Chapter 20 - Duel.

Practical class.

I stayed in the infirmary, doing nothing, until I heard the bell that indicated the change of classes. Now, I have a practical class and unlike the previous one, this class piques my interest. Most of the time, duels take place in these classes, and this allows me to analyze the development of each S-class student, they considered high ranking nobles. Also, I can keep an eye on Arthur, the other heroines, Mary and Sophia.

I left the ward and went to the arena where the practical classes take place. When I arrived, the teacher asked me if I had improved and if I was able to participate in the class. I was fine. After all, I lied to the teacher to get away from the boring class I was having. However, I couldn't say that to him. So I ended up saying that I got better after resting a little in the ward, and I was able to participate fully in the classes.

After a brief conversation with the teacher, I headed towards where Angélica and Mary are. After all, the two girls are part of my group of practical classes. Mary, seeing me approach, gave me a charming smile. Anyone seeing that smile would think that she is a cheerful woman who is kind to everyone. However, Mary has a reputation opposite to this. Angelica, who was next to Mary, also smiled at me. But, her smile looked kind of naughty, like she was remembering what we did a while ago.

The two women, Angelica and Mary, made room for me to sit in the middle. Right now, I am very close to two very beautiful women, and this has caused some of the male students to look at me with envy and anger. This just shows how high their self-esteem is, to the point where they think they've got a chance to win over Angelica or Mary. Among the people I looked at, one of them was Arthur. I've gotten used to the way he looks at me lately.

Unlike in the past, when Arthur hid his hostility towards me, pretending to be a good person, now he demonstrates that he doesn't like me. Anyway, I prefer it that way. Knowing everything Arthur put me through in my first life, I feel a chill when I see him smiling kindly at me. Now, I enjoy watching him try to hide his hatred for me, but let murderous intent leak out every time he looks at me.

"Luke, what were you doing in the time you didn't come to class?" Mary asked me.

"There was a problem in my village. Luke helped me solve this problem." Angelica, who answered Mary's question.

"Really? If you had told me, I would have helped."

"It was something urgent. Angelica and I had to leave in a hurry, and that prevented us from thinking more rationally and asking for help."

"I understand."

Mary leaned over a little and whispered in my ear.

'I missed you these days.'

After, she pulled away and gave a slight smile. Angelica, who was next to me, didn't care about Mary's attitude. She knows her importance to me, as well as knowing that polygamy is legal in the empire. As I recall, Arthur married all three heroines in my first life, so Angelica is open-minded about that kind of relationship.

"Okay. Everyone pay attention." The teacher began to speak.

Today, there will be no duels in the practical class, students must train with their group. He explained that group members should help each other become stronger by sharing information that helps their partner improve as he looks weak. Knowing my group's capabilities, I don't see how I can help Angelica or Mary. Both are mages, unlike me. If either of them fought with weapons, it would be a different story.

For example, I guarantee to improve the skill of anyone who uses a sword. I have some knowledge of the spear, and a little archery. Before following the path of the sword, I tried using these two weapons, but with no results. However, I gained knowledge by battling people who used these two weapons, and I remember their skills perfectly. I was able to observe my opponents' skills in detail, but I couldn't reproduce when I tried.

"What do you think we should do, Luke?" Mary asked.

"I don't know. We have different characteristics and I have no idea how I can help you."

I plan to become a mage in the future as well and become a sword mage. But I have no reason to teach anyone. I could ask Mary to teach me, but I intend to ask the empress to do so. The empress is a very strong mage, I will ask her to be my instructor. Also, I'll take the opportunity to get closer to her and try to treat her illness.

At the moment, we can only train alone. Angelica, Mary, and I concentrated on increasing our magical power by meditating in the corner of the arena. How each person increases their magic power depends on cultivation, and everyone has their own. Not that I wanted to show off, but mine is one of the best. While meditating, this idea crossed my mind, I hadn't thought of it before, but I can teach Angelica and Mary.

