
Not yet edited.
A bonus chapter for apology.
I'm sorry i didn't update yesterday.
And I'll definitely be giving you guys another chapter or two in the evening.
Transitioning is hard for everybody. Why? Because you need to adjust from something you prefer doing to something you need to do.
For someone who loved sleeping in, transitioning was going to be hard.
What if this person is also needed to work until late hours in the night? Then transition will be harder.
Remember this person also need to adjust to caring for more than fifty people people yet in all his twenty four years, he has only taken cared for two people.
That is the hell Dario Anderson was in. He not only had to wake up at six everyday but also look out for everyone in Gaming.
It had been two days already since Gaming activities began. It had been only two days since the notice of recruitment was posted.
Only two days, yet he was already regretting his decision. And the fact that alot of people seemed to have faith in him was not helping. Was it because of he was an Anderson.
By alot of people having faith in him, i don't mean business proposal and investors. That would be insane since the company had only be there for couple of days.
By saying alot of people having faith, i mean alot of parents. After the recruitment notice, they had started the scouting process. So far they had like seven kids already whom surprisingly, their parents had no problem.
All were fifteen years except two who were both fourteen years. He thought that most parents would have issues with their children not going to school, but he was wrong. Most parents trusted him. And he promised to not fail them.
Actually he didn't plan on getting them any tutors. The were to be trained, play for OGT with a warranty of getting them parmanet jobs at Gaming when they couldn't play anymore.
But after seeing the hope and trust in the parents eyes and also the innocence in the kid's eyes, he made plans.
In as much as they were being trained to be pro-grammers, there too was to be tutoring hours. This was basically to give them freedom of choice. They were still young and had not still be exposed to many things. Just in case one of them found a new interest that didn't involve gaming, he would set them free. So the schooling was for them to acquire more skills.
He would treat them just like his younger brothers. Like a family.
You now understand why i said transitioning is hard for everyone moreso to Dario who didn't appreciate a phone call when he was busy catching on some sleep. He impulsively rejected the call at first, that's what any frustrated would do. Again any frustrated person would be haunted after impulsively rejecting the call.
That was what happened to Dario making him groan in displeasure before deciding to call back whoever called him.
"You better have a good reason for calling me right now, Ash."
"Come get your friend. I'll text you the address."
That was definitely not Asher. Dario knew it and that voice, why did it sound so familiar.
"Rude." He said to that person after hang up.
In as much as he didn't appreciate being treated rudely by another nonexistent asshole, he had to go get Ash. He would deal with Ash later for making him lose his sleep.
Grey sweatpants and a white hoodie to protect him from the night's cold breeze was all that was needed for him to exit his apartment.
The address that was sent was for another Bar. Meaning Blake had been drinking. Without him. How could he.
Another thing to hold Blake responsible for. The last time he was that drunk was that first days after them being friends. It was nothing serious so this time round, Dario thought that it was just like any other day.
Moments later;
It was a question not acknowledgement. He was wondering whether this was a Netflix series where your crush finds you drunk, then you confess in drunk state then you two get married happily ever after.
Dario looked at his drunk friend and smirked. His eyes lit up which Alex didn't miss. He could trade his sleep for this moment. He found something again to use against Ash. He was happy.
"Take care of your friend, Anderson."
He said as he helped Ash into Dario's car. And Dario didn't miss that soft gaze from Alex to his best friend.
Did something happen?
What did he miss?
After that phone call he received when he was at R&L, Alex had frequented that bar. Getting drunk to forget your problems. That was what he was doing.
Getting drunk is never the solution to any problem. Alex knew that. He had experience that because every night, he'd get drunk, forget everything for a while but the next morning, everything would come back haunting him.
Only one person could have helped him. Only one person always helped him. Unfortunately that person was no more.
Even since Ray died, he had a feeling it wasn't just an accident as the media said. If his instincts were right, then he was sure he knew who was responsible for Ray's death and why.
Then he received that call being told that the breaks of the car Ray was driving were tampered with. It was something that had been planned and he was very sure it was the Andersons because why not? The Andersons were the only people who had a problem with Ray. Not only Ray but alot him. And he was the cause of everything.
He was the problem. And after realizing the possibility of Ray's death being a murder case carried out by the Andersons, he was guilty.
Guilt. Regret. Agony. Alcohol.
That was always the pattern of his life for almost a week.
Two years ago shouldn't have happened.
He shouldn't have met Ray.
He should have just ignored him just like he had always done for seven years.
So here we are...
Alex, just like everyday, was in the bar when something caught his eyes.
Or maybe someone.
He was in his Satin-walled room. The glass walla provided just needed privacy. He couldn't be seen through but he could see through it.
That is how he has managed to see a certain drunk boy who was almost becoming a prey to some drunk men.
He always never bothered with such incidences. And he didn't know why he went down to rescue the oblivious boy. Did he remind him of someone?
He helped him outside to get some fresh air hoping the cold breeze sobers him even a little bit.
When nothing happened, he opted for the next option.
He took Ash's phone out. Luckily for him, he could use fingerprints to unlock. A little struggle here and there with Asher's fingers, he managed to unlock.
The plan was to call the first person from his call log who was also the last person he talked to.
Scrolling through the call log was not the plan. And Dario was not the last person Ash seemingly talked to.
Why did he call Dario?
Because he was the person Ash seemed to frequently call.
Another reason which to any reasonable person was stupid, was how Dario's contact was saved.
Ash calls Dario D and Blake B so it was only normal to save him that way.
But then someone though it was initial or a code for something else.
Before he could think things through, he had already dialed Dario's number which was declined after two rings.
"Maybe it's complicated and he D didn't want to talk to him."
That was what he thought.
His next possible thing to do, was to stick to the initial plan. Call the last person Ash talked to.
Before he could call, there was a notification for incoming call.
From D.
He received at the first ring.
"You better have a good reason for calling me right now, Ash." The man from the other end said.
'So his name is Ash,' That was what was in his mind while he ignored the displeasure from the other end.
"Come get your friend. I'll text you the address." He said curtly. When the guy attempted to ask who he was, he ended the call abruptly. Which was rude. And now the next question was the reason for him being rude.
He didn't have to wait for long when he a Rolls Royce pulled up infront of him.
He didn't expect the D guy to arrive five minutes later.
And he definitely didn't expect that person to be Dario Anderson. Dario which explained the D.
The smirk. The Dario's eyes lit up with something which he couldn't really fathom and which possibly 'didn't disturb him.'
Minutes later, he watched the car disappear with a sigh leaving him with strangely familiar feelings. Familiar and agonising.
Familiar definitely because he had felt that before.
Agonising because it ended up killing his best friend.