I woke up on a cold metallic surface. Memories of the person I found myself in swarmed into my brain.
'Marshall Strode.'
16 years old, kidnapped 5 ears ago by Weapon X and the people of Department K. Tortured and brutally trained to be a mind-controlled soldier this body experienced hell in the darkness of this place. He was not alone though.
He was so heavily beaten and tortured, he had to wear a respirator at all times. Scars littered his face and body from the abuse. The coolest thing was, it sounded like Darth Vader when he- I breath.
He was trained. Elite soldiers had beaten martial arts into his skull over the course of 5 years. His body had the typical swimmer build but I knew that was gonna change soon.
Seems like 15 mutants, including me, were kidnapped from their homes in Canada and America. I had been here the longest while a batch of 4 had just come in last night.
They had planned to get rid of me because of my seemingly uselessness. My ability was just enhanced physical capabilities. But it was weak because I was barely 2x stronger than a regular human.
Interestingly enough, memories of a certain Xmen villain came to my mind. At that I searched for and recognizable names amongst the captured mutants but none of them I recognized.
But it does seem they made plans to get rid of me in a couple weeks, they still keep me around just incase something they need in that span of time.
Setting that information to side, I start to search for the Hercules Method, 'focus the mind, body, and spirit towards one goal. By bring all three into alignment, the physical enthusiast can bring all of them under conscious control.' Which means specific type of calisthenics and meditation daily, to the point were awareness over your entire bodies functions enters your control.
In buddhist meditation concentration is the first step. Buddha usually taught with the breath that one could focus on the breath until their mind became completely still thoughts disappeared and your breathing came to a halt cause breath and consciousness are linked.
Also chi is part of it. Chi is also connected to the mind. So when the mind is completely still its yin which leads to movement yang chi/kundalini. This kundalini flows through your chi channels and opens your chakra. So through concentration also known as jhana one can cause their kundalini to rise and flow.
So the hercules method uses the same principle through visualization technique. Another technique that buddha used. It was a technique where you visualize your skeleton until its clear in your mind then you let it turn to dust.
Also anywhere your mind goes so does you chi. And chi is life force also known as soul or spirit. There are many secret schools that use this method to visualize chakras and chi channels and force the chi to flow through those channels but it is dangeorus to do so without a teacher and can lead to psychosis as the kundalini is very powerfull.
The skeleton visualization is the safest way as the chi would flow through all the channels that fall along your skeleton naturally no forcing it. Some of the powers that have been documented from this techniques is flexibility, agility, healing, strength and being able to see other peoples skeletal and muscle system.
I could become aware and be able to feel every single bone, flesh, tendon, nerve and possibly cell. Once I become aware of it and can feel it I can control it and give commands by visualizing. One of the buddhist visualization techniques is to visualize your bones underneath anywhere you have an injury as your chi would flow there and heal it. This explains their powers. The chi energy powers their cells and muscles like sunlight does superman.
Also, control their muscles using superhuman concentration and visualization. A more advanced techniques would be visualizing while excercising. As your practicing yoga stretches visualize you flesh bones nerves and feel them while in those poses.Also the precog thing is a byproduct of visualizing anatomy allowing you to read body language also like the skeleton visualization you can see underneath peoples skin all their flesh.
This also includes Immortality. Quite a huge package I received, huh?
Well lets get started.