Chapter 351 Harvest

Time passes little by little, a few hours later, beside the lake of the Star Dou Great Forest, the Silver Dragon King's delicate figure finally dissipates in an illusory manner. At the same time, on the other side of the ground; yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, red, red, pale gold, nine colour ten spirit rings moved rhythmically slowly.

And there was a two-metre tall giant egg wrapped in broad white dragon wings within the centre of the spirit rings.

Surprisingly, it directly allowed Yan'er to break through to the hundredth level. Dugu Bo was inwardly shocked.

In the middle of his thoughts, the wings wriggled open, revealing Dugu Yan, who had a dragon's horn on her head, dragon wings on her back, and was wrapped in white scale armour all over her body. At that exact moment, a flash of green light suddenly appeared before them, and the Silver Dragon King's dragon soul body, which was like a physical substance, suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, a light flashed on Lin Manshan's brow once more, transmitting information related to soul power to the Silver Dragon King.

"The Dark Ones..." After reading the sudden information, the Silver Dragon King couldn't help but be shocked inwardly, and then a hint of complexity flashed through her heart.

Cultivating soul power would cause one's physique to slowly transform into the Dark One Race's physique, this was simply creating a new race.

But in that case, would she still be considered a spirit beast in the future?

However, it had to be admitted that the Way of the Soul Gear and Spiritize has infinite potential and was far more rewarding than the Divine Position.

After all, a divine position would still restrain growth from a certain point of view. However, cultivating soul power was a way to increase strength without limit.

"That's right, from now on, you are not just a spirit beast, but also a member of my Dark One Race." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Whether it's a spirit beast or a human, they are all just the external form of life. Only the soul is the essence of life. It is the end and the beginning."

"This is something you will be able to realise when you enter the Underworld."

Any life that died, after its soul fell into the Underworld, would be transformed into the purest soul essence to be reborn again. In that case, what was the point of the so-called racial distinction? Everything would eventually return to nothingness and start over. The Silver Dragon King sighed inwardly.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the God of Death, all life is equal.

Thinking of this, she nodded slightly, "I understand."

Lin Manshan nodded and reached out to point at the ground, the Underworld passageway was instantly opened and a wide vortex appeared.

"Go, when you cultivate your soul power, I will show up to help you form your physical body."

"Hm." The Silver Dragon King nodded, and her divine soul turned her head to look at the Myriad Demon King, "In the future, this place will be under your care."

"Yes, Lord." The Myriad Demon King immediately bowed and responded.

Seeing this, the Silver Dragon King did not linger any longer and led the four beast souls of Di Tian, Bi Ji, Zi Ji, and Xiong Jun into the vortex passage.

Not long after, the passageway closed, and only then did the Myriad Demon King turn his head to look at Lin Manshan and bowed, "Lord Death."

"Lord Death, can I follow you?" The Skydream Ice Silkworm lying beside the Red King squirmed its chubby body to interject.

His spare glance, however, did not leave the Ice Emperor who was hovering on the side of Shui Bing'er.

"I disagree!" The Ice Emperor did not hesitate to answer loudly.

"." Lin Manshan gazed at the Skydream Ice Silkworm and said indifferently, "Then you better stay here and cultivate properly."

After saying that, he turned to look at Dugu Bo and a few girls and nodded with a smile, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

"Hmm." The few people nodded and followed Lin Manshan as he turned towards the forest.

"You brat better be honest, or I'll eat you right now." Seeing Lin Manshan walk away, the Red King instantly lost his scruples and looked at the Skydream Ice Silkworm with big round eyes.

The Myriad Demon King on his side was even more direct, with a vine bundle, he directly wrapped him up and dragged him away.

If I had known earlier, I would have said that I wanted to go to the Underworld. After being dragged away, the Skydream Ice Silkworm wriggled while shedding tears of regret.   

Meanwhile, within the Underworld, the Silver Dragon King had already led her group to the front of the cage.

