Going only forward.

The simulation of the destroyed city has become indistinguishable from the outside world.

Many craters dotted the ground.

Columns of smoke were coming from all over the city.

The smell of burning was everywhere.

The transparent blue barrier surrounding the city is fading.

Chronos watched everything with the help of miraculously surviving cameras and Friday.

— They're coming.— The hologram of the girl reported.

Chronos nodded his head.

Wearing an armor that was made of advanced technology, the former Incarnation of Time looks at the map.

The people who went against him were specially prepared.

They knew every location of important objects.

"How interesting.Last time I was weakened and couldn't get out.But don't expect mercy this time, Thief."

Chronos' lips lifted up.


Cutting off Atlanta's reinforcements, Haydiz's group advanced to the main building of the country.

Triti Prospanzia.

It contained the most secret data.

Their loss will weaken the country so much that only the name will remain.

Coming closer to the alley in front of the skyscraper, they saw how the benches and fountains collapsed into white cubes.

Then the cubes began to take the form of defensive weapons.

The building itself was covered with protective plates.

It was seen how the white cubes were collected forming a beautiful picture.

The guns headed towards Haydiz's team.

— Go ahead.—Haydiz's first order.

Two fighters rushed forward.

Their bodies were covered with a yellow flame of amplification.

The yellow flames merged with their aura, increasing their strength and endurance at times.

The enhanced aura matearized in the form of a transparent yellow layer protecting the skin and insides.

* Bang!Bang bang!*

Armor-piercing bullets flew out of the muzzles of the turrets.

The fighters clenched their teeth enduring the pain of hits.

Balls of light began to appear behind them.

The balls of light reached a diameter of more than a meter.

* Boooom!*

Powerful beams shot out of the balls of light, opening a passage into the building.

— Passage.— Haydiz's second order.

Superi with barrier ability have also been enhanced.

Their feelings became sharper.

The world seemed to slow down.

They saw every movement of the bullets.

Choosing the right moment, they sealed the guns into barriers.

Two fighters walked in front absorbing all the secondary damage, the other two covered the back.

The main firepower was in the middle.

The group advanced in this formation to the passage they had created into the Atlanta building.

A bright light appeared in the corner of Haydiz's field of vision.

The light came from one of the surviving buildings.

— Get down!

The whole team ducked sharply.

* Boooom!*

A blue ray of light pierced a place not far from the team.

A light smoke emanated from the spot where the beam hit.

— Get into the building quickly!

Haydiz's comrades ran as fast as they could.

— The passage!The passage has disappeared!

White cubes tightened the passage made by the group.

— Aside.Haydiz held out his hand.

Opening his palm, the black-red energy began to come out.

Haydiz struck a pose.

When the foot came into contact with the ground, cracks appeared.

A fist filled with energy flew towards the passage.

* Baaaam!*

A monstrous amount of energy came out of the fist and rushed forward.

The air roared like a mighty dragon.

In contact with the white cubes, the energy destroyed them.

The metal around melts from the high temperature.

Breaking through the building, the team quickly flew into it, leaving the guns behind.


Donte analyzed the situation in which he found himself.

"He had one foot in the grave, but is he standing on his feet now?"

— Damn it.— Looking at Orion said super.

"Where's the catch?Such abilities have a usage limit."

— Well, let's find out your limit Orion.

Having said that, Donte increased the gravity around him.

Outside the zone of increased gravity, the debris began to rise forming miniature comets.

The guy's face began to become covered with scales.

There was no mouth or nose to be seen.

Just an outline.

Amber eyes glowed with purple fire.

Taking off his torn clothes, one could see how the scales of two colors formed a pattern on Orion's body.


The guy stepped towards Donte.

Cracks enveloped the earth.

In the blink of an eye, Orion was near the super.

The debris on the ground formed a shield protecting Donte from the high-speed impact.

But the residual force forced him to retreat.

Comets flew towards the guy with incredible speed.

Orion jumped towards the comet.

Stepping on it, he pushed off and flew towards the other.

Moving in this stream, the guy was gaining altitude.

His fist lit up with a purple flame.

Flying over Donte, the guy pushed off from the comet and flew straight at the bastard.

Swinging his fist, the force that was raging in his hand was ready to demolish everything in its path.

Flying at the enemy, the arrow of Orion's words clenched his fist harder and harder.


The sound of the click spread to the entire battlefield.

Gravity, which was previously increased, has become reduced.


The guy thought having lost all inertia from acceleration.

His body slowly levitated down.

Spears created from the earth gathered around Donte.

— You're still a student.— He said.— You have no experience.

Donte returned to normal gravity.

The spears rushed up, piercing Orion's body.