Chapter 348 The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King

"No need to say more, it's decided." Deep Sea Demonic Whale King displayed his father's majesty.

After saying that, his body was covered in a purple aura, and then his body size shrunk at an extremely fast speed, and in just two breaths, a middle-aged man in purple and black armour manifested into shape.

Turning around, "Ah Lan, next, Xiao Lan will be temporarily handed over to you to take care of."

"Hm." The other Deep Sea Demonic Whale King had tears in her eyes as she nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, with the strength of your soul right now, you're only one step away from advancing to Divine Soul." Lin Manshan eyed the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King that had transformed into a human form and interjected, "And the Underworld is rich in soul power, which can be absorbed and utilized for you to refine and strengthen your soul. So I expect it shouldn't be too long before you break through to the Divine Soul realm."

"And when you promote your Divine Soul to achieve the position of Ghost God, I will think of a way to condense a physical body for you at the first opportunity, and at that time, you will be able to have the ability to enter and exit the Underworld."

"At that time, I will authorize you to meet your family occasionally."

"Thank you, my Lord." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King immediately gave his thanks.

Then he turned to look at the mother and daughter and said in a brief and soft voice, "I'm leaving."

"Well, I'll take care of Xiao Lan and spread the oracle."

"Papa, in the future, I will definitely work hard to cultivate."

"Hm," He said, then turned to look at Lin Manshan and respectfully said, "I, my lord, we can go now."

"Uh-huh." Lin Manshan nodded, with a flash forward, he reached out and put his hand on his shoulder, and with a flash of light, their figure disappeared in place.

Not long after, above the sea, two streams of light emerged on the surface of the sea and then crossed the sky at an extremely fast speed.

After a while longer, the reef and land appeared within their sight.

"Back." Sitting on the carpet, Shui Bing'er was the first to be alerted, raising her head to look towards the ocean as she got up.

The rest of the few people followed suit, and the Ice Emperor, the Snow Emperor, and the crystal dragonfish Jingjing that had been sacrificed to Shui Yue'er back then also appeared in unison.

In a short while, Lin Manshan slowly landed with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and was the first to speak out to introduce him, "This is the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King."

"I didn't realize that there was actually a spirit beast of Your Excellency's realm in the ocean." The Snow Emperor looked at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King with some surprise.

"Just a chance." Sweeping his gaze over the three beasts, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King instantly understood the situation.

Lin Manshan's gaze was also on the three beasts as he interjected, "Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, and Jingjing, I now have the ability to strip your soul from your spirit rings. This time, do you three want to follow the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King to the Underworld to cultivate?"

The three beasts looked at each other, and the Ice Emperor slightly lowered her head and took the lead, "There's nothing in the Underworld right now, so I'm not going there. Moreover, I haven't gone out much for so long since I came to the human world, and I'm still thinking of letting sister Bing'er take me out to travel the continent in the future."

"It's better to wait." The Snow Emperor nodded slightly, "With us around, in the future, when you encounter a situation where you need to communicate with a spirit beast, we can show up and help out as well. Also, as Bi'er said, I do want to understand and see more of the human world."

"Me too." Jingjing hurriedly answered.

"." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was suddenly thoughtful.

"Alright then." Lin Manshan nodded and turned his head towards Shui Yue'er as he began to introduce, "This is Yue'er."

Only then did the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King return to his senses, turning his head to look, sensing the fluctuations in Shui Yue'er's spirit power, he instantly understood and slightly arched his hand.

In a few moments, the mutual introductions were completed, and under the eyes of several people, he did not hesitate to initiate the sacrifice.

After half a day, yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, red, purple-gold, purple-gold, nine spirit rings were slowly rhythmically moving under Shui Yue'er's feet.

Peak level 94. Feeling Shui Yue'er's current cultivation level, Lin Manshan nodded slightly and turned his head to look at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's soul body suspended in mid-air, then he reached out his hand and transmitted the method of igniting the soul, followed by a finger to the ground, opening the Underworld passageway.

He gave a slight nod and said, "Go."

"Subordinate will excuse himself." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King gathered his surprised expression on his face, nodded slightly, and plunged headfirst into the vortex.   

