
"Aidagara Khan died from a secret weapon developed by the efforts of all countries involved in the war.But how could a super of such strength die at their hands?"

The girl thought to herself.

Having reached the strength at which the demolition of the mountain is only an involuntary accident, how did they manage?

"But since the defeat of the Strongest Khan, a modern system of ranks has appeared..."

"So there have already been people from other civilizations here?If you think so, then people contacted them and made a deal."

"If I can learn more, I'll get out of this backward surface civilization as soon as possible."

— The lecture is over, you can go and finish your projects.

The teacher finishes the lecture by freeing the students.

— Hey, Hey!— A friend calls out to the girl.

— What happened?— Ei frowns at the interlocutor.

— Can you help me with the project?Well, perhaps aaaaa!— The interlocutor puts her hands together.

— You have to do everything yourself…

— I'll pay you!The competition is coming soon, and I don't have time for the project!— Almost crying, she says.

"What else, useless.Don't have time for the project?Maybe you need to hang out with men less?"

I scolded the interlocutor of Ei in my head.

- No.-Ei said sternly.

Realizing that she will not back down, the interlocutor decides to give up.

"What's wrong with these people?He always puts things off for later, and when time is running out, they start doing everything in a hurry."

Ei decided not to think about that girl anymore and focus on her problems.

"In any case, I need to become a significant figure in the world to find out the truth.And if the Token still exists, then you need to pick it up."

"With the help of genetic engineering, I will solve the problem of body restriction and be able to use the full power of the Seven Ancestors."

Shaking his head, Ei goes to the test site.

Thanks to Orion's endless torment, the Booster project has been completed and it remains only to issue it.

Humming music, the girl calmly completed the project.


A cool wind enveloped the city.

People were calmly walking home from work.

The cafe "Golden Pens" had a lot of customers.

The whole room was full, even the tables outside were packed.

Pinkie was sitting in a light T-shirt and shorts, looking at the people passing by.

"And where is this fighter?How the hell do I know what he looks like?Does he even know how I look?"

Drinking coffee, the guy with pink eyes thought.

A tall man walks through the crowd with a baby on his neck.

The girl looked around with delight in her eyes, admiring the views of the beautiful city.

— Dad!Aren't we going to a cafe?"What is it?- she asked sweetly.

—Haha, of course my princess.-His father's smile was full of concern.

— Wow!— The girl pokes her finger.— What beautiful eyes this uncle has!

Pinkie was a little embarrassed by the baby's behavior, but tried not to show it.

The father sits down at the empty seat of Pinkie's desk.

He holds out his hand to the pink-eyed one in greeting.

— Bernard.

Shaking hands, Pinkie also says his name.

— Samuel.

— Dad!I want this—The girl points to one of the menu pages lying on the table.— and this... and also this!

— Okay, I get you.-Bernard tousled her hair.— Go play over there, where the playground is.When you come back, everything will be brought.


The girl quickly ran towards the playground.

Bernard silently took the menu and started flipping through it.

There was silence at the table.

Pinkie decides to make sure that this man, the father of the child, is his partner.

— Khm, I don't understand why we couldn't find out at least something about each other on the phone.

After closing the menu, Bernard responds.

— It was necessary.You know what our job is.A little bit and the end for all of us, we can't take much risk.

The waitress approaches the table of two men and takes their order.

- OK.Then let's discuss our plan of action.-Pinkie gives her phone to Bernard.

Seeing the plan saved on the phone, Bernard thinks.

"It's a wonder they didn't reveal you.It's so brazen to save everything in the phone, and it doesn't look like there's a plan B."

— Well, how do you like the plan?

-With your plan, all I have to do is survive.

— We can improve the plan and make it safer if you tell us all your skills.

- OK.— Bernard takes out a flash drive and gives it to Sam.


Far from the cafe "Golden Pens" are a detective and his assistant.

— Hey Harris, are you sure it's him?

- Yes.You can be sure of that.

— But how?— The assistant asks.

—Based on the memory of a barely surviving kid and drunk students, we were able to determine the "Amplifier".

— Then I need to call…

— Yes, call this squad and briefly describe everything to them.And tell them to be on the alert.We don't know who that man is.

— Got it.