I Just Met Her 2

"Close that mouth of yours." Mrs Roselia told her niece "he is notorious in getting into any girls pants he finds pleasing, he's not that kind of gentleman that strip and clothes you afterwards. When he is done then that's it. No happy ever after." she spoke seriously with out knowing that elena's thought was elsewhere, she was thinking of how to seduce him and having him all to herself. Elena smiled without noticing it.

"Elena I'm talking to you!!" Bringing back Elena's mind "Elena when he uses you, he dumps you. You're just another trash doll to him, so if you know what's best for you and you really want to work here with me, you better close that mouth and legs of yours since you don't know how to do that." she warned knowing the kind of girl elena's was.

"Come on aunt, that man is perfection. Why haven't you joined me in these work of yours all this while?" Elena asked with her eyes still fixed on the closed door 'i will get you I promise.' licking her down lips in a seductive way.

Mrs Roselia sighed. This niece of hers is so stubborn. She always does what she wants, maybe reality hasn't hit her yet for her to wake up from her fantasy with her new Boss. maybe.

Leonardo woke up with a headache. He slipped out of bed, walking to the bathroom.

He came down few minutes later to the kitchen to have his coffee. He received a call from his assistance that he was coming over to give him the list because he asked for it personally but felt like his assistance had another purpose. He walked into the waiting room it's 6.am and these assistance of his was taking his precious time.

"Good morning sir." he heard a sweet and sexy voice he turned to the source. He swallowed, looking at the beauty in front of him. realizing that she was very hot and wanting 'damn.' he said inwardly. Elena smiled with a sparkling eyes giving him a sweet gaze, licking her lower lip, elena was really going through with her plans on having him.

Elena was putting on a nude dress that could show her sexy body shape, her big b**bs was visible and her n**ples was sticking out since she was not wearing any bra. instead of wearing her uniform she was putting on that seductive wear just for him to see what she got.

"Good morning." He replied subconsciously removing his gaze from her body. "Umm miss Elena right ?" He asked waiting.

"Yes sir." she replied sweetly it was melting to the ears but Leonardo fight not to give in to the morning temptation in front of him.

"Good." he stated walking close to her. "I guess you shouldn't be dressing like this while you're working for everyone to see what's behind, I want to see you dressing on your uniform and not this." Locking their gaze together making the atmosphere intense.

"Hey Boss." david voice resounded disturbing the intense atmosphere. David froze immediately he stared at the woman.

"David do you have the list?" Leonardo called him out of his own world. Elena left the waiting room to change without looking back.

"Boss do you know that woman?" He asked instead.

"No I just met her" he said calmly. Loen looked at his assistant that was acting strangely , still looking at the door the girl followed. Well he hope he wasn't falling or crushing on the sexy girl that was trying to seduce him earlier or whatever she was planning on doing, she was his new maid for christ sake and he is planning on making her his personal maid.

"David you didn't answer my question." he hissed.

"Huh?...ohh yes that.... here's the list." he handed loenardo the file.

"Is your name include?" Leonardo studied the file.

"Umm yes sir..... about that can you remove my name?" He asked with pleading. Loenardo knew he had a purpose for coming here.

"No" he said shortly.


"Let's get going." he interjected and stood up from where he sat down earlier, and went outside, got into the car with david then they took off but david couldn't get his mind off that girl as he started recalling his meeting with her.