The Revolution

The time of Jack Nevedo's revolution was slow to begin as recruiting took a while. Jack Nevedo was quite a charismatic man, meaning that most of the people all agreed to join. Of course, this was an incredibly stupid plan, for the North had Duyao and the South only had guns and swords. This battle would be as if a dinosaur were to fight a swarm of ants, an annoying battle, but easy to win. Alas, as Jack calculated, the amount of soldiers in the rebellion were about 3 times the amount of the North's army because at the time being, The Kingdom of Han was making an offensive attack on Canada to expand their country. Luckily, the supply of Duyao was also low, as the nation used the majority for the Canadian Offensive. Sadly, this offensive was still lost, for the North had plenty enough to decimate the revolution. Thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians died when the North bombed the South to force a surrender from the revolution. Of course, this was highly unnecessary, but that was just the North's way of making sure it would never happen again. The kingdom then found out who caused this rebellion, Jack Nevedo, and tortured him to death.

Of course, those days are over and we now live to accept the fact that we are nothing but worthless insects to The Kingdom of Han...

Until a man who no one knew about rose from the shadows... His name? His name is Charles Nevedo. Before the revolution, Jack got engaged with some girl named Crystal Labornem. Henry never knew she got pregnant, but Charles was about the same age as him. Henry had never met Crystal, but he knew she had died in the revolution or committed suicide. Charles had just came to our house earlier knocked on the door. "Who's there?" Henry's father asked as he walked towards the door. "Charles-! Charles Nevedo!" he exclaimed as he rapped on the door. "I get it!" Henry's father replied as his eyes widened.

"Oh god! He exists!" he exclaimed in a hush voice to my mother and I. "Open up the door!" Charles yelled.

Henry's father then approached the door and opened it. "What do you want?" he barked with a scowl. "I already told that manipulative father of yours I had nothing to do with him! He may be my wife's brother, but he is nothing to me! Because of him, I almost died and was scarred for life!"

Charles grinned as he pushed Henry's dad aside. "Hello... Henry Davis, was it?" he asked as he reached his hand out in greeting. Henry scanned Charles as he approached him. "Who are you?" he asked, reluctant to shake Charlie's hand. "I'm Charles Nevedo! Your cousin!" he exclaimed. Herny's eyes widened as his suspicions came true. "W-Wait, what are you doing here?" he asked as he jolted backward. "Why- Why?"

Charles smiled. "Stupid... Why else would I be here? I'm here to start a rebellion!"