"Hey Mary. Do you want to know how I increased my magic so fast?"

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of that before, but how did it go?"

"I developed my own cultivation method."

"Really? That's amazing. You're a genius."

"Would you like to learn?"

"Why would you do that? Creating a new way to increase magic power is very valuable."

"Well, I like you for that alone."

"Like me???"

Angelica's face turned red and smoke started coming out of her head. I was honest, I have nothing against Mary and I like her personality. Also, I intend to make her an ally, and the more powerful she is, the better for me. Well, at first I want to make you my ally, but gradually I intend to make you mine. After all, I believe Maria has feelings for me from what I saw with the [Eyes of the Lord].

If a transcendental beauty like Mary likes me, who am I to deny her? But, that can be left for the future.

"Mary. Are you going to accept my proposal or not?"

"I accept."

"Okay. Keep your back to me, please."

As per my request, Mary sat with her back to me and pushed her hair forward, exposing her neck. Meanwhile, Angélica was in a trance, meditating. I put my hand on Mary's back and injected some of my magic power into her. From what the system said, the magic power of a mage and a person who fights with a weapon is different, but the cultivation method doesn't interfere with that. The methods of cultivating magical power consist of absorbing energy from the environment and converting it.

The conversion form happens when it enters the nucleus. So, it doesn't matter if my magic power is a little different from Angelica's, once it reaches the core it will be converted into her own magic power. Knowing this, I injected some of my magic power into her body, as if it were energy from the environment. Then I spread my power through the energy channels of her body. Some of these channels were inactive, that is, they were never used.

These channels are small offshoots of the main channels, and most people are unaware of their existence. The more energy channels a person has in the body, the more he can absorb magical power from the environment. Mary, who felt her inactive channels filling with magical power, trembled a little. Afterwards, using my own magic power inside Mary's body, I began to absorb energy from the environment and increase my power in Mary's body.

After absorbing a good amount, I directed that power into Mary's core. My magic power, when it entered her core, was converted into Mary's own magic power. In the end, I took my hand off Mary's back.

"How do you feel?" I asked her.

"I feel like I can absorb almost twice as much energy as I did before."

This is obvious. All the ramifications of the channels that were opened expand the area of ​​energy absorption, consequently increasing the level of energy absorbed. Mary can become an unparalleled mage, better than the heroine Serina who possesses the blessing of the God of light.

"Concentrate on increasing your magic power now, Mary. Until you get used to this new method."


I would like to teach Angélica too, but she is very focused. So, prefer not to disturb her concentration. Time passed and class ended. I said goodbye to Mary and Angelica and went to the imperial palace, to train with Elizabeth. I arrived at the imperial palace and headed towards the training ground. When I arrived, the person waiting for me was not Elizabeth, but the Empress Margaret. Different from the dresses she usually wears, the empress was wearing an outfit similar to that of generals. She wore red pants and a white jacket, in addition to wearing a glove.

"You're finally here." Margaret said.

"Greetings your Majesty."

"You don't need all that education."

"Where is Elizabeth?"

"I am here."

Behind me came a female voice. It was Elizabeth, who had just entered the arena.

"Today, will you train with me?" Margaret said.


"Empress, be sincere." Elizabeth said.

"Right. Yesterday, you piqued my curiosity. You know, I'm a great mage, and I'm sensitive to magical power."


"I know you've reached s-rank magic power, Luke. I want to see how strong you are personally."

"A duel?"

"Hahaha, I wouldn't say a duel. I can't see you even hurting me, it would be more of a test of survival."

I know Margaret is stronger than I am, and I don't stand a chance with her right now. However, her speech hurt my pride as a warrior a little and, at the same time, made my fighting spirit boil with the challenge. I looked at Margaret, who for some reason took a step back.

"I'll go with everything I've got up." I said, taking my sword out of the storage ring.

Like lightning, I closed the distance between me and Margaret, starting the fight.

To be continued...