"Why are there two human souls here?" Frowning slightly, she looked towards the beast-shaped souls guarding the side.

"These are the humans that Lord Death has imprisoned here." Looking at the dragon-shaped soul in front of it, as well as the two dragons and one bear behind her, the spirit beast in charge of guarding on duty only felt its soul trembling, lowering its head and not daring to raise it, its claws slightly raised to point at Tang San.

"I heard Lord Ice Emperor say that this human called Tang San had slaughtered and devoured countless spirit beasts in the outside world for cultivation."

"As for this one next to him, his name is Yu Xiaogang, and it seems that he had offended Lord Death God in his lifetime."

Upon hearing this, the Silver Dragon King's eyes instantly turned cold, and she asked in a cold voice, "Do you know what kind of punishment His Excellency the God of Death has decreed on the two of them?"

"Tang San is sent to the 18th layer of the Underworld Hell, to be tortured for eternity, not to be allowed to be reborn." The spirit beast replied swiftly, almost slurring out its words.

"Yu Xiaogang will experience the pain of tongue-stripping and throat-calcination, and will be reincarnated into the animal path as a pig for three lifetimes."

From what it meant, Tang San was going to taste all the punishments of the Underworld Hell for eternity. The Silver Dragon King instantly understood, and immediately turned her head to look at Tang San, who was shrivelled and fearful, and said in a cold voice, "This throne will remember you."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Xiong Jun, who was walking at the end, glared at Tang San with a ferocious expression, "Kid; when the Underworld Hell is established, you wait for me."

"." Tang San's face changed instantly.

On the other end, a few days later, Lin Manshan returned to Skywalker Academy with the group.

During this outing, Dugu Yan had advanced to level 100 True God in one fell swoop. Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ye Lingling were much worse, only staying at the peak of level 94. Titled Douluo level 94 to level 95 was originally a major threshold, and the ones who sacrificed weren't Divine Beasts, so the transformation was naturally quite a bit worse. To be able to raise so much, for the four of them, it was already the limit of what their bodies could adapt to.

No matter what, this trip had yielded a huge harvest. Therefore, when they returned home, a celebration was unavoidable.

'Operation Baby-making, it's time to work on this project as well.' In front of the dinner table, Lin Manshan couldn't help but secretly think about it.

Thus, a few days later, after completing a round of performance sprints, Lin Manshan appeared in Bibi Dong's bedroom at the back of the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

The next day, he returned to the cultivation room and began to incubate the physical bodies of the Silver Dragon King and the other beasts.

A little bit of time passed, and with the injection of divine power and soul power, the blood that originally appeared liquid gradually solidified, eventually transforming into a basin-sized dragon egg outlined by nine-coloured patterns. Afterwards, a faint beating sound resounded from within. Then, the light was dense, and through the glowing eggshell, the outline of the dragon could gradually be seen.

At this point, Lin Manshan stopped his actions.

"I didn't expect it to really work, next I have to wait for the Silver Dragon King's soul to integrate."

With this thought, he put the dragon egg into his space, took out Di Tian's life essence blood, and continued to incubate it.

After only a short while, the dragon eggs of Di Tian and Zi Ji, and the goose egg of Bi Ji were all successfully cultivated. On top of that, there was also a baby bear. After all, it wasn't entirely just essence blood, with some body parts handed over by several beasts in their original form, so it was at its optimal state. If he were to do any more nurturing, the bloodline would inevitably be diluted, and the fit between the soul and the physical body would also be reduced, which was not something he wanted to see.

"Hmm, Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor, pure ice element might be more suitable." In the middle of his thoughts, his body disappeared in place.

After a short while, he reappeared in the cultivation room. With a spread of his hand, a large chunk of Manifold Mysterious Ice Essence appeared.

The Extreme North Land has been in existence for more than millions of years, and this piece in his hand was taken out from the core ice layer of the Extreme North Land, and its age can be traced back to ancient times.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately urged his divine power and soul power to inject into it.


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