Dilas Past and a Forgotten Memory

"Mother left, she didn't tell us about her leaving," said Kreysa. The girl gave the bouquet of flowers she had made.

"Wait a minute, did something bad happen to you, guys?" asked a girl who had the same age as Freislor. The girl was wearing a light blue dress, there was a bruise on her right arm. The worst part about her was a hammer stuck in her leg. And that's what makes Kreysa always scared when she does this ritual.

"Ah, I get it. By the way, yesterday, Kreysa and I just fought. One of my friends died because of my fight at that night. I couldn't save her. I'm so sad because i let her involved in that fight," said Freislor while shedding tears. She was trying to make herself strong.

"Is he the same person?" asked the woman with a worried face. Freislor nodded her head. Kreysa who was standing next to her was silent. She waited for the right time to speak and give her opinion.

"I don't really understand the loop of time that goes on around us. But, I just want to say one thing before it's too late," said Grandma Freislor. The woman opened her mouth wide.

"What does Grandma want to talk about?" Kreysa thought deeply.

From there, the grandmother's skin peeled off by itself. After a while, her peeling skin became several sheets of paper. That sheet of paper floated in the air by itself.

"Ah, we will listen to the story after this. You all need to sit down," said the grandfather who was wearing a black jacket. Everyone sat down in their own way. Freislor sat with a worried face and Kreysa with several questions spinning in her head. Dilas who was her sister sat besides two of them.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Freislor tried to calm her down.

"Shut up, Freis. Don't interfere, I hate the story that I will listen to after this. She is the person who killed your aunt," said the girl while playing with the hammer stuck in her right leg.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know that story was so painful for you, Dilas," said Freislor. The girl apologized with a guilty face. In the next instant, several pages of the book that were there fused themselves into a human figure. Let's say they are paper people. Their grandfather stood up and stepped forward.

"For both of you, I'm sure you know who the person you're looking, right?" he asked with a worried face. Kreysa and Freislor exchanged glances. Both of them were confused by the person in front of them.

"My Sister, do you know who is he?" asked Kreysa while glancing to the side. Freislor just kept silent and shook her head. The grandmother who saw her two grandchildren, laughed softly.

"Ah, well. I don't think you know who is the person. So, let me explain it to you. The reason why you don't recognize them is because your Grandfather erased the memory of this person," the grandmother replied. Freislor and Kreysa were surprised, the two girls faced their grandmother.

"Really? But, why?" asked Freislor, the girl glanced at Dilas. The girl snapped one of her fingers. The next second, a blue smoke flying. Transformed into the figures of Freislor, Kreysa, and Dilas when they were little.

Freislor with her hair in a neat ponytail at the back. Then, Kreysa with her braided hair. And finally there is Dilas, a little girl who chooses to let her hair down. The three of them were playing and chatting together.

"Kreysa, take this ball from Me," said Dilas. Freislor and Kreysa know very well that Dilas is a woman full of joy. Unfortunately, Kreysa and Freislor still don't understand what's on Dilas's mind.

On the one hand, Dilas started to twist her fingers. The story show that was in front of Kreysa and Freislor immediately changed completely. Because there was a man who launched a hammer and hit Dilas' arm.

"Stop!" Kreysa snapped, the girl was scared. Tears flowed freely from her eyes. Freislor who was sticking by his sister's side scratched her head. She still didn't understand what happened.

"What happened, Kreysa?" she asked while hugging her little sister. Dilas, who knew Kreysa's feelings, snapped her fingers. What was in front of the two instantly vanished in the wind.

"Freis, that person killed Dilas," Kreysa said slowly. Freislor blinked her eyes many times. Several things swirled in her head. The girl glanced at Dilas. She knew very well that Dilas had tears in her eyes.

"Dilas, why does he want Kreysa and I to forget what happened?" she thought deeply. The girl stroked Kreysa's head.

"Never mind, Kid. We can't go back in time. Look, I and the others don't have much time to go backwards. So, let's focus on what I want to tell you about," the grandmother said it to Kreysa and Freislor. Both od them let go of each other's arms. Trying to make themselves strong.

"Well, let's begin. There are a few things you should know. The person you see ahead of you is the person you should meet. He has the map to locate Grendolfin. And remember, you must find him as quickly as possible. I don't want You're too late to retrieve the map."

"Wait a minute, how did Grandma know if I was looking for Grendolfin?" asked Freislor while rolling her eyes in embarrassment. Occasionally, she massaged her forehead because it was really tiring for her.

"Yeah, of course, I know that because the Demonliks talk about it over and over again in the world of the dead, Freislor. And you know exactly who a Demonlik is. He's one of the dungeon guards who knows best about what's going on in your world, right? " asked the grandmother with a faint smile.

"Ah, I didn't understand that they could be so interested in the troubles of my world, Grandma. But, where can I find him? And, may I know his name?" asked Freeslor. Dilas immediately stood up, she didn't hesitate to walk towards Freislor. Kreysa who saw her walk lowered her head.