"Wow, so what should I say? Congratulations, in the end, you can be together forever. I'm happy if you are happy, finally, your secret love can unite in a very pleasant way."

After saying that, Yuki waved her hand, and walked backward so much that even Miura who was about to say all the things that were in her heart couldn't.

"Erm, I'll go first, OK, Miura. Soon class will start, and there is a lecturer who is quite fierce. If I'm late then everything will be fatal. I don't want to be scolded by the lecturer for being late. See you at basecamp!"

Miura's jaw hardened seeing Yuki's departure, who now wasn't just walking anymore, but running. He took a deep breath, bowed his head, and decided to leave.

Meanwhile, Yuki didn't know what to do, didn't know what to do, and her tears rolled down her cheeks perfectly. this was the most horrible thing ever, and Yuki herself didn't know why she was crying right now.