Chapter 70

Third person point of view

Raindrops, frogs croaked, crickets, thunder clapped. It was a rainy day. The grounds were wet with rain, thunder clapped harshly, lightning struck with each clap of thunder.

The black jeep pulled over in the driveway. He got off the jeep with the little boy in his hand. The girl, with long purple silky hair narrowed down to her back. Her hair was tangled and knotted, and you could obviously see the little leaves, and little branches in them.

Her skin was very pale, and blueish from the heavy rain on her body. Her face was young, tender, and round. Her eyebrows were dark, and thick, like his curly eyelashes. Her deep dark yellow eyes that glinted in the darkness of the rain peeked from the hood of her thick curly lashes to see her surroundings.