shui Chaozong broke through to Level 90.

Without stopping, Lin Manshan brought Zhu Zhuqing to the back of the mountain to meet Xiao Wu on the same day.

Seeing the two of them appear, not only did Xiao Wu's empty and spiritless eyes not reveal the slightest bit of grief, instead, a hint of relief flashed through them. Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately offered a sacrifice for Zhu Zhuqing. In a bit of pink light, her body dissipated little by little.

Finally, only the soul suspended in the air remained.

"Zhuqing, wait here for me." After instructing, Lin Manshan took Xiao Wu's soul and transported her to the underworld.

"Do you want to go and meet him once?" When his feet touched the ground, and as they looked at the Reincarnation gate that stood majestically in front of them, Lin Manshan couldn't help but ask.

"No." A trace of pain flashed across Xiao Wu's face as she slightly shook her head.

At this exact moment, far below the stone bridge, Tang San, who was confined in a cage, saw Xiao Wu standing on the bridge at a glance, and immediately shook his arm and hissed, "Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu instantly trembled, but didn't turn around, instead looked up at Lin Manshan and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded and led Xiao Wu to the front of the Reincarnation gate, giving a slight nod, "Go in."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu did not hesitate in the slightest and directly proceeded to raise her pace and step in.

The warm breeze came at once, shaking her head slightly, she only felt the memories in her mind being washed away little by little. The originally solid soul also became more and more illusory as she advanced with her steps, until it completely dispersed, leaving only a ball of emerald-coloured light.

"In the next life, don't be so stupid anymore." Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, gently clicked his tongue, and then turned around.

"Why, why is Xiao Wu ignoring me?" Inside the cage, Tang San was staring at the Reincarnation gate with an incredulous face, lost in thought.

"Because she already knows that you've killed countless spirit beasts and intend to kill Da Ming and Er Ming." With a flash of light, Lin Manshan's figure appeared outside the cage, "Now that she has been reincarnated, she will start a new life. You, on the other hand, will never be able to reincarnate."

"Lin! Man! Shan!" Tang San clenched his teeth, his body lunged, his hands gripping the cage, his eyes glaring at Lin Manshan, his speech was incoherent, "It's all because of you, it's because you forced me to do it! You, a commoner's son, what qualifications do you have to surpass me"

"Heh." Lin Manshan laughed coldly, "I'm looking forward to it, how long your anger will last."

After that his body transformed into a stream of light, shooting straight into the sky vortex.

Only then did Tang San's body steeply go limp, murmuring silently, "Xiao Wu, I've done all that to save you; But you, why are you so heartless, why are you so heartless! Da Ming and Er Ming are just two furry beasts and those spirit beasts that I killed also deserved to die. Could it be that my position in your heart is not even comparable to a bunch of beasts?"

At that, he suddenly raised his head and shouted, "The heavens are unjust, unjust!"

"That brat is blindly shouting nonsense? Making the old man's death unclean!" Under the vortex in the sky, a soul suddenly descended, cursing angrily as it fell.

Afterwards, it fell into the River Styx with a plop, only struggling a few times before returning to silence.


On the other hand, Lin Manshan returned to the current world and brought Zhu Zhuqing, who had already made a breakthrough, back to the small courtyard. At this time, the time was already late at night, and Lin Manshan was not prepared to disturb the others, so he could only follow Zhu Zhuqing into the bedroom, reaching out and pulling her into a princess hug.

The sound of water flowing ended, and a few seconds later, pop, the big bed shook fiercely.

A night without words, early the next morning, with a few girls and the old father-in-law Shui Chaozong, who came to join, they flew away from the academy.

First stop, Star Dou Great Forest. After making an Agility Spirit Beast break through the 100,000-year-old level by using an elixir, and then letting the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor step in to talk about it, the other party obediently made a sacrifice. Afterwards, Lin Manshan put his soul into the underworld, and he was responsible for looking after Tang San's soul.

Before he left, the Ice Emperor mentioned, "That one called Tang San slaughtered countless members of my clan, go down and don't be polite with him."

That Agility Spirit Beast was instantly infuriated, and after reaching the Underworld, the first thing he did was come in front of the cage that held Tang San, and directly raised his voice, followed by stretching out his claws.

"???" Tang San was startled, scurrying back and forth in the cage, dodging the sharp claw attack.

In the outside world, Lin Manshan continued to lead the team to set off for the second stop, the Extreme North.

Upon arrival, it was still the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor who stepped in and convinced an ice attribute 100,000-year-old spirit beast to make a sacrifice for Shui Chaozhong. The soul was sent to the underworld by Lin Manshan, and the task was still to watch over Tang San's soul. This time, Tang San, who had been attacked from front and back, failed to dodge off.

"Ah ah ah ah," Miserable screams continued to resound.

Soul body attacking Soul body, the pain that came from the soul, that wasn't pleasant.

At that moment, in the outside world, Lin Manshan had already led the team to continue to depart, crossing the Extreme North Land to the third stop, the ocean.

At the same time, in the Divine Realm, on the Divine Realm Committee, the gods were still discussing.

"I'm in favour of cooperating with the God of Death. I have long said that the rules of the Underworld are not suitable for the survival of the Gods of my Divine Realm. It may not be a good thing for the Divine Realm to engulf the Underworld. Just like light and darkness, reversing the rules and forcing them to mingle will only unbalance heaven and earth. Perhaps, it will even bring destruction to the Divine Realm. Moreover, even if we conquer the Underworld, how should our Divine Realm manage things in the Underworld?"

"I also agree; everything has an order, and even a god cannot change the rules of heaven and earth. Forcing changes will only incur destruction."

"Shura, what is your opinion?"

"I agree with cooperation, it's very simple, with the God of Death around, can you still conquer the Underworld?"


"Then let's cooperate, Shura, contact the God of Death."


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