Chapter 55

Third point of view

These voices were surplus. A collision of many, dripping with a state of excruciating pain both physically and mentally.

Mentally. The kind of anguished souls demons ate best. The kind of tormented souls that attracted demons the most.

These mundane voices that got It's body craving, ready to burst just from the taste of their pain from their voices were from earth.

It has never traveled to the human realm before. It never had much reason to. It was not that much of a high ranking demon so it had no need to venture to that realm for the pain that loomed around that realm was just like the habitats there- mundane.

Their pain was as mundane as they were. Sniffling runts, the lot of them.

But these- these voices made it's body shake. It needed a taste. Just a taste. It shot up from it seat and vanished on the spot.