David and Goliath.

Hades group successfully approached the heart of the building.

[They have already passed several sections.]

Friday said.

— And how many of them survived?

Chronos asked, admiring the gold card.


— Eh, okay, let's go to this treasury.

Getting up, Chronos took an unsightly spear.

Taking it in his hands, the runes seemed to come to life and began to move all over the spear.

[You think they won't be able to get in there, right?]

— Of course, they must be sensitive to space, very sensitive.

Chronos said with a smile.

— After all, this is also one of the crowns of my creation.

Chronos entered the heart of the building.

Previously, it was possible to see a beautiful landscape from it.

High mountains with snow-capped peaks.

A small village that has grown into a city of incredible proportions.

The mighty trees that decorated the city were burned.

The skyscrapers that inspired awe collapsed.

Acrid, black smoke was coming from everywhere.

Turning his head, Chronos looked at the small black cube that decorated his desk.

The cube was the size of a baby's hand.

— They may never find him.

[Last time it was just like you said. But this time everything can change.]

— Even so, I'll win comfortably.

[Do all gods have a trait of pride so pronounced?]

— You know the answer. Chronos smiled.

[Indeed, the answer is too obvious.]

Friday rolled her eyes.

Chronos saw the walls of his office dissolve, revealing a view of the entire floor.

— Supports?

[They will survive.]

— Great.

Not far from Chronos' desk, the floor began to glow bright red.

* Baaaah!*

A black beam of light melted the floor and rushed to the ceiling.

After a few moments, the beam disappeared.

Only a hole in the floor and an unpleasant smell indicated the appearance of the beam.

Two people flew out of the hole.

A guy, about twenty-five years old and an old man.

Chronos looked at the guy with a bit of curiosity.

— I wonder how you could survive, a man who called himself the name of the God of the Kingdom of the Dead.

Friday rolled her eyes again.

"[Stop talking like that, you're infuriating]."

Her look spoke.

— A miracle, — the guy said.

Looking at the old man, the guy gave him a sign with his eyes.

In response, the old man shook his head and jumped back into the hole.

— A miracle means? Chronos asked. — Then answer me, if you get killed again, will you be able to perform a miracle?

A faint smile was on Chronos' face.

— I don't know that anymore, — the guy replied.

A lot of colors began to come from Hades.

They intertwined with each other forming new colors.

When all the colors merged together, the black color became visible.

It was so dense that nothing could be seen through the shrouded area around the guy.

Chronos tightened his grip on his spear.

— This is the beginning of your end, Founder, — Hades smiled.

— And what will be, after my end, a new beginning? — Chronos replied.

A pitch-black aura rushed towards Chronos.


Banging the floor with a spear, a wall of white cubes appeared in front of Chronos.

* Baaam!*

Aura and white cubes collided.

A moment later, the cubes became transparent as glass.

But there was no sign of Hades.

Chronos' eyes lit up.

* Booooom!*

Cracks appeared on the floor.

The spear blocked the attack.

Soon, a countless stream of aura strikes shook the air.

* Clank! Clank! Clank!*

The white spear turned into a blurry silhouette blocking the blows.

The vibration from the impact made a terrifying sound.

Two silhouettes collided with each other.

The entire floor was filled with flashes of spear light and aura.

The shock wave crushed the upper and lower floors of the building.

Clouds of dust appeared and disappeared from the air pressure.

A black thread formed on Hades finger while he was in flight.

Horizontally waving her finger, the thread cut everything that came across, trying to hook Chronos.

The founder of Atlanta dodged the thread and intercepted the spear.

Finding a foothold with his eyes, he stepped on it.

The floor was collapsing.

White cubes compacted the support of the legs.

A powerful surge of adrenaline allowed Chronos to throw a spear with such speed that the air became a flame, and the floor would finally collapse.

It was seen as the spear reached light speed.

A white ray of light rushed towards the guy.

Hades only turned his body so that the spear flew past him.

A fleeting smile appeared on his face, replaced by a flaming surprise.

