
The entire corridor was empty, only the sounds of keystrokes mocked from the pulpit.

Approaching the department, Orion was 10 minutes late.

"Damn it!The main thing is that he doesn't leave!"

Every student knows that after 10-15 minutes of waiting for the teacher and his non-appearance, you can safely leave.

The teachers know the same thing.

No students for 15 minutes?So they won't come.

Entering the room, the guy sees Kyle actively typing.

— Hello, Kyle Barrow.— The guy says.

The red-haired man does not look up from his laptop.

— I'm sorry.— attracts the attention of a guy.— We will have a practice…

- yes.Wait in the hallway.— A strict answer.

Realizing that the practitioner will be typing for a few more minutes, Orion decides to ask his guys.

"Where are they?"

It was spinning in his head.

- Hey guys, morning.Where are you all?

Only after sending the message does the guy realize that it was stupid to write this.

He knows these excuses himself.

After a while, Kyle comes out of the pulpit.

Looking at Orion, Kyle asks.

— Where's your shift?And where is your band?

— Ha-ha, you see, here's the thing…I accidentally left it in the C case.And my group, she…

— You don't know where they are.

— Yes. — the guy answers quietly.

— Okay, let's go to the C corps.

— I can go for a shift there myself, you don't have to bother yourself.

— No, I'll test your skills there.

— Got it.— The guy nods.

Orion and the practitioner slowly walk to the C corps.

— Why did you enter this profession, guy?

— Aah? — the girl was slightly taken aback.— I wanted to take a hero course, but there were no grants.

— So you know how to fight?

— To some extent.

When they reach the building, they go inside and go to the reception.

— Hello.Kyle says.— We need a room with a ring.

— With a ring?Orion asks again.

"What the hell ring?"

Ignoring Orion, Kyle takes the keys to the room with the ring.

After changing their clothes, they went to the ring.

— Come on, Hajis, let's test your skills.

— Should it be in practice?— The guy asks doubtfully.

— I have to check your reflexes, habits and so on.Having learned all this, we will start working on your weaknesses.

— Got it.

Kyle stepped into the ring and waited for Orion.

Kyle was wearing a charcoal T-shirt and sports shorts.

He was well built, broad shoulders and athletic body

Orion, in turn, wore a black T-shirt with gray shorts.

Having also a good physique and muscle mass, he seemed to be on par with the practitioner.

Standing opposite each other, Orion asks.

— How will we spar?

—The ring is fortified, so you can not hold back, use any fighting style.

- OK.— The guy gets up a boxing pose, every muscle of his body was filled with strength.

Kyle, meanwhile, stood quietly assessing his opponent.

— Let's start.Kyle says.

Orion shortens the distance and hits the head with his left fist.

As if anticipating this step, Kyle dodged with a slight movement of his neck.

A grin played on his lips.

Orion hits the head with his right fist as well.

The blow was much faster than the first one.

Kyle crossed his arms and blocked the kick.

— Quickly.— Says the practitioner.

Kyle collects all the moisture around him.

Noticing this, Orion uses the power of Hercules.

The power hidden in his fist could destroy granite.

The blow flew straight into Kyle's stomach.

After collecting enough water, the practitioner applies a martial art and redirects the guy's attack into empty space.

After exchanging a few more blows, they create a distance between themselves.

— Okay, kid.Good reflexes and the brain is working.It's time to get serious.

A water spear appeared in Kyle's hand, its tip bubbling like the surface of the ocean during a storm.

"Weapons?Are you serious?I'm a fucking student!"

Seeing the weapon in the hands of the opponent, the guy was confused.

Taking control of himself, he began to think.

"We need to be faster than him."

A plan began to form in his head.


Kyle lunged at Orion.

The spear strike was as sure as the owner.

Dodging the blow, the guy gets closer.

The spear is most effective at the middle distance.

By closing the distance between them Orion got into Kyle's blind spot.

Orion's blow was like a leopard's lunge, just as fast, just as deadly.

Kyle dissolves the spear, grabs Orion by the head and hits his knee in the face with all his might.

Orion, struck by a blow, loses his balance.

Kyle goes through his legs and knocks him over.

— Fuuh, not a bad guy.Beads of sweat were coming off the red—haired man's body.

Orion, meanwhile, was holding on to his nose.

— Oh, don't worry.Everything will be fine as we take you to the infirmary.Oh and one more thing. Your skills are not bad, if I had a real spear, I would be defenseless.But you yourself saw how I created it in one moment, so why didn't you think that in another moment I could remove it?

