Uncanny Xmen

"Lets get these children home." Cyclops says as he pilots the plane to takeoff.

All of the seats are filled as the Xmen, Younger Team and the newly rescued Mutants occupy them.

"I dont think they'll every be the same." Storm says from the Co-Pilot seat.

"All things they seem fairly healthy, Ororo, but I would like to be sure..as do you too." Cyclopes responds. She nods at his words.

In the back the group of Younger Xmen converse. "Soooo….whats up?" Sunspot asks one of the rescued teenagers.

"Ugh, don't tell me thats the best you came up with? Whats wrong with you?" Magma visibly cringes at her teammate.

"What am I supposed to say? This really uncomfortable silence."

"Just be quiet bro." Cannonball chimes in.

"How? Its so hard-"

"Are we just gonna ignore the elephant in the room?" Wolfsbane interrupts Sunspot.

"The fact that, that dude killed those soldiers. I mean he massacred them." She continues on.

Silence reigns in the group, each remembering what Angel told them about the scene he had seen. Each taking a moment to look at the subject of debate.

A buff, bloody teenager sitting and looking out the window nonchalantly.

"He doesn't even look fazed." Wolfsbane adds.

"You think he enjoyed it? I dont know, that seems like a stretch, but what do I know?" Cannonball says.

"Guys a freak, end of story." Magma comments.

"I wonder what he went through to do those kind of things? Whats his ability?" Magik quietly tries to figure the masked teen out.

"…Think of what he went through down there. We know that murder can't be justified but the world isn't so black and white. Perhaps he is just putting up a brave front, he's a kid after all, cut him some slack." Mirage ends the conversation with that statement.

"Hey! Brace Face!" Sunspot calls out to Bane.

Bane turns to acknowledge the Brazilian.

"What with the getup? You good bro?" He asks bluntly. Bane chuckles with amusement as he turns to look out the window, meanwhile, Sunspot is getting chastised by his team.


We had finally landed. It only took 35 minutes but it felt like hours because of teen xmen or whatever their called, constantly bickering with each other. As soon as we got off, me and the other people from the facility were taken to get a physical checkup.

It was done by Beast, a pretty cool character if I do say so. He had asked me lots of questions about my time there but I expertly deflected the questions. One thing I noticed was that, alot of people here had me under a misunderstanding.

They thought of me as some 'mentally broken teen that killed my captors in self defense and retaliation. A teen broken by the torture he received upon his body and face so he wears a mask to cover his scars and a respirator due to breathing problems I suffered at their hands.'

Some of that was true. I did kill my captures. I do in fact, wear a mask and respirator. I was indeed tortured. But im not broken, im not hiding behind a mask for insecurity, no it was an intimidation tactic.

Vader used it with his menacing look and his raspy breathing.

Bane used his mask and voice along with his buff body to intimidate people. I simply combined them. When I walk in a room, I want people to now its me and be intimidated.

But I wasn't going to dispell the misunderstandings. Let them think that. Im sure they'll offer me psychological and physical treatment.

They'd probably have Elixir heal me or someone like him.

I'd refuse because….I'm already healed. The Hercules method healed my lungs and face, but I can expertly control my lungs to give off the Vader breathing.


As the next morning came around, I had already gotten dressed. A simple white wife-beater, black military cargo pants and black combat boots. Along with my mask and respirator on I stepped out my temporary room and..

"Hiiii!" A cheery voice greets me.

'Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat.'

*Kuuuuuuh Kerrr*

I nod at her.


"Well…im your guide today. Shall we get started!?" She asks excitedly.

Bane nods again.


"What do we know about…'Bane?'" Cyclops asks. Several people sit at a round table.

"He's a teen that killed dozens of fully trained and armored men." Wolverine goes first.

The rest nod at his words.

"Most likely tortured..just like the rest." Storm adds.

"Is that why he wears the mask and respirator?" Iceman asks.

"The way his lung and throat have been mistreated cause him to need the respirator, thats what causes that…mechanical breathing sound. Perhaps the mask is psychological?" Beast answers Iceman's question.

"His abilities?" Emma Frost coldly asks.

"What I can describe as a…perfect body and mind so to speak." Beast once again answers a question.

"What? What does that mean?" Wolverine asks.

"Perhaps the footage will show what I mean." Beast says while a panel in the wall opens up.

What comes next is a shock to all. They saw as Bane reigned havoc on the facilities lower levels. They saw as dozens of fully trained and armored guards were rendered to puddles of viscera by a walking meat grinder.

He killed anyone and everyone with his bare hands. Ripping through Armored Soldier, engineer, doctor, scientist, and whole titanium metal doors and walls as he threw people into the ground so hard, they splattered.

It was a bloodbath, a dance of death. They died screaming and crying begging for mercy but received none. The recording ended.

"Lets see some on his holding cell." Emma says, trying not to let the surprise be shown on her face.

"….there was none." Beast says.

"…They didn't have a camera in his cell? Why?" Iceman asks.

"Well, according to the files on him, Ms. Pryde managed to get. They thought he was harmless…atleast to them. So…arrogance and pride." Beast informs them.

"So…enhanced strength, speed, durability. Stamina? He wasn't bulletproof, but they did come out. Healing? Definitely reflexes." Emma mutters to herself.

"I can conclude that the bullets lodged themselves in his muscle but were pushed out." Beast says, rewinding the footage to that part.

"He pushed them out? So control over muscle system?" Cyclops asks.

"I believe he has control over every system. He didn't seem as if he cared for the hot bullets lodged in his muscles. So I think he probably turned pf his pain sensors." Beast analyzes.

He continues on, "Multiple times he dodges attacks prematurely and even manages to dodge point blank gun fire, although not perfect, he did amazingly well."

"So he…calculated all that and acted accordingly?" Emma asks.

"No…I think he perceived their moves preemptively and acted accordingly. Although what you said might be the case." Storm adds her opinion.

"Maybe both, he might be enhanced mentally as well. Maybe something like Spidey's sense?" Wolverine adds.

"If you're saying what I think you're saying, Hank, he could be functionally immortal, he could stop his cells from aging with his mind." Emma says.

He nods while also adding, "He could probably dope himself up, increase his muscle mass, emit special pheromones….he could probably adapt to anything and everything, like darwin."

"Thats a very very very complicated probably. He'd need YEARS of biological study." Storm adds a little shocked.

"Which he could very get the means to do that. We've established he could be immortal, and with an enhanced mind, he could become very powerful." Cyclops says. His words shock everyone except Wolverine, Beast and Emma.

"Kids a beast." Wolverine says exasperated.