Chapter 10

After some time spent talking it finally happened. A large chunk of wall fell down and they now could see through it even from a distance. The old man's started to ram the wall harder like he knew that soon he can get to his destination and finally have a good lunch.

Davies jumped up from a chair and grabbed his makeshift spear running towards the hole. While Davies was running to the hole Susanne also jumped up and ran towards the other side of the flat and hid in the corner silently watching Davies get in action.

He aimed his spear with two hands toward the hole waiting for a good time to stab forward. By now the hole was big enough for an adult man to slip through. He suddenly whistled and the old man stopped ramming the wall and stuck his body half way trough the wall. Flailing with his hands towards Davies the crowbar slamming the spear to the side several times.

Sweating like a river running down both side of his face Davies silently waited for the best time to stab the old man.

Suddenly when both of his arm was flung to the side he stabbed forward. The knifes blade ended up inside the old man's cheek tearing it apart blood spurred on the ground. When he pulled the spear back the knifes serrated side torre off even more meat from his face. The right side of the old man's face sported a gaping hole even he's teeths could be seen when he's mouth was closed. Of course the old man got even more aggressive trying to push himself through the hole Davies stabbed again. This time gouging out his left eye, than stabbed again his nose and when the knife got in contact with bone the aluminum metal rod broke in half in the middle. Now the short spear was sticking out from the old man's face while the other side was left in Davies hand. He hurryedly dropped the broken end and grabbed towards the knifes spear end. The old man's hips was stuck inside the hole while pushing himself through. It seemed like the trouser belt's metal part got stuck in the walls other side. When Davies reached for the broken spear the old man also grabbed hold of his left hand and slammed his side with his crowbar holding right hand. Davies grunted hard and pulled out the knife from his head.

He fall backwards while pulling the old man through the hole together with him.

When he fell on his ass the old man rolled over and face down landed on the ground.

Davies jumped up in panic. And this time only holding the knifes with both hands he slammed it inside the old man's head when he tried to lift himself up. The knifes blade sunk inside the skull till only the handle was sticking out. The old man opened its mouth, froze for a second than fell limp on the ground. Davies hurriedly sit down on the ground and pushed himself further away from the body, taking large breaths like he run a marathon and wiping the sweat from his face.

"God damn. So fucking hard to stabb someone in the head. I thought he's going to get me. This is totally nuts, he didn't stop attacking me even after I took out his eye and tore off half of his fucking face."

He could feel the vomit rushing up his trouth and he directly thrown up on the ground. Vomiting violently he could feel some kind of heat rushing towards his head. Than there was a moment of darkness nd everything stopped. His vomiting stopped and he's. Breathing got unnaturally even. Than a load buzzing noise started up in his head followed by the sound of a bell.

*Congratulation for test subject Nr. 39459.

You have gathered enough energy for the basic functions. Please name yourself for the bounding of the evolution assistant.

Davies staring into void couldn't belive what he was hearing.

"The fuck. Am I hallucinating?"

Looked towards Susanne even though he know she was not the one who spoke. He hurriedly looked all around the room than towards the hole on the wall.

They were alone nobody else was near them.

*Please name yourself User. *

The sound came back and this time sounded even more louder. It was like when he was thinking hard about someone and trying to remember what they told him only this time there was only sound and no face combined to the information, it was a whole new feeling and he didn't like it at all. It was like ants crawling inside the back of his head.

Fixing his eyes on Susanne he asked her if she said something. She only shook her head while covering her face with one of her hands and covering her chest with the other. It looked like she also fighting with vomiting while her eyes got fixated on the bleeding old man's head.

*Please name yourself User*

"I'm Davies. Who are you? Is it telephaty or I went mad?"

*Welcome Davies. I'm the evolution assistant. You can call me Megan. You have gathered enough energy to spectate and open the basic functions. Would you like to spectate the basic function? *

Calming down a bit Davies pulled out the knife from the old man's head than climbed through the hole. Deciding to ignore the sound inside his head in hopes it will disappear soon.

"Most likely it is stress right? I mean who would stay sane in a situation like this? Only a psycho would get unfazed. I killed someone a moment ago. It's normal if I don't feel alright."

He slowly started to walk towards the door on the other side of the room. The whole room was covered in blood and rumble from the broken wall. The whole place smelled of shit and decay, Davies could feel the smell of death even through his face mask. Walking outside the room the place got somewhat better. There was a line of blood leading outside of the room. After walking outside of the room he come inside a small corridor that lead outside of the flat whyle it had 2 more doors. It was a small 4 door room. He walked to the entrance door and checked if its locked. The safety chain was placed in its place and the keys was inside the lock. He tryed to twist the key to lock the door but it was already locked. So he turned back and walked towards the other open door which was leading towards most likely the living room where the smell originated from. When he entered the room he found the source, an old woman was in pieces on the ground. 2 of her arms missing while one of her feet was chewed bare and the bones could be seen. Looking around the living room it was connected to the kitchen so he went there to look around. The cupboards was closed same for the fridge. He opened the fridge and it was filled with food. With a big smile he started to open up everything and see what goodies he gained. There was several vegetable and fruit cans the best haul was the several mushroom and bean can. Walking back towards the corridor he slowly opened the only closed door. It led to a bathroom. This was the only clean place in the flat. Opening the cabinet above the sink he could see all kinds of medication. After he went back to the bedroom he could see Susanne climbing trough the hole on the wall.

-Go back and bring the duffle bag from the kitchen floor. We need to bring everything over to our place.

Looking around Susanne was covering her nose from the smell while nodding to him. After she got the duffle bag he told her to pick clean the food from the old couple's kitchen than bring it back to his flat.

In the meantime Davies started to look trough the bedroom trying to find the old man's gun. After a few minutes he found a rifle inside a safe that was hidden like its a wardrobe cabinet. It was locked so he went back to the entrance door he took out the key chain from the lock. Trying inside all of them he finally succeeded after the fourth time. Opening the safe there was a long wooden box inside with Blazer K95 Ultimate Carbon writing. The moment when he seen it Davies already know he hit the jackpot. There was also a Winchester SXP pump-action shotgun with several boxes of 12 gauge ammunition. Taking out the shotgun he placed it inside the weapon bag that was put next to the safe, inside the cover cabinet, than started to fill up a different bag with the ammunition boxes after he finished he put it to the side. Taking off the large box with the Blazer gun he slowly opened it and a beatyful unused scoped rifle welcomed him. It was made with carbon fiber so its weight was even lower than the shotguns. It was already assembled most likely the old man never got the chance to use it. There was 10 of. 308 Win. Box inside the safe after he placed those inside the bag too he went back to loot the place. He got 2 sett of cammo clothing with all kinds of camping gears. But there was too few, he remembers seeing the old man a few times taking out his hunting gear from his 4x4 pajero and there was loads of gear.

After thinking s bit he started to compare the key chain with his own and he did find a similar key like his basement lock key.

"So the old man only kept here the expensive gear and left the rest inside his basement storage unit. I will have to get down there again. Now with guns I could open up all of them."