Miku grow a Futanari at her between her legs

Meanwhile, back inside the house went Miku was wearing some Korean outfit that Ayaka likes a lot of Korean male clothes that she wears too and she likes to dress as a male character too.

Miku: okay who wants to have sex with me today let me see here

Once Miku was packing her everything bag and she went over to the Hinata dorm dressed as a male friend who want to see Nao and tell them who was next to have sex together with Miku.

Nao: come on Miku and where the hell is she?

Kawata: Kosaka? what are you doing here you have a day off right?

Nao: yes I have but I have a plan with someone just alone with someone special

Out of a sudden, Miku arrived at the Hinata dorm and she was driving her BMW M3 racing car while others are seeing that Kosaka Nao had a boyfriend who look like some famous Korean boy from next door.

Miku: Nao come on let go

Nao: okay I'm coming to wait up

Kawata: wait…Kosaka where are you going together with him?

Nao: I will explain later to you all okay ciao

Right before Nao was going inside the car and later Miku had showing off her driving skills to the member himself.

Nao: Miku showing off your driving skills

Before Miku BMW M3 had left the dorm and went Kumi was seeing that Miku was having fun with Nao and she know that she like to dress up in a male outfit like a danso character.

Kato: Sasaki did something bother you?

Kumi: nothing let's go back inside and wait for them to return back

Kato: okay

Inside the BMW M3 car that have a fake person was driving and they were stopping the public sex car parking it only had sex inside the car so we can see a shaking car inside the car.

Nao: Miku you look so damn hot while you wear that

Miku: wow you look at you so damn sexy underneath your clothes

Suddenly, Miku was kissing Nao's lips while she was opening her pant and her hand was rubbing her futa huge cock went she was moaning that hard until Miku had a bit of cum herself in her pant again.

Miku: Nao you facing the front of the car while I was putting my futa cock inside of you

Nao: okay I'm ready

Out of the blue, Miku was pushing her futa cock inside and finally, she had cum a lot of her white sticky sperm and she was doing it the second time on her butthole and they can't get pregnant because they are both girls and Miku was making Nao impregnated inside her belly.

Miku: oh my god Nao please take all of my sperm

Nao: yes please give it to me

Before Miku had to pull out her futa cock and she was breathing very heavy the same with Nao and they are sweating so deep hot while they were having sex inside the car at the public sex car parking area.

Miku: Nao let's go back to the dorm and you have to tell everyone about my illness

Nao: I think I have an idea for that to tell them about

In the meantime, Miku was driving the car back to the Hinata dorm and later everyone can see that Miku was dressing up as a male like a guy from far away.

Kumi: good to see you back Miku

Miku: I'm glad that I was back again

Kawata: wait…what did you just say there he was Miku?

Miku: Kawata you like don't remember that I love to dress up in a male outfit right Ayaka?

Ayaka: yes and that Korean outfit looks good on you

Miku: oh how sweet of you to say that to me

Nao: we'll the doctor have to say that Miku had some illness around her between her legs

Kumi: did something wrong with your below the leg

Miku: my leg is fine but my there is not fine

When everyone was looking at where Kanemura was pointing and they say ohhhh and they were nodding and asked her some questions for later.

Miku: well Nao let's show them the true power of being in love with

Nao: wait…what are you talking about and we can't do in here can-

Out of the blue, Miku was grabbing Nao's chin while the Hinatazaka46 member can see that she was kissing Nao's lips Kawata was closing her eye and half of them are watching them kissing each other and the underage can't see them kissing with Miku mouth to mouth on her lips.

Nao: wow Miku you are a very good kisser

Miku: oh thank you

Miku's hand smashed on the walls and someone was dragging her away from Nao it was Morita who had promised to spend time together with her at the party in the Sakura dorm together with her member inside the party too.

Morita: where the hell are you I'm been trying to call you but you never pick up your phone or even text me

Nao: later Miku and ciao

Once Nao was leaving them to have a chat together and another member seeing them was arguing with Miku.

Miku: I'm sorry but please I can make up with you anything just ask me I will do for you

Morita: anything you say

Miku: yes of course anything

Suddenly, Morita was reaching her height level for her to kiss Miku's lips went she was doing that Morita kissed Miku's fucking lips while she was breaking the kiss and later she was hugging Miku for forgiveness to her.

Morita: I will forgive you and now can we go back to the party please and they didn't know that you are a girl with a futanari

Miku: well of course I go with you and let's take my car to go there

Right before Morita was dragged Miku's arm and she was waving at her member who was so jealous of Miku right now and she will be happy together with Morita by her side.