Chapter 32: Arrival in Fiddler City
The new journey for Vlad was the same as when he first started when moving toward Calmaria from Picodras, it was mostly spending time inside the Captain's Cabin either talking with Titania about random things and also checking the news of the world thanks to the News Coo.
Those specific seagulls wearing tiny hats, which confused Vlad, also carried bags over their shoulders, just like a paperboy which was a sight to behold while Vlad was on the Crow Nest. Besides this whole equipment, the specific seagulls were also carrying a small bag that hangs on their neck with some coins of 500 𝔅.
Titania flew toward the seagulls holding in her hand's bread crumbs, looking at them with an adorable expression, while the seagulls had a professional and serious look.
"Here, this is for you. Will you give me one of those newspapers?" asked the Fairy, while she landed on the wooden poles of the crow nest, walking with the bread crumbs toward the seagulls.
*Seagull Cry*
The specific gull looked enticed by the bread crumbs where some saliva got from his mouth, dropping on the newspaper, nevertheless, it still shook its head.
"What do you mean? You don't want some delicious bread crumbs for the newspaper?" inquired Fairy, placing an innocent expression on her face.
*Seagull Cry*
The bird shook its head, declining the offer while also moving its head, highlighting the importance of the bag filled with coins.
"But I don't have any money. Just the bread crumbs. Can't you trade it with me? I promise it is still fresh."
Vlad, who was relaxing in the winds, found this interaction between the Fairy and those birds amusing while on the other hand also, annoying, and to solve this back and forth between the woman who could talk with those creatures, and the birds, he opened his mouth.
"Go to my gold pouch and take from there 500 𝔅. Those are the News Coo of that Newspaper Company. You can't trick them with so little. Those birds are greedy for money"
*COO* The bird disagreed with what Vlad remarked, getting vocal in his bird cries which had Vlad open his abyssal eyes to look with an annoyed expression at the bird.
"They told me that they are only employees of their Big Boss and can't break the rules of their employment."
"Whatever, just go take 500 𝔅 coins and have them leave. Also stop bringing along those annoying birds, we aren't the beggar's canteen to feed all the passing by birds."
"But, but … "
"No buts."
"You can't deny that they bring good news to us, such as the weather or any possible pirate ship around us."
"Sure, they might be useful, but not an army of birds. I haven't built the supply room having in mind, feeding sea beggars."
"Vlad, stop being mean. They are good kids, who are willing to help us when we are lost." mentioned Titania, who stomped her delicate feet on the wooden pole, while feeding the News Coo the piece of bread she took from the Captain's Cabin.
On the other hand, Vlad remained quiet, ignoring those comments about himself, making Titania pout, dashing toward the cabin and returning with a coin that looked quite large in her hand.
"Here, little boy. This will suffice, right?"
Titania took a newspaper from the seagull's bag after paying for the news, and once she saw herself with the large paper that almost made her fall down if not for Vlad that picked her up to the crow nest, she saw the gulls continue their journey, only leaving the sea beggars to stay rent free.
"Little Titania, you've lowered your guard. What if you injured your wings by carrying such a heavy piece of paper? Hmm?"
"I would just let the paper drop on the floor." replied Titania, who settled down on Vlad's chest, while he was holding the piece of paper with a relaxed position, legs spread around.
"You want me to read the news?"
"Why did you buy the news if not to read them?
Ohh, I know, to have another stash of toilet paper. You never know how safe you are with the initial supplies you bought from home."
"Ewww, disgusting. Of course, I will not use this news like that. Otherwise, why have we bought clean, soft toilet paper?"
"So I could stare at it.
Anyway, what's today's news? What important person died? Or maybe a big pirate won some important battle?"
Titania first made herself comfortable on Vlad's chest, and with the perfect distance to herself and the piece of paper, she began reading the front page which usually was a clickbait, either talking about the moves of some Yonko, or another important person in the world.
"The news on the front page is about Mister Whitebeard talking about some conflict with the Marines. Yet, it didn't lead to any casualty."
"Hmm, good for him. I wonder how strong this person is."
Titania raised her head up to see Vlad's abyssal eyes open, guessing that he was really interested in this "Whitebeard" person, and leaving him to talk with himself, she waited until Vlad got quiet.
Turning to the second page, this page had the Marines in the spotlight, talking about the great efforts of stopping some important pirates.
"They talk here about how the Marine Vice-Admiral Tsuru stopped a dangerous pirate called Catarina Devon, but failed to capture her. Nevertheless, the pirate forces have been decimated, leaving only a fragment of the crew alive with this woman Catarina escaping."
"Mhmm, does it talk about her bounty?" inquired Vlad, closing his eyes, as if he wasn't really that interested in hearing news about some pirate woman killing people and whatnot.
"Yes, it says here that her bounty is 330.000.000 𝔅" responded Titania, trying hard to call out the big number, having her mathematical skills tested by the understanding of the number.
Vlad's eyes switched a small movement, but overall they remained closed, while he only commented with some curiosity.
"I bet this woman is quite ruthless and twisted. Getting herself such a big bounty. It means that she is a danger to society and the sins she committed over the innocent are boundless."
