Perfect family (2)

Lousiana: New Orleans

10:13 am.


Twenty four in age.

Hia charm is in his intense almond-shaped dark eyes. The kind that when you look into, yours becomes a window to his soul. He had this heavily-defined bow shaped lips, full just enough to add to his hypnotic features. His skin tone was olive.

He was with no doubt this hot, physically fit person who had this sexual aura. Not in the bad way though, you know this kind of person who when you are with, you definitely wants to feel his muscles and have a taste of. That was him.

His wavy hair was longer at the top. The sides were not bald, just slightly shorter than the top and his hair definitely dark and silly accentuating his dark eyes.

His aura screamed confidence, though he sometimes got a little bit playful when surrounded by friends and family.

Taking about family, his parents lived separately for as long as he could remember. His childhood straight into teen life was a mess, not because of financial constraints though, because he couldn't choose who to live with. So when he turned eighteen, he moved out of the Anderson villa to live out.

Andersons were rich, probably the richest families in the country. They controlled almost all businesses in Louisiana, talk about real estate, food, textile or entertainment. They at least had not less than 20% shares in any company in Louisiana. Rumors have it that they were also involved in the underground business. That's just allegations, what is for a fact is that since Dario's father Henry Anderson, took over, he got into some shady deals. The rich always got away with shady business and Amos Anderson definitely was no exception.

Dario has a brother,Blake Anderson four years younger than him. Blake has lived with his mother but later moved in with him two years ago when he couldn't handle the family feud.

Two years ago, his parents officially divorced. Two years ago, he had lost his then twenty two year old sister, Madison. Two years ago, Blake moved in with him.

He still often wondered what is it that happened two years ago.


"Can I borrow your car?"

That was Blake. After knowing very well that Dario hated sharing things, moreso his cars, he still went on to borrow one. His joy was always his brother's frustration.

"No!" Dario bluntly refused. But he knew better, Blake was probably going to use one of his dirty tricks to get his hands on his Porsche. He knew he was right when he saw that irritating smug look on his face.

"Don't even think about blackmail Blake."

"You know me well brother."

"You're so annoying!"

"I know," Blake replied smugly. Knowing his brother to be the 'i want it i get it' type of person and would never stop, not until he got his hands on whatever he wanted. So he gave in but he had to set rules.

"One hour." Dario negotiated.

"I guess I should give May a call then."

"Okay two hours final."

"Acceptable. Key?"

"You're an asshole Blake Anderson." Dario cursed while throwing the keys at him.

"I know." Blake said winking at him before walking away.

Him knowing Dario's one night stand with Cathy, his girlfriend's best friend, was the best blackmail tool he ever had against Dario since he could remember.

Dario doesn't like that he uses May to get favours from him. He knows he fucked up. He shouldn't have hooked up with Cathy, May's friend. But he was drunk. He know that shouldn't be a reason for hooking up with his girlfriend's best friend but he keeps using it as it was the only way he could justify his deeds.

He is also not sure if at all he is in love with May.

May is this delicately beautiful spoilt girl who is used to getting everything she wants. She wanted Dario and well yeah she got him. As complicated as that sounds...that's how Dario got involved with her.

His friends know that he's really not into her, even Blake knows that.

Blake often wondered why his brother doesn't want to break up with May if he's not in love with her. Dario and May are perfect examples of no-chemistry couples. He doesn't know about May's feelings but he definitely know about Dario's. And Dario wasn't into her.

The one time hook up with Cathy could be an easy scapegoat for him to get away from that relationship but he didn't want May to know about it.

"You're really dumb Dario." That is always what Blake told him anytime their complicated love affair is brought up.

Dario loves his family very much moreso his brother. He is also very sure that Blake loves him the same way despite his cocky behavior.

Their relationship is this pure, always there for each other type of sibling relationship but only in difficult situation. In normal circumstances, they would always be just any typical siblings who enjoy frustrating each other. And Blake was surely good at that frustration part.

However, one thing is for sure though, whenever he hears people speaking of perfect families, he is not left out. He has someone who could fit the category of his perfect family regardless of the mess his parent's divorce caused. Blake Anderson.



Still haven't figured out who i see Dario as. What do you think? Share your views with me.

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