Chapter 36 - Memoirs 1.

I'll write in the third person. I think it's better because I'm going to describe Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina's vision.

(third-person perspective)

Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina were watching a boy who was very familiar to them at the time. Despite being in the same location, the women were unable to see or feel the presence of the others. Everyone was trapped inside an isolated world, watching the scenes that appeared in front of them.

In the corner of a dark room, a young boy, about 9 years old, with purple hair, was crying. The three women could feel the emotions that were present inside the boy's heart at that time. It was mostly frustration, shame, fear, and envy.

Unlike his brothers and sisters, this boy lacked talent. He was constantly compared to both of them, which accumulated more and more negative feelings in him.

"What am I doing wrong? Why do people treat me this way?"

Luke Blady was the name of the young man. Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina were witnessing the origins of Luke's inferiority complex in his first life at the time. The scene shifts to Luke on the training grounds, swinging his sword, his hands bleeding and a pained expression on his face.

Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina recognized where they were right away. They were witnessing Luke's memories at the time. The sight of Luke's expression and the way he was training caused Margaret and Elizabeth to feel uneasy.

Luke's sword swing was devoid of elegance, refinement, or talent. The abilities Luke had shown the two of them did not exist in the Luke they were now seeing.

The scenario shifts once more. Luke is alone this time, sitting at a table and eating food that the servants ate. Noble families typically eat the finest foods and gather around the table. According to the family's head, Luke was not worthy of sitting at the table as a member of the family.

For a long time, that was Luke's life. He had no one's support inside the mansion, he trained hard but got no results, and he was always alone. Loneliness was overpowering the boy more and more. Obviously, the nobles of the imperial capital spread rumors about Luke.

A boy who had no family support because of his lack of talent was subjected to a cruel aristocratic society. Luke only saw his family at the events of other nobles, but it was all about making a good impression. The Blady family's leader liked to give the impression that they were a good family. Most of the time, Luke was humiliated and carried around.

Luke began to die inside and a darkness began to take over his heart. Until one day, Sophia appeared in front of Luke. For the first time in a long time, Luke was called into the head of the family's office. The reason was to talk about Luke's marriage. When he saw Sophia, it was love at first sight.

The idea of ​​marrying a beautiful girl like Sophia made the darkness disappear from Luke's heart. He became Sophia's dog, willing to do anything for her. Years passed and Luke took his first test at the imperial academy. The result was a failure.

Despite all of his efforts and days spent trying to push past his limits, Luke failed. Hell awaited him when he returned home following the outcome. Luke's father summoned him to the office and spanked him.

According to the family patriarch, Luke enraged him by tarnishing the Bladys' name. Luke was beaten, slapped, punched, and even beaten with an iron bar from the fireplace. Luke knelt with his head to the ground, pleading for forgiveness. In the end, Luke walked out of the office covered in bruises and blood all over his body.

Seeing this scene, the chests of the three women tightened. An indescribable feeling of anger welled up in Margaret's heart. She never imagined that she would see the person who touched her heart like this, covered in blood and bruises.

At the imperial academy, Luke was treated like crap by the high nobility. Being assigned the lowest class, Luke suffered heavy abuse, being beaten and humiliated. In every possible way, Luke suffered humiliation. But, he always smiled in front of only one woman, Sophia.

Luke put up with everything because he wanted to marry and have children with a woman as beautiful as Sophia. The scene shifts once more. This time, it depicts Luke and Arthur conversing. Luke had made a friend for the first time in his life.

The bullying at the imperial academy gradually subsided, and Luke found some peace. Despite Sophia's growing hostility toward him, Luke saw no problem. Luke's world came crashing down during his final year at the Imperial Academy. Luke decided to walk through the academy grounds for some reason in a late-night letter.

Suddenly, he runs into two people he recognizes. Even from behind, he could tell who the two people walking with their arms crossed were. Sophia and Arthur were a brown-haired woman and a blond-haired man. Unlike how she acted with him, Sophia smiled at Arthur.

Luke, who had tried his hardest to please Sophia all these years, had never received a smile like that. He had never seen such an affectionate, happy smile. He once thought Sophia didn't know how to smile. Luke's legs went wobbly and his head turned white at that moment.

When he realized, he was following the two in the shadows. In the end, Luke chased Sophia and Arthur to the hero's dorm. Seeing Sophia enter Arthur's room smiling, Luke felt despair taking over him. He moved to knock on Arthur's door, but stopped when he heard Sophia's first moan.

Luke, despite having little experience with Woman, knew very well what Arthur and Sophia were doing inside the room. At that moment, he felt his heart begin to beat faster, his breathing became more labored and his head began to throb. Faced with this situation, Luke fell to his knees in front of the bedroom door and began to cry, while the woman he loved so much was under another man.

The three women, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina, felt their hearts tighten before this scene. Luke's demeanor was gloomy, and they could see that the light had faded from his eyes. Margaret and Elizabeth, on the other hand, had their doubts.

The Luke they know is currently in their fourth year at the imperial academy, while the event unfolding before their eyes takes place in their fifth year. Luke had that kind of memory, how was that possible? Despite their reservations, the two women decided to keep watching the memories play out.

Luke decided to leave the Imperial Academy after this incident. He had been betrayed by his only friend, the person he most trusted, and the woman he adored. When Luke returned to Blady Manor, he begged his father to assign him a task that even a useless person like him could complete.

Luke practically became a butler for the Blady family, performing butler-like duties. Nothing was important to him at the time. Inside the mansion, his treatment obviously deteriorated. Marceline is the only person who has shown him kindness. Despite the fact that it was motivated by pity, Luke was moved.

A few months passed and the war against the Demon King began. At that time, it was leaked that Empress Margaret was close to death and this encouraged the leader of the Blady family to organize a rebellion to seize power. At the end of the war, Arthur returned as victorious and Margaret had died.

Knowing that she had died due to an illness, Margaret started to come up with some theories in her head. The first was that Luke was a time traveler. That would explain how he knew about her illness and how to treat her.

With Margaret's death, the Blady family tried to stage a coup and assume power. However, Arthur was considered the new emperor. He had been the hero chosen by the God of Light who had guided mankind to victory against the Demon King. After quelling the rebellion, Arthur wiped the Blady family off the map.

However, he only left one person alive. Despite having done nothing wrong, Luke was imprisoned in the palace dungeon. As punishment, he was subjected to various tortures such as nail pulling and bone breaking. Luke's appearance has changed dramatically in the months since he was imprisoned.

Margaret, Elizabeth, and Sarafina's stomachs dropped, their hearts sank, and tears welled up in their eyes. Luke, who was chained up, was nothing but skin and bones. He also had several scars on his body from torture.

In the dungeon one day, a man with blond hair and a woman appeared. Sophia and Arthur were the names. Arthur told Luke that he had married Sophia and had a child with her. Following that, Arthur kissed Sophia on the lips. Luke was not sad when he saw this scene. However, he felt hatred.

Arthur finally killed Luke in the dungeon. A smile on Arthur's face was the last thing Luke saw before he died. The three women felt an indescribable hatred for the current hero Arthur after witnessing this scene.

No one could quite understand what was going on, but they knew this was all something Luke had lived through. Faced with such doubts, the scene shifted to a small brothel in a city. In that brothel, a prostitute had just given birth to a baby.

"He will be called Joseph."

Margaret, Elizabeth and Sarafina were about to witness Luke's second life.


Who can, give that help in Ko-fi.