"Next page, little Titania."
The Fairy took her time to read the remaining newspaper, which wasn't interesting to Vlad since it talked about the Paradise and the exploits of people that were out of his reach, yet, it was an eye-opener for both Titania and himself, being able to know that there were certain levels to this Bounty System, and that Malus whose bounty was only a puny 8.750.000 𝔅 was exactly like what he characterized him.
An ant.
"I wonder where my limit sits as I am right now? How big of a target can I challenge? Maybe someone like the one from two days ago? Crocodile, the one with the bounty of 81.000.000 𝔅?"
"It is dangerous, Vlad. Haven't you heard me say that the news specified about his dangerous powers of being able to control sand? You want me to pick up the newspaper from back then?"
"Don't bother. I am still focused on getting my hands on the keys."
"Yep, you better stop fighting people. Ahh, so I wish you were listening to me in stopping risking your life. Or, are you?"
"Am I what?"
"You know, a pervert."
"Being asked such an intimate question in this setting? Quite bold little Titania." remarked Vlad, who caressed the Fairy's hair with his finger, while Titania quickly made sure she cleared herself.
"Not in that sense, but in the bad sense. Are you sick? Why would you want to fight people?"
"That …"
Hearing her question, Vlad turned silent, starting to ponder for the answer. Sometimes he would open his mouth, as if wanting to reply, but then he would shut up, and it was a trial and error thing, until he decided on an answer.
"I don't know the right answer for this question. However, I understand one thing.
To achieve my dream of regaining my sight, I need to be powerful enough to face certain challenges.
And since immemorial, the fastest method of growing in power was to train and fight real battles. Like a Gladiatore, polishing up his body and mind."
"Sure, but I am certain this isn't the only reason." mentioned Titania, looking up at Vlad who released a smile.
Not long after her body began trembling around accompanied by his laughter, making her seem as if she was on a rodeo, which was a fun moment for her being challenged to settle down the strong stallion under her reins.
"Hahaha, you know little Titania. There's also another reason, but it will remain between the two of us.
I want to be arrogant when facing certain people, and rarely wish to bow my head to others. However, when someone has more power than me, I am not stupid not to recognize that, and risk my life. I'll lower my head and slowly walk away, beginning to grind myself to my limits."
"You want more? This is not a therapy session, my dear. I've talked plenty about myself for an entire year."
"Chee, talk more about yourself, you baddy."
"Why not?"
"Just like an onion, you have to cook me slowly." teased Vlad, while he began to prepare himself for a nap, right inside the Crow's Nest, at about 18 meters height.
"It will take too much time."
"Yet, if you manage to peel all the onion's layers, you will be able to enjoy the core of the onion and claim to be the only person alive to achieve this. As a woman, it will be an achievement that you could sign Sagas about."
"The sole woman to conquer the Dragon, Titania. It will be bound to be a legend." remarked Vlad with a tone that sounded half-joking, while Titania noticed the way he placed the newspaper on his head to give shadow.
"You are going to nap again?"
"Mhm, we are still 2 days away from reaching Bulge Island. It's been one week since we departed from Calmaria. Do you want to join?"
"No thanks, I can't sleep so much."
"Sleep is good, it helps me grow. I can sense my body growing each day, bits by bits that it tingles me. Give it a try, Titania, maybe you'll grow some centimeters too."
"It doesn't work for me. I've tried that so many times. You jerk! I'll leave you to the little guy's wrath."
Titania got up from Vlad's chest and with an angry look on her gorgeous face, she looked at Vlad whose face was covered by the newspaper, hearing him doze off, which made her extend her hand and pinch his nipple before dashing off with a cheeky, evil laugh.
"That's what you deserve for making fun of me! Hahaha, you baddy! Little guys make sure to let your droppings on him. Mommy gave you plenty of support with the bread crumbs."
*Seagull cry*
Vlad behind the newspaper had a wide smile while his nipple got hard after being pinched, nevertheless, enjoying the sensation of those soft hands touching his body regardless of what she was doing to his body.
Yet, when he heard the happy cries of the birds, he took away some part of the newspaper from his face, and give the seagulls a murderous look that had them almost cry in fear.
'I am glad she is happy on this journey and that she didn't get affected by my cruelty.'
'Hah, that little imp. I feel I am already a bad influence on her.'
He asked himself if he should lower that cruel side of himself at least when dealing with enemies, however once her singing voice remained off the same pure tone, just like when he first met her, it placed his mind to peace.
'I need to offer her some more attention. Yet, it should be just enough so she doesn't turn spoiled, desiring my constant attention at all steps.'
The medium-sized caravel made its way on the sea, day and night, not disturbed by any pirates, with some occasions where both Titania and Vlad experienced some bad weather, having to deal firsthand with the strong winds that almost blew the Fairy away from Vlad.
Since that specific incident where he almost lost Titania to the winds, Vlad made further steps in assuring the Fairy's protection in case of bad weather, and because of that whenever a stormy weather would hit him, a black device that looked like a tiny umbrella, that he would place to his pocket, blocking the winds hitting the delicate girl.
She got scared by her bad experience, but when she found how sturdy Vlad's idea was, she was now able to face the bad weather, telling him his surroundings and acting like his eyes.
