Chapter 32 - A turbulent night 1.

As usual, the streets of the demihumans' city were crowded. I followed Elizabeth to a tailor shop so we could get me ready for the party. It's been a week since we arrived in the demihuman realm, which means we still have seven days until the party. That should be enough time for the clothes to be ready.

When we walked into the store, some of the employees began taking my measurements. The store is well-organized, has good lighting, and a variety of clothes on display. The majority of the clothes on display are typical of high nobility, high quality clothing. After all of the measurements were taken, one of the employees asked if I had a color preference.

I replied: red. Elizabeth was taken aback by my choice and questioned it. I said I had no particular reason, but I chose this color because of Margaret. Margaret's favorite color is red, and I'm sure she'll wear a red dress or other outfit to the party. So I decided to order a red suit.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, I believe will dress in some unsightly white attire. This is consistent with her personality; after all, she does not like to stand out too much. Elizabeth, I noticed, does not like to stand out during the months I lived with her. I believe she takes vassal work to the letter and hides in Margaret's shadows, giving her all the attention.

I handed over half the suit's value after we finished placing the order. This shop operates on the basis of 50% to begin the job and 50% to complete the job. It appears to be a sound strategy. It forces the store and its customers to do their part.

We walked the streets again after leaving the store and paying. I see a small demihuman girl about to be assaulted. I rush up to the person who was about to attack her and grab his hand.

"Sir, it's kind of rude to hit a little girl like that."

"That bitch owes me, she asked for money and she didn't pay me."

"How much does she owe you?"

"500 coins." the lord said with a smile.

"Bullshit, I asked you for 50 coins." the little girl said with tears in her eyes.

"You have an interest in making me wait."

I took 500 coins out of my storage ring, which fell to the ground in front of the man.

"Take these coins and get out of my way." I said releasing killing intent.

The human demi, his body shaking, kneeling down and picking up the coins. After collecting it, it ran off with its tails between its legs. I turned to the little girl, who had bunny features and white hair, who was on the floor crying. Beside her was Elizabeth, stroking her head.

"Why is a little girl like you borrowing money from a person like that?"

"My mother is sick, I had to go buy medicine."

"Take me to your mother, depending on the illness I can help her."

Elizabeth frowned, and the little girl's eyes shone brightly. Elizabeth and I followed her to the city's outskirts, where, after crossing a bridge, we found a very poor house. The house's walls were made of wood, and some of the corners were broken.

"Little girl, what's your name again?"

"My name is Lily."

"Same name as my sister. Well, I guess she's my sister."

"And you?"

"Luke and that beautiful woman is Elizabeth."

Elizabeth blushed a little and looked away.

"How old are you?"



"This way."

We entered after the little girl opened the door. There were no separate rooms in the house; it was a single room with a fireplace that was almost out, a table, and a bed in the corner. A demi-human was lying on the bed, sweating and shivering like the girl. The state of the skin indicated that it had been poisoned.

The first thing I noticed were some stains and dilating veins. I'm pretty sure she was poisoned, and that type of disease is simple to treat; simply extract it from her body.

"Please excuse me."

I approached her and lifted the mother of the demihuman's shirt. Then I placed my hand on her stomach and began extracting the poison. A purple liquid soon began to ooze from the woman's skin. The woman eventually stopped shivering and her features relaxed.

"Ok." I said, venom floating in my hand.

"Did you really heal her?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, she was poisoned. I knew it when I laid eyes on her."

"Coof coof."

The woman who was lying down coughed and slowly opened her eyes. Lily, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, jumped on top of her mother and sobbed as she hugged her. Elizabeth and I left the house to leave mother and daughter alone for a while. Elizabeth commented on the location's conditions. it's a pity.

Suddenly, the little girl came out of the house and called to us. When we walked in, the woman thanked us.

"Do you have any work?" I inquired.

"I was a gatherer. I collected plants for the adventurers' guild, but as you can see the return wasn't high. I think it was on a day at work that I got sick, I must have stepped on some poisonous plant."

"Hmm. Would you like to work for me?"


"I intend to buy a house in the imperial capital. If you want, you can work as a maid for me. I promise you and your daughter a better life than this one."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I don't know. I just want to help you and your daughter."

"Please....Take me as your maid."

"What's your name?"


I placed my hand on the emir's forehead and gave her some of my energy. After receiving my energy, Emir stood up, bowed and thanked me several times.

"Emir. Your first task is to accompany your daughter to the imperial capital and look for my other maid at the imperial academy."

"It'll be a while before we get there."

"Don't worry, I have an excellent means of transportation."


"Who the hell is this?"

"It's a dragon."

I sent Skrill a telepathic message instructing him to locate me. I asked him to take Lily and the Emir to the imperial capital when he arrived. He denied it at first, but after I insisted, he took on her true form, surprising Elizabeth.

"Wait.... Was that a dragon kitten? What exactly do you mean? ...."

I ignored Elizabeth and her reservations and approached Emir and Lily. I handed her a wad of cash and instructed her to speak with Marceline about purchasing a home in the imperial capital. Academy classes are almost over, and I don't want to go back to the Bladys' house.

