"Why do I have a dragon aura? It's simple because I have [Boosted Gear]." I answered directly.

"But Noir-senpai, this aura belonged to that perverted boy before, how do you have it now?" Koneko-chan didn't expect me to answer so easily and asked in surprise.

"I can say that I have a special talent. Also, we don't need to habituate a person to the supernatural world out of the blue." I answered.

"I see."

"By the way, Koneko-chan, you just sensed my aura, didn't you?"


"Then can you show me some? I'm actually trying to create an aura-based martial art, but I don't fully understand the aura so I can't fully use the art."

"Well Senpai, I actually use Senjutsu and it's..."

"I'm not forcing you, Koneko-chan. You don't need to show it all, just create something like a small aura ball."

'I guess it's okay if it's just a minor thing.' Koneko thought and then slowly formed a small ball of aura in her hand with Senjutsu. And suddenly she pulled back.

'I think she finished so small and fast because she was trying not to transform. Raphael, is the appraisal successful?'

[Appraisal completed.]

"Thank you Koneko-chan."

"Was that enough?" Koneko asked.

"Certainly. So is there anything you want?"

"Well, Senpai, do you have any of yesterday's desserts?"

"Sorry Koneko-chan it was all over yesterday."

"..." Koneko-chan looked sad.

"Then how about if I bring the sweets to school today, Koneko-chan? I'll bring it to you in the Occult club room."

"Do you really do it Senpai?"

'She is so cute.'

"Of course."

"Thank you senpai." Afterwards, Koneko left the kitchen to get ready.

'[Prideful King Lucifer] Copy Senjutsu.'

[[Senjutsu] successfully acquired.]

'Raphael analyze the skill and create a workout that suits me I need to master it at night.'


Then I started to prepare breakfast. Again, I had the table completely set. In the morning everyone gathered and we had breakfast and started getting ready for school.

I also gave Kalawarner a list as she needed to do some house shopping. I also told her to introduce me if she ever met Mittelt again.

Afterwards, I made a few more desserts with the ingredients at home. I wasn't worried about the clock as I could teleport anyway. While I was making the desserts, Rias and Sona's peerage were starting to go to school. The desserts were ready a few minutes before the classes started, but because they needed to cool down, I put them in the fridge and used spatial motion to the Student council room.


(Student Council room)

'I was so embarrassed in the morning.' Sona thought in the council room.


A magic circle suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, and Noir suddenly appeared from within the circle.

"Noir what are you doing here and why did you come here with magic?"

"I teleported so I wouldn't be late for school, what's wrong with that?" I asked.

"You know why we walk instead of teleporting to school?"

"To spend time with your peerage on the road?"

"This is one of the reasons, but the main reason is that people perceive us as human as possible. If we came to school with constant teleportation, people would be suspicious. That's why we go to school like normal people."

"Hmm? I see. All right, I'll be careful."

Afterwards, I went to the classroom because the classes were about to start, and the lessons started normally. It went on like this until noon. At noon, I returned home and took the sweets and teleported right next to the Occult club house. I went inside and knocked on the door of the room after crossing the corridor.

"Come in." I heard Akeno's voice.

I opened the door and inside, Akeno was standing right next to her while Rias was examining the documents on the table. Kiba and Koneko were sitting on the sofa. Koneko got excited as soon as she saw me.

"Ara ara~ Noir-kun, what brings you here?"

"I have a special delivery to Koneko-chan." Then I gave the package filled with sweets to Koneko. She looked at me with stars in her eyes and suddenly hugged me.

"Thank you Noir-senpai." Immediately after, she took the package and sat on the sofa and started eating with pleasure.

"Ara ara~ Noir-kun, I think you have conquered Koneko-chan."

Koneko's cheeks flushed slightly, but she immediately started concentrating on desserts.

"Noir-senpai I have a request for you?" Kiba asked.

"What is it?"

"Noir-senpai please fight with me!"

"Huh? Why?"

"I heard from Buchou that you were a swordsman. That's why I want to have a sword fight with you." Kiba explained.

"Hmm I see then I accept."

Afterwards, we went to the school's kendo club field and took one of each kendo stick and went to the field. Of course, the whole school heard the news, or rather, all the girls in the school rushed to the kendo court.



Just then, Kiba started to speed towards me, of course, a high speed according to human, he was not using his real speed.

Just when Kiba was about to make a cut...

'[Hazy Style: Rumbling of Heaven and Earth]' I took a step back, then I made a slash from underneath. As soon as Kiba pulled back a little, then I immediately followed with a downward strike and Kiba was able to hold it with his sword at the last moment.

'Wow, I didn't expect Kiba to be able to block Gazel Dwargo's technique. Of course, I didn't use a power like Gazel, if I did, Kiba's sword would have been shattered.'

'[Haze Style: Purple Lightning Thrust]' Without further effort, I drew my sword and before Kiba could get ready, I used the technique and quickly struck Kiba's sword in his hand, causing him to drop his sword, and then I aimed my sword at Kiba's face.

"I think this is my win." I said with friendly smile.

"You are really strong Noir-senpai."

I extended my hand and Kiba took my hand and I lifted Kiba to his feet.

"Kyaaaa~! Princes of Light and Darkness!"

"Our light prince Kiba-san and our dark prince who just came to school are side by side!"

"Kyaaaa~! They are so charming!"

"Kyaaa~! Now we have the princes of light and dark against the perverted trio."

The girls around us started chanting like fangirls and finding us nicknames.

Afterwards, we barely managed to disperse the girls and we returned to the Occult club room.

"Noir-senpai what was that technique?" Kiba asked.

"This is one of the techniques that I created, but it's not complete yet." I answered.

"Did I lose a technique that isn't eve completed?" Kiba said in a somewhat depressed mood.


Sorry For The Late Chapter

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