Not long after, the vortex on the ground disappeared and everything returned to calm.

Only then did Lin Manshan walk over to Shui Yue'er and smile, "Not bad, your cultivation level has directly advanced to the peak of level 94, and you have also made up your skull and left arm bone, this trip can be considered as a rewarding one. After adapting for a while, you should be able to advance to level 95."

One step to heaven was enough to describe Shui Yue'er's situation at this time. After all, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's cultivation was close to a million years old, and the spirit bones he dropped were naturally close to a million years old. This was much stronger than even the one he had back then.

However, his entire body's spirit bones had now been promoted to Divine Armour level, which was also incomparable.

"Congratulations, Sister Yue'er." Zhu Zhuyu immediately congratulated.

On the side, Shui Chaozong revealed an old fatherly smile, while Shui Bing'er on his side also had a smile on her face.

"It's all thanks to Ah Man." Shui Yue'er said somewhat coyly.

"Alright, pack up, it's time for us to go back." Lin Manshan interjected with a smile.

"We've gained a lot on this trip, so when we get home, we'll have to celebrate."

"Good." A few people nodded and began to pack up their things.

Not long after, several figures crossed the land of the extreme north and swept towards the direction of the Heaven Dou Empire.

At the same time, within the Divine Realm, after the meeting was over, the Sea God returned to his residence with great strides, his feet suddenly lurched and his face showed surprise, "Hehe, how did the aura of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King of the Lower Realm disappear? In addition, the faith in the ocean seems to have decreased tremendously."

As if thinking of something, "Damn, God of Death, that guy, he struck so fast!" Finally, he couldn't help but burst out.

One day in the divine realm, one year in the lower realm, exactly at this time, Lin Manshan had already led the team back to Skywalker Academy.

That night, he personally cooked and celebrated properly, and then, he frankly accepted the Shui Yue'er's love and happiness.

The next day, several girls began to close their doors to adapt to the enhancement. Lin Manshan similarly announced a closed door, preparing to continue adapting to his newly promoted divine body, and then find a place to absorb the original energy of the heavens and earth to enhance his divine power cultivation.

However, before that, there were still important things to do.

After walking into the cultivation room, his figure flickered and directly disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, at the back mountain of the Supreme Pontiff Palace in Spirit City, Bibi Dong, who was regulating her breathing within the secret room, suddenly opened her eyes and turned her head to look at the familiar figure that she had been thinking about for a long time.

"Ah Man." Calling out in a low voice, she rose with surprise on her face and then approached with a flash of her figure.

"Sorry, went to help Yue'er and the others obtain their spirit rings." Lin Manshan intercepted.

"Well, I also learned about the news of you becoming a god." Bibi Dong buried her head into his chest and whispered.

"Dong'er, how are you comprehending the soul power cultivation method?" Lin Manshan asked as he glanced at the side door with his afterglow.

Bibi Dong and he had stayed in the Secret Realm with Soul Body for a long period of time and she had an understanding of the soul. Therefore, the last time they met, he had taught her the soul power cultivation method. As long as Bibi Dong could comprehend and cultivate soul power, in time, she would definitely be able to transform her physique into that of the Dark One Race. In this way, she would be able to go in and out of the Underworld at will without being constrained by the laws of the Underworld, just like him.

For the several girls at home and Dugu Bo, he also held the same idea. When he was done adapting, he was prepared to use the Dark One Soul Detention Art to strip the souls of a few people, take them along on a trip to the Underworld, and then send them back again, so that it would be convenient for them to understand the Way of the Soul.

When several people had all comprehended it, with his assistance, they would definitely be able to become Underworld Gods in the future and stay with him in the Underworld.

"Got some realization." Bibi Dong nodded slightly and stretched out her hand, and a faint green aura began to rise.

"This is, soul power," Lin Manshan immediately had a happy look on his face and lowered his head to taste test.

Subsequently, both palms moved down, with a gentle hold on the back to hold her up, their red lips connected like a puzzle, walking towards the direction of the side door amidst the whimpering and groaning.


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