
Blake's pov.


Why was Dario up so early?

He never woke up before nine. Or was it nine already?

I checked the time by my wrist watch.


Liz was still not out. I looked back and whispered to her, "Dario is up already." Before she panicked, i added, "just behave normally. We'll convince him together."

After confirming that she was okay, i held her hands like it was totally a normal thing as well walked out the room.


That was Dario. I guess the pleasantries were not meant for me because the two of us aren't used to that.

"Morning. Nice to meet you too Mr.Anderson."

Liz was formally ready for anything. She alone was capable of handling my nosey brother. I decided to leave it to her.

"I think Dario is fine."

"Elizabeth. Friends use Liz. You can just call me Elizabeth."

Wait! What?

That was harsh. She just insinuated that Dario is not her friend so he should not call her casually.

Dario was cool with it...or he was just pretending.

"I ordered some breakfast for us."

He looked at me silently asking for my opinion. It would be rude just rejecting my brother's hospitality but also i had to ask Liz if she was cool with it.

"I think it will be nice having breakfast if you aren't in a hurry."

She was nervous. I could tell. Her hands were sweaty. Why then was she pretending to be strong. Silly girl.

"I think it's okay." She accepted regardless of the fact that she was nervous.

That went well.

The breakfast was lively with our constant bickering until Dario asked sometime that piqued my interest.

"So what's up with your friend and Alexander Morgan?"

It came out casually but my brother's nervous look made me think otherwise. It was not unintended.Why was he so interested in Alex and Laura.


Liz asked him.

Dario shrugged, "Why not?"

I could see thst Liz was getting impatient. If things went on like that, then the two would end up in bad terms. I didn't wish to see a wedge between two of the most important people in my life.

"You know she won't talk to you if you withhold the reasons."

I tried reasoning with Dario hoping to put some sense into his mind.

Dario exchanged glances with me before looking at Liz. It wasn't just a peek, it was a stare.

Liz on the other hand, seems to have decided not to cower in fear. She was not going to allow him intimidate her.

I could feel the tension between the two of them. The two looked like two alphas ready to lead their respective parks to war. I had to do something before the two killed each other with those sharp gazes.

"Love." Dario's deep voice sounded in the room.


"Don't even try it!"

Liz's confusion and my warning came synchronised. Dario stiffled a laugh.

"Not funny." Liz rebuked.

Dario was really getting in Liz's nerves and he knew. I really wanted to warn Liz that Dario was just messing with her but i couldn't.

"It's funny dear sister in law."

What the fuck!

I looked at Liz who seemed composed on the outside but was on the verge of exploding.

"Stop messing with her D." I tried warning him.

"I'm not messing around. I just answered her question."

Me: Huh!

"She asked why i was inquiring about Laura and Alex."

Me: Yes.

"I just answered her."

Me and Liz: Huh!

"Funny how both of you thought i was in love with Elizabeth."

Me and Liz: ????

"I mean she's too short for me."

"Dario." Liz roared at him. She looked like a cute little cat trying to scare off a lion. I wanted to laugh but decided not too. I didn't think i could handle her wrath.

"Yes Shorty."

Dario answered innocently. My brother was so good at messing up people's brains. Only Ash could handle him.

"I can make a body disappear."

Wait! I didn't expect that from her. Dario looked at her amazed. It seemed he didn't expect her to say something like that.

"You got a fierce one B." He acknowledged.

I don't think i heard any other things the two talked about. My attention was fixed on Liz's they looked delicious even as she spoke...shit!

Just thinking about what those lips could do made my blood boil. I quickly gulped some cold water to cool down my body.

"First take responsibility."

Dario told Liz while pointing at me. He realized. That was embarrassing. Was Liz going to think that i was just a pervert.

"Stop joking Anderson." With that my brother raises his hands in surrender.

"Back to where we were, are you sure about Laura?"

"Sure about what?" I asked confused.

"If i say you were looking at someone's lips all along and couldn't concentrate, some shorty here will make my body disappear."

Liz gave the two of a helpless look. She was so done with Dario.

"You know what Anderson, you're on your own now."

"Why? I thought you had agreed to partner up with me."

"Until you become serious. One last thing, don't play whatever it is you were playing off with me infront of Liz. She will kill you and I'll make your body disappear."



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