Even if the spear didn't hit him, the shock wave hit him in full.

Where the spear flew, a flame formed.

The friction of the air against Hades body burned him.

Chronos stretched out his hand in the direction of the flying spear.

— Ελα πισω, — he said so quickly that all the dust around him swelled.

The spear, hearing the call of its owner, flew back and this time pierced Hades.

— A-ARGH! — falling down, he let out a groan of pain.

But this moan was not heard.

The building was falling apart, and because of Hades thread, it was ready to collapse at any moment.

Chronos looked at his opponent.

The guy's body was pressed by a lot of debris.

Realizing that this is the end, Chronos gets out of the building.

There was more destruction where he passed.

Moving away from the building at a sufficient distance, it was seen how it was collapsing.

Countless sounds were heard from there.

The skyscraper collapsed.

A huge cloud of dust shot up into the air, covering the subsequent destruction.

Buildings collided with each other.

* Buuuuum!*

Explosions were taking place somewhere among the ruins.

Chronos shook his head looking at the remains of the main building of the country.

— Look for that damn cube again…Limitless could make it even with the fist of an adult? Haaa... it's useless to think about it now.

— Surely Friday's brain was destroyed, poor child.

Chronos thought until a flash of light appeared next to him.

The hologram of the girl appeared from particles of light.

—...How? — he asked.

[Well, as Limitless explained to you, I have several thousand "brains".]

A lot of Friday servers have been built all over the world.

— I don't understand.

[And he shouldn't], — the girl says.

[Better focus on the opponent.]

— He should be dead.

[Should be, not dead.]

Deciding to believe the words of the Artificial Creation, Chronos goes to check the building.

Friday followed him.

— Can you check if he's alive?

Friday opened the holographic panel.

It depicted the state of Hades health.

Seeing this panel, Chronos was surprised.

— Another kind of your magic?

[It's not magic, how many times have I told you? This is science, to be more precise:small machines that read various indicators in the body of the carrier.]

— I remember the words of one of the writers of the last century ... — Chronos began.

— Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, — Hades voice was heard from the rubble.

The guy calmly appeared before Chronos and Friday

Chronos was watching Hades closely.

His body recovered, only the suit was torn.

The dark Aura that enveloped him took on a scarlet hue.

— One of Arthur C. Clarke's Laws. For the whole world, perhaps, the technology of Atlant is indistinguishable from magic, — Hades said calmly.

— To speak so calmly while in battle? For a human, you think too much about yourself, child, — Chronos narrowed his eyes.

— Self-confidence does not arise out of nothing. Everything has its own reason, — the guy was setting his arm.

— Aren't you too proud yourself?

Chronos ignored his words and turned to his girlfriend.

— Can you help me in the battle?


Chronos furrowed his brows.

Friday just pointed her finger at the Transparent Blue Barrier.

It was seen how he dissolved into particles of light.


Friday's eyes were looking at Hades.

[Was able to turn off the barrier's power.]

The guy, in turn, was smiling.

— Backup generators? — Chronos asked.

[All ion generators have been disabled.]

— I see, — the Founder of Atlanta nodded.

— I'll deal with Mr. Miracle, and you with the barrier.

Friday disappeared with a flash of light.

A lot of white cubes that made up the building flew into the air and rushed in different directions.

—Magic indeed,— Hades looked at the cubes.

— You've become so talkative, — Chronos told his opponent. — Not like a few minutes ago.

— I'm dragging my time to the last, Founder, — the guy answers.

The dark scarlet Aura was getting brighter by the second.

— Getting used to the new power?

— Maybe.

Chronos shook his head and asked another question.

— Why did you call yourself one of the names of Hades?

After a pause, Hades answers.

— I use the power of already dead people, and if they are not dead, they will die in the near future.

—I see, — Chronos intercepted the spear. — I think I've recovered enough too, shall we continue?

— As you wish, Titan. the opponent replied to the three — meter Chronos.

"Titan you say? I was their fear."

Chronos' eyes filled with pride.