Caspian (2)

Slim fine fingers crawled onto my chest, leaving gentle trails on my shoulders. On the mirror was the reflection of an oblong and beautiful face of a black haired female.

She pressed her face on my neck, dropping a kiss on my neck. "Alpha, do you have to leave right now?" Her soft lips formed a pout on her face.

I reached out and caught the wrist of the hand on my chest. "Will you miss me Missandei?" I asked, bringing her hand to my lips, and pressing a kiss on the scented skin.

She nodded into my neck. "Of course, but do you really need to leave for tonight's game night? Those hungry vultures are eyeing the pack now it has weakened."

She was not wrong. The pack had weakened…. Relatively. An amount of 15 wolves had gone missing for two months consecutively, and the traces of the missing wolves all added up to the Witches. Of course those traces were meaningless as they were just evidence that pointed out that magic had made them disappear into thin air.