
You are successful as a teacher if you can explain to the students that "reading and writing is not a matter of fear but of joy".

Financial hardship is also a big factor in ending education life, in which the selfless cooperation of a teacher multiplies the success of students. Even more than that, the students' respect and esteem for the teacher is multiplied. There can be no greater complacency than this, usually which you cannot buy even if you spend billions of Taka.

They have to be ruled, not only ruled, they have to be cherished by their mother, they have to be with her as a friend. Usually in teen age students make more mistakes, if they want to correct their mistakes, if they don't treat them like friends, they will stay away from fear so it will not be possible to solve them. In this way, the respect of the teacher will not decrease but will increase. So there is a teacher, sometimes a father, sometimes a mother and sometimes a friend.

Many more small collaborations of the teacher bring joy to the minds of the students which an ordinary person cannot even imagine.