Blood relation and soul relation

Science has yet to discover the definition of life. The first priority in human life is to know oneself. However, we know or try to know many things in the world and will continue to do so, but has anyone ever tried to know or know himself properly. From generation to generation we continue to grow. Every human being should take correct lessons from the surroundings and nature apart from the literary knowledge. In modern globalization, we are not able to learn even though there are many opportunities to learn and know properly. The main reason is our lazy brain and distorted taste. Deep in the heart Allah has created our relationship never to be lost. Affection, love such relationships beat even the depth of the ocean. No matter how much defilement or dislike or indifference there is, the latent love hidden in the heart always stirs within, which can be accessed through the sixth sense. If you are close, it seems that you are neglecting a lot, but if you are far away, you can understand what is the tension of the heart. Expats can access it properly.

The relationship that is formed by birth between grandparents and parents in the same lineage is called blood relationship. Who are these grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, children of brothers and sisters. The origin of blood ties is the position of the father-mother relationship that has a legal, social basis that is inseparable and continuous. People are forgotten from the top, relationships are made from the bottom, and this is how the cruel old age of deciding how to proceed from beginning to end goes on. Kinship ties need to be preserved, these ties cannot be severed. One should keep track of the good and bad of the relatives, stand by them in times of danger and wish for their overall welfare. In kinship there is also the bond of maya and there is also the burning of jealousy and hatred. Relationships break and mend again. Many times long-unseen and neglected kinship relationships are not renewed. "It is not the keeper of the blood relation that shows grace in return, but the one who renews the severed relationship." If he himself is poor, he should still keep in touch with his relatives by visiting them and keeping in touch with them.

The kindred of the soul is the union of the soul, the bond of the heart, unbreakable for life, that is the writing of God. If there is a match of mind, all kinds of misunderstandings will be sorted out. There is no specific definition of this relationship. Any relationship other than blood relationship is spiritual. One of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit is love where there is anger-affection, deep affection, selfless relationships. Relationships are not only blood ties, but soul ties can also be relationships. A soul connection is where feelings are bound. Although not a blood tie, a soul tie is a tie that takes place without any effort. Sometimes when you give blood to a sick patient or take blood from someone, it is related to blood or spirit. So the bond of the soul forms the basis of the relationship and the pull of the soul is the relationship of the soul. But this relationship does not develop without any effort. Patterns may vary or differ according to status and status. But in your danger, happiness, sadness and in any situation of life will be by your side and will understand you without any interest, help you to go on the right path and advise you. A soul connection is a relationship that manifests itself in mutual affection, mutual respect and love.