Kyle shakes his head sadly.

— I basically saw your weaknesses.Every day we will be sparring and you will work on yourself.

Orion was looking at Kyle, no, at the Devil Incarnate himself.

"Where did I get to, why did I come?To be fucked up every day?"

Thought the guy

— Okay, Orion, let's continue.

— And the infirmary?

— After practice.As one of my teachers said, practice begins with physical labor.Get in the rack.

"Fuck you..."


And so Orion and Kyle sparred every day.

Kyle gave the basics of the super fight.

— First of all, you are the savior, the one who protects ordinary citizens.Even if you're not a hero, you still have to protect people from hostile superpowers.You're their shield.Their support.

— Never say the name of the technique.It's one of the dumbest things you can do in combat.

— You need to win, to do this, use all the dirty tricks without overstepping moral limits.Otherwise there will be no difference between you and the monster.

— Sorry, Kyle, but then why do we need heroes?

— Don't treat them as rescuers.They are combat units serving the state.All they know how to do is fight and nothing more.

— Every day they crave strength.They train tirelessly every day.Every day may be their last.

— The path of a hero is the path of self-destruction.In order to become stronger, they lose their humanity, becoming more effective.The oldest of them are indistinguishable from humanoid monsters.

— If you are a hero, then you are very selfish.Of course there are exceptions, but such heroes with remnants of humanity disappear every year, sacrificing themselves to save others.

— Were you a hero yourself?You know so much about them.Orion looks into Kyle's eyes.

— There was a baby.He was both a hero and a savior.Kyle answers.— Get in the rack.I'll show you the sky.

"The sky?What is the sky like in the ring?Or does he mean something abstract?"

— Do you want to bet?Kyle asks.

"What bet?"

"If you can hit me, then you don't need to make a report.

— This..

"Sounds good, right?"

— And if I lose?

— You'll be my punching bag.

"...okay, I agree.

Standing opposite each other, they begin sparring.

Water spears form on the sides of the Kyle.

Kyle's entire side was packed with his spears.

Rushing forward, Kyle throws spears.

The first spear missed, the second blocked Orion's movement.The third intended to crush his head.

The floor cracked and cracked like a spider's web.

Orion jumped back.

His eyes were like those of a top predator.

Amber color and vertical pupil.

His skin was covered with tiny beige scales.

Kyle jumped on Orion while he was defenseless in the air.

Kyle's blow didn't leave a mark on the scales.

After landing, they both watched each other.

All the moisture in the room began to press Orion from all sides.

More than 5 copies were also flying towards him.


The guy makes a powerful clap creating a shock wave that destabilizes the shape of the spears.

An oriental water dragon was forming behind Kyle.

One kind of mighty dragon with a height of 3 meters threatened Orion.

The dragon flew forward.

His speed was amazing.

Taking the blow, the guy grabbed the creature by the mouth and tried to hold it.

"Spears!Where are his fucking spears?"

Orion looks around for copies.

Through the transparent water dragon, he sees that Kyle is just standing there with a smile from ear to ear.

— You've lost.

The dragon disintegrated and all the water began to envelop the guy.

A ball of water formed, which held the white-haired man.

"Hydra is strong, but even with her strength, you can't touch me.


One of the gods who struck the Titans.

"Go away."

As if obeying, the water lost the shape of a ball.

Kyle looked at Orion calmly.

The water western dragon appeared behind the guy.

The dragon opened its mouth and began to squeeze the water.

Pointing its mouth towards Kyle, the dragon emits a powerful stream of water.

Kyle stretches out his hand towards the pressure.


The jet loses its pressure at times.

Using his enhanced body, Orion runs to Kyle.

A few punches were supposed to hit the practitioner.But every time he dodged.

*Haa haa*

The guy sighs heavily.

"Orion is not bad, but he can only switch 2 times during a fight.This is the end of our sparring"

Kyle was looking at the guy with a relaxed expression.

But at one point, a large amount of energy gushed out of Orion's body.His eyes radiated Thunder.

The electric spear was in the hands of a young man.

* Rumble!*

Only one sound could be heard throughout the room.

A spear filled with the power of the heavens themselves flew into Kyle.

Having created a layer of protection from distilled water, the practitioner could not defend himself.

The blow landed on his left arm.

Kyle looks at his injured arm, then looks up at Orion.

— Powerful.A good trump card.

In turn, Orion falls flat on the ground.