Chapter 88

Third person point of view

A certain blonde haired girl stared down at her food. The canteen was bustling as she looked at the slob of a food which she tossed around with her rubber fork.

Clad in khakis, and a billowy white polo, she gave off a laid back feeling, but the look in her eyes was domineering enough to frighten others.

"Well if it isn't Arabelle Arthur," A voice commanded her attention. "Would've thought you'd do yourself a favor and shut yourself in."

Frowning, the blonde girl turned around to find that it was a blue haired girl that had spoken. The girl was in Nether Mount High's sports uniform, and had a black band around her neck. She had a blue necklace of half a moon around her neck. Behind her were two boy with crew cuts and a similar blue necklace of half a moon around their necks.

Stoner's frown loosened. "Hebrew." She breathed out. "I see our branch is opening the gates to degenerate sycophants now."