Chapter 2

Liza woke up slowly, her vision was blurred so when she looked up, she saw what appeared to be flies. But when it became better she saw that they were actually 3 men staring at her. She became alarmed trying desperately to move and even run but she was tied to a pillar. She still struggled hard. When they had watched her to their satisfaction, one of them finally spoke. "You should just stop trying to get yourself freed. As you know the more you try to do that, you might just end up taking your own life. she saw the wisdom in his words because the more she tried, the harder it was to get loose and it was beginning to strangle her. It was her turn to speak. "where am I?, why have you brought me here?" "Well, we saw you fighting back there and you were pretty good. You took out most of my men, so I thought you would make a good soldier and so, here you are. And about this place its best that that remains a mystery to you." Turning around, he said " the two men you see will be your personal guards. My guts tell me you're a slippery one". The two men untied her and were taking her to a room. While going to the room she wanted to take down the two men at least let that man know that he was right about her being slippery but curiosity got the better part of her. She wanted to know who they worked for and why they attacked their village so she just discarded the thought. She knew that one of the men was expecting an attack judging from the way he held tightly to his sword.


Trevor just sat there looking at the direction that the man with his sister took. Different thoughts of what they could be doing to her ran through his mind. They would possibly rape her. He heard that that was what raiders did. If they didn't do that, then they would sell her off to traders from God, who knows where. He cursed himself for being a jerk. He should have gotten her first before going for Isabel. Isabel ran over to him knowing exactly what he was thinking of since she also saw Liza and she was aware that he could have saved Liza and let her die but he didn't and the least she could do right now, was console him. "She's a strong woman. I'm sure she can take care of herself." "You know, those were the exact words I told myself before coming to get you. And look where it has gotten her. I always either underestimate her, or hype her abilities. I caused all these." He bent his head low and she could see a tear fall down from his cheeks but he hurriedly cleaned it off. "You shouldn't see me like this." she was short of words nothing she would say now would be able to ease his pain so she just hugged him and let him hold her. Besides after her experience, she needed someone to hold her. She just lost her nanny. That maid was the closest to her. The only companion she had. She grew up as a rich kid and barely had friends the maid was always there for her. It was almost nightfall when they both went to her house. His was destroyed. "What about your dad I mean, i haven't seen him around." "He went on one of his business trip and wouldn't be home until next year's spring." "That's like three months from now or even more." "yeah". He cleaned up, had his bath, and went to bed Liza on his mind. After some time of trying to get some sleep and nothing worked, he decided to sit up and think of how he would get Liza back. He was still thinking when he heard a knock on his door. "Trevor are you asleep yet". " No I'm still trying to fall asleep but I can't". "Can I come in?" "Ofcourse. It's your house anyway." She walked in and sat on the bed right next to him. "Hey" "hey. Look I know you probably don't remember but it's your birthday today and I'm really sorry I couldn't give you a present but I promise to make it up to you." It's not a problem Trevor, I understand. It's like you said even I forgot that it was my birthday today how much more you. But there is still something you can do for me." " And that is?" " let me sleep in your room tonight." "Hmmmmmmn well ok if you insist." "yay". she quickly lay her head on his laps and they talked and talked until she slept off. He watched her sleep it made him feel good. she was so lovely he wished he could do it every night. But that was just a careless wish. Soon he fell asleep.


The next morning came sooner than he expected. He woke up and felt Isabel head on his chest."Wake up Liza I've got to go". He said with his eyes closed. "Liza isn't here it's Isabel." she said those words with sleep written all over it. It all came back to him. There was an attack yesterday Liza was taken captive. And this wasn't his house it was Isabel's. "Sorry if I woke you up Isabel" "Mmmhmm". He stood up to have his bath. He walked to the bathroom lazily. While having his bath, he noticed that that was the first night since mom died that he hadn't had any strange dreams. He was sk comfortable sleeping beside Isabel that he forgot all his problems. Well, it was dawn now and work would begin he wouldn't leave Liza the way their dad left them he would get her back at all cost.