Chapter 79

Third person point of view

"What does that mean?" Persephone asked, confused by the statement.

The fog shook. "I will come find you again when the time is right, for now I must recuperate, it seems I do not have as much energy as I thought."

Before Persephone could get in, the demon had disappeared. Persephone blinked, feeling that she was getting used to this disappearing act.

She raised her hand to sniff her armpit. She cringed her nose, she was smelling very badly.


Persephone released a sigh, then moved in to take off the infirmary dress she had since forever. Slowly she made her way into the steamed bath water, and became completely submerged by the water.

The water was warm against her, and made her release a sigh. Tightened muscles relaxed, and the unhealthy nerves quenched in the warm bath water. Under such relaxed circumstances it made Persephone realize how hungry she was.