Chapter 18 - Return.

(Pov Luke)

When I woke up, I had breakfast with everyone. Today, I intend to return to the imperial capital. I believe I've already done a lot for this village, now I intend to leave the rest of the work to the villagers. I finished having breakfast and waited for Angelica to return to the house, she had left to take food to Arthur, who slept in the stable.

When Angelica returned, she was carrying a red flower, very beautiful, in one of her hands. When saw me sitting down, Angelica came towards me and handed me the flower.

"Here Luke, for you." she said smiling.


I gladly accepted the flower from Angelica, who left humming happily. I smelled the flower, which had a sweet scent, and placed it in my storage ring. Abigail, who was sitting knitting, spoke to me.

"She just gave her love to you."


"The rose of lovers. In our village, we give this rose only when we love that person. It's a kind of act of pledging love."

"When I accepted the rose, did I therefore accept Angelica's love?"


"Doesn't that bother you? I mean, Angelica must have given Arthur the rose before."

"Hohoho, Angelica never gave Arthur such a rose. She may have developed feelings for him in the past, but I believe that after everything that happened, all those feelings must have evaporated."

"I get it."

"Look, this is the first time I've seen you smile. You two suit each other well, take good care of her, Luke."

"I won't let you down."

[Hidden mission

Steal Angelica from Arthur: Complete.

Reward: 300 Despair Points.]

All of a sudden, I get a notification from the system that I've completed a quest. This time, I received an unexpected reward. Despair Points, a type of currency that I can use to buy something in the system store.

After Angelica finished carrying out some tasks, it was finally time for us to head to the imperial capital. After saying goodbye to the villagers, Arthur, Angelica and I left the village with Mr. Wilson arrested. At first, Arthur wanted to carry Angelica on his back. However, she wanted to come with me.

Angelica climbed onto my back and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. Angelica's heavy breasts rested against my back. Watching this scene, I felt a small murderous intent coming from Arthur, who was responsible for driving Mr. Wilson.

After our trip, we arrived in the imperial capital in the morning. Arthur and Angelica decided they were going back to the imperial academy, and I was responsible for taking Mister Wilson to prison. The moment we were about to part, Angelica gave me a kiss.

After that, I went to the imperial palace.


(POV Angelica.)

After spending a few days in the village, we headed back to the imperial academy. Luke had business with the empress, so he didn't enter the academy. As we said goodbye, I gave Luke a kiss, showing my affection for him. However, I regretted it.

Arthur, who saw this scene, was a little upset. I still haven't cleared things up with him, I intend to make it clear to him that I don't want anything else. After knowing all the risk that my village went through because of him and the way he acted in the face of this situation, I feel that I have lost my feelings for him.

Everything happened very quickly, there were many events that could have negatively influenced my life. However, I had a person who was in those moments to help me. I feel like my world would have come crashing down if not for Luke's help. In a way, all my feelings for Arthur shifted towards Luke.

Honestly, my feelings for Luke are stronger than I've felt for Arthur in all these years. I believe Luke has feelings for me too, after everything he's done.


Arthur called me. Looking into his face, I see a hint of anger, jealousy, and frustration. Arthur must have realized that my relationship with him as a lover is about to end, and he knows it's his fault.

"Say it, Arthur."

"What is your relationship with Luke?"

"I think you've already noticed. Luke has become what you used to be to me, a special person I want to have by my side."

"This means..."

"I want us to stay friends, but I don't want anything to do with you anymore, Arthur."

"Why? Why Angelica?"

"You know why. After everything that happened, did you think things would stay the way they were? Just thinking about how I might have lost everyone I love makes me want to hate you. But I'm still thinking about being your friend."

"What if I don't accept this?"

"I won't even consider you a friend. At most, for me, you'll be a workmate."

"You, since when do you have that confidence? What makes you think I'm going to take it so calmly?"



"Do you have the strength to beat him?"


"From your face, you understood the situation."