Skrill took off after placing Emir and Lily on his back, leaving Elizabeth and me behind. You bombarded me with questions, Elizabeth.


(From Elizabeth's point of view)

Luke's attitudes move me yet again. He did it because he wanted to save a little girl and her mother. He didn't do it out of obligation or anything; he just wanted to be nice. I like him a lot.


(Luke Pov)

After lunch, I went to the training arena, where Carina was attempting the move again. I approached her and offered her some advice. Following that, I concentrated on my training. Days passed in this manner.

Carina was able to perform the movement after many works. Elizabeth and I alternate days accompanying Margaret on her daily activities. Margaret came to rest a few days before the party, but she became accustomed to the work routine and began meddling in demihuman realm affairs. Assume she assisted Mufasa while harshly criticizing him.

Margaret's health has greatly improved. She is not completely healed, but she will be after a few more sex sessions. Also, my relationship with her shifted 180 degrees. She behaves normally when we are in the presence of other people. Margaret, on the other hand, changes completely when we're alone.

She enjoys being lavished with attention. I don't know much about her background, but I'm sure she grew up in an unloving environment. Elizabeth's feelings grew stronger. I believe that helping Emir and Lily had an effect on her, even if it wasn't on purpose.

My outfit was finished the day before the party. This is the first time I'm going to try to enjoy a party. In my previous life, I was always isolated, and the other nobles made fun of me. Stop going to these events after a while.

The party will take place in the main hall of the palace and as Margaret is one of the important figures at the party, she should be one of the first to arrive. Elizabeth and I got ready. Being about measurements, the suit fit my body perfectly. In addition, the quality of the material used was great, generating a good comfort.

Elizabeth, unlike what I imagined, was not wearing a dress. Instead, she was wearing a very nice feminine suit that highlighted the beautiful curves of her body. Margaret was the same, she was not wearing a dress, but the traditional attire, similar to that of generals, that she usually wears. And yes, the suit was red.

When Margaret entered the hall, trumpets were played and a speaker introduced her. Elizabeth and I followed Margaret like vassals and escorted her to the indicated location. The demihuman royal family was already present. There was a massive table in the middle, with Mufasa sitting in the center, Sarafina (the queen) on the right side, and Carina on the left.

Mufasa was dressed elegantly in dark blue, Sarafina in purple, and Carina in navy blue. I'm seeing Carina in these clothes for the first time, and to be honest, they suit her. Margaret saluted Mufasa and moved to her seat at the table.

The trumpet is blown once more, and this time the King of the Elves has entered. His hair is blond, his eyes are blue, and he has pointy ears. Two other elves stood behind him, one with brown hair and the other with dark blue hair that reached all the way down his back. I felt keen discomfort from the blue-haired elf for a brief moment. His eyes were filled with malice.

Mufasa and Margaret both returned the elves' king's salute. After a few moments, the majority of the guests had arrived. Margaret was drinking wine like it was water, as she always did. Her relaxed posture is a result of my and Elizabeth's protection.

I'm once again uneasy. Margaret in front of me was getting dizzy more than usual. She can drink an entire bottle of wine and still function normally. But she drank two cups today and it worked. Margaret asked me to get some water from one of the waiters to try to make things better.

I left Margaret behind and approached one of the waiters. At the same time, the blue-haired elf approached me and the waiter and asked for water as well.

"It's a beautiful night." he said.

"Yes. But I feel something is wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't notice before because you were far away, but now I can.... Your eyes glow demonic energy."


Before I could pull my sword out of the storage ring, my body was slammed into the wall. Faced with such a situation, everyone paid attention to the elf who had cast a spell on me.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Mufasa yelled with rage.

"Come in." the elf whispered.

People dressed in black and hooded smashed the hall windows. At the same time, large magical circles appeared on the heads of Margaret, Mufasa, and the elf king. Three spells were fired at the same time because there was no reaction time.

[Demon King's Power]


[The Demon King's power was present in the spell that struck you and the magical circles. Probably, that elf drew blood from the demon king]

If the system is correct, those who were affected by those spells have a slim chance of survival. I stood up and looked around; the hall had devolved into a shambles. The guests were fighting hooded individuals. It was most likely the [night shadow] group. I looked towards Margaret, but I couldn't see anything because of the dust created by the spell.

I could see Mufasa and Carina getting up from the ground outside the peoria cloud. Mufasa roared loudly and charged towards the elf, who had exited the main hall. Mufasa followed the elf out of the hall before long.

Carina dashed back into the dust cloud, and I followed. When the dust settled, Margaret and Elizabeth were in critical condition. Carina's mother was in worse condition than the two of them, as she was covered in sores. I was surprised to hear a cry. The crying elf was the king of the elves, who was holding the other elf in his arms.

"Mom. Why?"

Carina began to cry as she held her mother in her arms. Sarafina hadn't died, but she was on the verge of it, as were Elizabeth and Margaret. Margaret couldn't help but react to that circle. How could she not notice him forming? What caused this to happen? Carina's sobbing voice cut through all my doubts.

"Luke... Please. Help my mother, please save her."

What do I do? If I don't do anything, all three will die.


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