It was impossible not to experience such days in the unpredictable weather, and the duo, slightly wrinkled by this event, was taken by the two as a challenge for the future, where they will for certain face worse weather.
But, those events only happened 2 times, with the rest of the days having normal weather.
The weather got even milder once the caravel began approaching an island that could be seen from the horizon, where minute by minute, a small city entered Titania's sights, making her excited and all animated once again over the boring sailing days.
"A CITY! I CAN SEE A CITY JUST LIKE HOME!" shouted Titania, jumping on Vlad's shoulder, from one to one.
"Good, if what we have inside Bulge is a city, I don't mind spending extra days inside. Maybe search around the library for some books? What do you say, Titania?"
"I don't mind, but can we also visit the dress store?"
"You mean the toy store?" inquired Vlad, while looking at Titania fiddling her long hair.
"Where I can buy clothes for myself. I'll read your books if you do this for me."
"Don't tell me, did the girlish pheromones have hit you already, wanting to shop around for clothes?"
"Hey, I don't want to hear that from you, okay? You buy books yet you need my help to read them."
"Ohh really now? What about you, my lady? Why ask me to buy you clothes?"
"Chee, of course, you know, to make the girls be jealous of me and my clothes."
"My, my, jealous you say? I see, then we'll see if this place has such a thing. However, a bookstore, this is an ancient thing, so you'll not be able to escape my claws. Kukuku."
With the caravel approaching closer and closer to the Bulge Island, the main city of this island, Fiddler City could be observed by Titania in full display, while she described what she was seeing to Vlad in full colors.
A small city, with a European-styled architecture, similar to Picodras. With a large building that Vlad understood from what Titania described to be a Cathedral in the center of town, while the rest of the buildings in the site worked together to complement the Cathedral.
However, the closer they got to the harbor, Titania's expression turned a bit down, she saw the true face of the city they arrived at, and where various ships were docked at the harbor.
Stepping out of the ship, the first thing Vlad heard was the voice of a man, telling him with a straightforward voice, unbothered if he liked or not.
"Docking at the Harbor will cost you 5.000 𝔅. Those who don't pay the tax will be kindly asked to leave the harbor and find another place to dock their ship."
Vlad remained quiet, standing tall in front of this man giving the impression he wanted to kill him.
However what was doing was simply, listening to Titania's description of this man, who was wearing the clothes a pirate would have, and to not be bothered by some shit flies, he took out some coins from his poach that he threw on the ground.
"Now we're settled. Nice welcoming to your city, kid. Already asking me for my money."
The guy frowned when seeing Vlad's gesture of throwing his money, and while picking the coins, he noticed Vlad move using a walking stick toward the city.
"A blind man? By himself? What the? …
At least he gave the money, so he is clear."
Vlad took his time walking, and by the time he arrived at the city entrance he could hear the atmosphere of the city, and also sense the flow of people moving past him.
The smells of the people, from those stinking to the ladies that used perfume, everything surrounded him giving him once again the feeling he was inside an annoying place.
"Something wrong, Vlad?" asked Titania, hiding herself behind his neck, covered by his long hair she was wearing the imperial veil of the Dragon Crown.
"Cheap perfume. That's what happened."
"I'll help you out."
Titania immediately offered her support to Vlad who moved forward, getting a bit closer to his face and blowing some air toward him, which had a smell of fresh mint and flowers.
"Isn't this cheating, my dear lady?" whispered Vlad, finding it amusing the way he was clearing this air full of various smells.
"No? I mean, I can also smell this, and it isn't so nice. But who will help me?"
"If we weren't surrounded by people, I would have given you a kiss."
"Don't say those embarrassing words." retorted Titania while her face turned rosy.
He continued talking softly with her, until he arrived at some crowded place that stopped his advance, and with his abyssal eyes open he used his ears to understand what was happening only to get some interesting words from someone standing at an elevated stage.
"People of Fiddle you have gathered today to watch the execution of a criminal.
A traitor to our city, Henry Monroe who committed arson, tax fraud, money laundering, murder and r@pe.
Someone who was captured from Lathast Island by our valiant champions, the Vane Crew, and directly transported to be subjected to your judgment.
Decapitation or hanging?"
Vlad remained silent while listening to the people's mixed views on this criminal, some said it was a set-up by Charles Vane the Captain of Vane Pirates along with the Captain Leader of Fiddler City, Ruebard Fiddler.
Others were of the opinion that the man in question deserved the judgment of being executed, being almost certain of the validity of the allegations as if they were victims, which made Vlad scoff.
"You sir, are right." mentioned a man to Vlad's right side, who looked at the stage where Henry was subjected to this charade of a trial.
Vlad ignored the guy, and decided to walk away from this gathering of people, picking up another alley to visit, yet without missing the sound of cheering for the execution of the unfortunate guy to be set-up by two influential guys to this place.
"Those people are cheering for the death of a person. Are they sane?" inquired Titania, who could hear the primal cheers of men drunk with violence.
"I can't say. Besides, we shouldn't bother with this place and its traditions. We didn't come to make friends nor enemies."