Shopping Together 2

"Good evening sir Good evening ma'am welcome to De Elporeto shopping mall. What will you like to get?" One of the attendant asked while calling a male attendant with a hand sign.he came and the two attendant was standing before them smiling.

"I need you to get her a beautiful and hot party dress with some pair of heels and jewelries to much with dress." He said and turn to Elena. "When you're done I will be waiting for your call." He turned and was about to follow the male attendant when she called him back.

"Where are you going? You haven't seen the dress I'll be getting?" She asked.

"He turned and smile at her I trust you won't disappoint me." And then he left that was the first time Leonardo has ever smiled at one and she was the first to see him smile all loenardo has ever done was to smirk and now this woman was bringing a smile a smile to his face.

Elena was shock to see him smile at her. because of the short time she has spent working with him. And what she has heard from everyone in the house .

She looked at his broad shoulders as he fade from her view she smiled and said "I can't believe we are shopping together one dream come true." People were busy staring at them before he left. And voices was heard. Three women stand among the crowd said to each other. "ohh they look good together." The other said. ''wish I was her. he is so handsome." Elena smiled and follow her attendant.

"This way ma'am what color of dress would you like me to get you or will you like to pick for yourself ma'am." she asked.

"I trust you will....." Then Elena sighted a very beautiful red dress. It was an off-shoulders with a daring cleavage. The lower part had a slit up to the knee The dress look very fitting. "can I have that?" She asked pointing to the dress.

"Sure ma'am." the attendant went and brought the dress and handed it over. Elena looked at the dress and went to the dressing room. Soon she came outside and everyone gasped on seeing how beautiful the dress was looking on elena like it was made with her body.

"Ma'am you're looking extremely beautiful your husband will be speechless when See's you." The attendant said. Elena smiled. 'it feels Good being called his wife she.' She wished she was. she stared at herself in the mirror and was pleased with the dress.

'I'm sure you won't be disappointed Leon.' she said smiling at the mirror and went back to the dressing room to change. She came out and handed the dress back to the attendant. "I will be taking this dress."

"Okay ma'am will you like me to pick the pair of shoes and jewelries for you?"

"Yes I will be waiting here for them." Elena said.

"Ok ma'am" the attendant left and came back few minutes later and handed the beautiful pair of shoes and Diamond jeweleries that go well with the dress Elena had pick earlier.

Elena saw it and smiled. "Good job you have good eyes" she said. "And what's your name?"

"I am Lili" said smiling.

"Beautiful name for beautiful girl. That is good Lili I really love the shoes and the jewelries." As she was still talking to the attendant Leon was already standing behind her.

"Are you done shopping? if you are let's move to the next shop for your hair and body treatment."

Elena jump in fear and place her hands on her chest. "ohh my God you startled me." she said breathing high.

Leonardo just rolled his eyes and walked to the cashier and paid for everything and they both walk to the car went to the saloon and spa, after that they went home. Elena was about to go to her room when she saw her aunt staring at her with deadly eyes and her hands across her chest.

"Elena I thought I warned you to stay far from the Boss and here you are going shopping with him without my permission."

"Come on aunty don't you think that you are overreacting? it's just shopping okay what if I tell you that I am going to a business party with him tomorrow as his date what will you say to that?" Elena asked closing one eye and opening the other waiting for the loud shout.

"What!!! Date!! You are not going anywhere you hear me? you are not going anywhere."

"Auntyy it's not a date it a business party and you know it's an order and you can't stop me from going with the Boss." She said making a baby face swinging her leg up and down holding her aunt hand. "Please aunty let me go I promise to be a good girl please."

Mrs Roselia look at the cute baby face Elena was making. "Fine you can but. remember your promise." 'and it's not as if I can go against the Boss anways' she said to herself. Elena hug her tightly.

"Thank you so much aunty." She gave her a Peck and went to the bathroom to shower.