[Bonus chapter] 52


But I knew death. I hadn't known how it came seeking for me but it did. 

Weak and defenseless the girl laid on a snow covered road, with a small knife embedded into her stomach was me. She was dead. The skies up above her was swirling magenta-- like a wave about to crash on the city.

Snow fell down the streets, uneven with the summer weather.

How did I die? 

You might have to ask the me laid on the cold grounds, with a knife punctured into her stomach.

You might also have to ask that her why she was dressed in an all black dress, with the bodice so much tightened that the skirt of her dress was puffy and bell--like, and a black scarf tied around her deathly--pale neck. 

It was obvious why my skin was so pale--I was dead, but I didn't exactly remember applying the light makeup on my face. My body felt cold…. As cold as ice. It felt like a thousand needles plunging into my skin all at the same time.