
Today is the same as usual. How could it not, a thing that has never been imagined and thought of even until whenever. She was trying to digest, she was trying to think about the figure of The Legend Master himself, but more than that, Yuki herself was also trying to see and hear what she was feeling even more than anyone else.

Yuki took a deep breath, even though she couldn't think straight now, there were many things Yuki had to think about besides her life, thinking about her education and more than that, her guild this season would enter the world's prestigious competition. Where this match includes several selections and the best team will pass the selection and will compete directly in a very large tournament. This is something that has never been thought of, this is something that makes Yuki so enthusiastic to take part in this tournament, the first tournament and Yuki believes that he can give the best performance for her team no matter what. This is what Yuki is waiting for, as a proof for herself as a woman, if women are not weak creatures and if women are able to play games well and can be comparable to the games of other male players. That's what Yuki thinks, because in this game Yuki herself knows that there are a lot of people who underestimate, even underestimate the game of female players because women are often considered too weak in playing games and also spoiled. Relying on the other team to help her by doing the spoiled thing. That is the thing that Yuki hates the most and not infrequently, because of her agile game, Yuki herself is often referred to as a transvestite, effeminate or so on. A thing that Yuki doesn't really like and luckily, her boyfriend knows who she is.

Yuki walked along the campus streets, seeing the cherry blossoms that were falling so vividly. Yuki's palm deliberately opened, then she fell silent as a cherry blossom petal fell on her hand. The heart-shaped cherry blossom petals look so real. This is the unthinkable, this is the unthinkable. Yuki smiled cheerfully, how her day would be blessed by everyone of course.

Until finally Yuki began to feel that if someone had disturbed her, how could she not, the figure looked at her and when Yuki turned around,, she knew and remembered very well who it was. Yes, that figure was the young man who had given money to the cashier at the convenience store yesterday.

"You..." Yuki stopped, the man just smiled sweetly, took a deep breath, something no one had ever thought of. The man didn't move from his place, still with the headphones on his head, the hoodie that wrapped his face out of sight, then the man walked away. Feeling curious, Yuki also chased the man very quickly. "Wait, can we talk for a second? I owe you," Yuki said again.

The man then stopped his steps, until Yuki almost hit the man's broad and sturdy back. Yuki never thought that she would run into a man whose name she didn't even know.

"I think our debt is even," replied the man. His voice was hoarse, wet and heavy, a distinctive voice that seemed familiar. This was enough to make Yuki furrowed her brows perfectly.

Who? Like not foreign at all.

"Um, I don't understand. What are you talking about later?" Yuki asked again. The man smiled faintly, he walked back and Yuki immediately ran after him. Standing right in front of the man, spreading her arms wide.

"May I know your name? What faculty are you from? Because if one day you need help, I will immediately help you. You know if I'm a smart enough student on this campus, I can count on you to do assignments and so on."

Again, the man chuckled again. He didn't expect Yuki to be quite narcissistic either. And indeed, there is nothing wrong at all for him to get acquainted with this woman in front of him.

"Miura Kenzi," the man replied perfectly.

Yuki let out a gasp, an answer that was completely unexpected, until he finally smiled. Bending his body perfectly to introduce himself.

"My name is—"

"Yuki Kagami, seventeen years old from the business management faculty, is a game freak and is currently trying and training to become a professional gamer in order to enter the world championship, correct?" Miura guessed in self-pity. Hearing all the guesses from Miura was right. Yuki closed her mouth tightly, she stood up straight again with her round eyes perfectly looking at the figure in front of her.

In the end, the hodie that Miura had been wearing was pulled by another man from behind. Perfectly showing his face and Yuki gasped again.

Handsome, Yuki thought. Even very handsome.

That was what crossed her mind, so Yuki herself didn't know how to describe the figure in front of her. a beautiful man? Or a man with a face that is so smooth and gentle, a man with a very handsome face with such a dazzling facial line. His skin is pale white with jet black hair that looks disheveled, his eyes are round with sparkling caramel color corneas, making Yuki seem enchanted by the figure in front of him. Never imagined and never thought that he could see a perfect figure like Miura.

When Miura saw his friend coming, he seemed to immediately glance at Yuki with a look of dislike. It's nothing, it's just that he doesn't want this brief introduction to be a gossip field for his best friend. Miura quickly covered his best friend's face, then hid his best friend from looking at Yuki.

"Why?" Yuki asked in a half whisper. Miura blinked his eyes slowly.

"Go on, I'll call you later."

"The method?" asked Yuki who seemed confused. Even the two of them didn't exchange contact, so how could Miura confidently contact Yuki? But seeing Miura smiling confidently, Yuki fell silent again. She didn't dare to say much because of Miura's calm demeanor.

"At seven o'clock at night, we will meet again. Do you believe my prophecy?" said Miura. Yuki was silent, she felt that Miura had gone mad. How could she not, it is very unlikely that the two will meet. Because after college, Yuki prefers to stay in her room while playing games. Not to go out let alone meet Miura.