Bringing Despair.

Hades pondered over Chronos' words.

"Did he bet everything on the unknown?"

— ... — he was silent in disbelief.

His hand involuntarily clenched into a fist, and an Aura began to envelop his body.

Anger was visible in Hades' eyes.

"Talking to you was a mistake in itself.

"You don't know what I know," Chronos replied.

The two opponents looked at each other.

"There are no more places for useless words."

They thought.

The spear in Chronos' hands glowed blue as the sea.

"Print it out, Eternal Spear."

Responding to the master's call, the Eternal Spear vibrated.

Hades felt the power of the weapon.

But he also has trump cards.

"I'll have to burn one."

The aura that used to be in the form of a haze turned into a black flame.

The heat of this flame was so strong that it melted everything within a radius of several meters.

The sky began to reflect from the heat on the asphalt.


* Rumble!*

The speed of Chronos was so great that only one step formed a crater, and the ground was dotted with cracks.

Chronos was like lightning.

The light of the blue spear and the Flaming black aura met.

The aura devoured the light.

The blows were so strong that they touched the nearest buildings.

Two silhouettes raced after each other constantly colliding.

The city was collapsing under their pressure.

Giving his best, Hades used the forces of those killed by him.

The clear sky was filled with hundreds of arrows created from yellow light.

Time seemed to slow down.

Thousands of battle scenarios were calculated in his head.

Every action of Chronos was foreseen.

Each arrow had its own purpose.

Some blocked, the second distracted, the third attacked.

It was raining light.

Waves of heat hit Chronos.

The black flame that fell on his body did not go out. The fire devoured his flesh moving further and further.

Chronos' body was older than the stars themselves.

The black flames only slowly tried to devour him.

He was one of the first creatures.

But the power that bound him to the Law of Time was sealed.

The spear that he was holding in his hands was one of the culprits.

He never figured out exactly how to dispel the seal from his body.

Chronos knew that there was no Law of Time.

This was the lie of the Eternal.

The Eternal was afraid of the forces of his creation.

Chronos felt that something was pressing on him.

It was as if a thousand fetters had bound his heart, not allowing it to beat properly.

This seal was so ancient that it began to weaken.

He felt stronger every day.

Breathing became easier, and the world began to blossom.

But it is in these moments.

Moments of battle, he felt his strength yearning to break free.

Cells that were previously inactive began to produce a huge amount of energy.

His body was getting stronger every second.

His attacks have become more active, and the trajectory is unpredictable.

There were explosions where they collided.

The shock wave was absorbed by the earth, transmitting the pulse further until everything stops.

Residents felt part of the fight between the two monsters on themselves.

The bunkers were shaking violently.

Many people were crying.

Panicked screams were heard in many bunkers.

People were looking at the ceiling that was always shaking.

Their eyes were filled with fear.

* Baaaaaam!!!*

The shock wave created from the collision went through the entire bunker.

People fell and gave each other.

A moment later, a huge crack grew over their heads.

A moment later, the Eternal Spear pierced the floor of the bunker with a speed close to light.

A lot of people were torn apart by a simple spear throw.

Those who stood directly against the spear were burned, and what was left scattered in all directions.

Those who were standing at a distance were thrown back with such force that they broke through the columns from the collision.

The severed body parts were scattered everywhere.

The smell of blood filled the entire space.

The survivors thought it was the end.

But the Owner of the spear thought otherwise.

* Thunder!*

A powerful fluctuation of the air tore the heavens apart, forming thunder.

The eardrums burst.

People were bleeding from their ears.

The spear that drilled through the floor of the bunker flew back up to the owner.

People were thrown back again.

Some were drenched in the blood of others.

Those who had relatives crawled to the already dead corpses not believing in what was happening.

In the air, above the bunker, the sky was covered with a black veil of flame that will never go out.

Chronos looked at Hades, preparing to break this black veil.

Having pushed off from the ground, Chronos was indistinguishable from a white ray of light.

Cutting through the atmosphere on his way, Chronos frowns.

Intuition told him to retreat.

After changing the trajectory with a punch in the air, Chronos notices how something appeared in the opponent's hand.

The space seemed to distort in his hands, taking the shape of a sphere.

The transparent sphere flew towards Chronos.

The attack was not as fast as the previous ones and he easily dodged.

* Booooom!*

As soon as the sphere came into contact with the ground, a powerful explosion thundered.

Drawing in all the air with incredible speed, the sphere formed a vacuum.

When most of the air disappeared from such a gigantic area of damage, an explosion occurred.

The air filled the vacuum that appeared with great speed.

It wasn't the end.

A small sphere the size of a ball appeared at the collapse site.

Due to instability, this small sphere explodes increasing the radius, even reaching Chronos.

The explosion was so strong that it covered one cubic kilometer.

It was as if a meteorite crashed into the earth, destroying everything in its path.

A powerful blow went through his body.

"Internal injury."

He thought.

While Chronos was moving away from the impact, Hades created several dozen similar spheres.

All of them gathered black flames that no longer covered the sky.

Hades smiled cruelly, anticipating his victory.