"It's a shame, Arthur, but that's the end of our relationship."

I turned my back and walked away.


(Luke's POV.)

After I finished reporting everything that happened in Angelica's village to the empress, I left the imperial palace and went to the imperial academy. I don't know what will happen to Mr. Wilson, but I think he will be executed after a trial.

After several days, I finally got back to the gym. Fortunately, I don't have to go to class today. Today, I intend to continue my training during the afternoon. I intend to keep increasing my magic power before I buy a new core in the shop.

My sword techniques are nowhere near reaching the power they once had.

Walking through the main courtyard of the imperial academy, I see the presence of few students. This is due to the fact that it is during class hours, most are in the classrooms. I intend to go back to classes tomorrow, even though I think it's a waste of time. The imperial academy will not provide me with anything extra, however, it is of paramount importance to obtain a diploma from the academy.

That diploma, a simple piece of paper, is a game changer for many students. A diploma opens many doors and gives advantages over those who do not have one. For us nobles, graduating from the imperial academy is almost an obligation. The higher your formation rank, the more honor the family brings. It's like there's a competition between the nobles.

Honestly, I think it's a waste of time. But I cannot carry out my revenge if I leave the academy. All heroines study here. Therefore, to get in touch with them, it is necessary to frequent the same environment as all of them.

I went back to my room, when I opened the door, I came across a beautiful maid sleeping on top of the bed. Marceline, after several days, I saw my first wife again. I lay down next to Marceline on the bed and wrapped one of my arms around her waist. Startled, Marceline woke up.


(Marceline POV.)

How many days is it? How long has it been since Luke left for Angelica's village? Since the day he left, I miss him. My days without him became boring, my life became purposeless. I came to the imperial capital to stand by Luke's side and serve him. However, without him here, I cannot accomplish my goal.

What's worse is that he didn't tell me the location of Angélica's village so that I could go with him. When I went back to look, Luke had left with Angelica without me. In this way, I spent several days at the imperial academy alone.

Today, as usual, I intended to sleep late. With nothing to do, it became a routine for the last few days to sleep almost all day. I was having a great sleep, until suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my body. Startled, I woke up and quickly turned towards the person. The first thing I saw was Luke, smiling at me.

"Missed me?" he asked, smiling.

"It's been over a week since I've seen you. Obviously, I missed you."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Luke said and kissed my forehead in an affectionate way. I wrapped my arms around Luke's body and hugged him back. Afterwards, I asked Luke about what happened in Angelica's village, he told me the details of everything that happened. He didn't hide anything from me, not even the fact that he started a relationship with Angelica.

Obviously, I felt a hint of jealousy. However, Luke's next words made me forget about that feeling quickly.

"Marceline. Even though I started a relationship with Angelica, you will always be my first. Today and forever, you will be my first wife. Obviously, if you accept."

In the empire, polygamy is allowed. Since I started my relationship with Luke, I thought I would stand by his side, as a servant and a lover. I never imagined that Luke was considering marrying me. Upon hearing his words, an indescribable feeling arose within me, to say that I felt happy would be an understatement to describe my feelings.

My father never showed many feelings for me. I was raised to be an assassin, as were previous generations of my family. If I remember correctly, it was my great-great-grandfather who swore allegiance on behalf of my family to the Bladys. Since then, subsequent members of our family have been trained to serve the Blady family.

With me, it was no different. Since I was a few years old, my father, who was the right-hand man of the head of the Blady family, taught me how to use a knife. After several years of training, I became a full-fledged assassin, ready to serve the Blady family. A few months after I finished my training, my father was killed on a mission and I took over his position.

I was sent on several missions and killed many enemies of the Blady family. As the years passed, I became an even colder and more ruthless killer than I was. I had no feelings. Honestly, I didn't have anyone to love. However, now I have Luke.

"I'm waiting for your answer, Marceline."

"Isn't it obvious? Of course, I do, Luke."

In this way, I became the first wife of the man who in the future turned the world upside down.


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