"Then what do you think of my black lightning?"

"That was so strong." Akeno said.

Akeno was very impressed, as Akeno was the only lightning magic user among them. And since she was already trying to cast powerful spells without using her Fallen angel abilities, the black lightning that I used instead of the fallen angel's light magic was more impressive to Akeno.

"What was this power? I've never seen anything like this before. Could it be a Longinus or Sacred gear?" Rias asked.

"Nope, this is one of my skills called synthesis. It allows me to synthesize spells and create more powerful spells."

"Does that mean I can't use it then?" Akeno asked.

"I don't know, but I would like to help."

"Ara ara~ Really?"

"Of course it would be fun to work on spells with you." I said with bright smile.


[A gigantic entity is approaching towards you at very high speed.]

"I have to go, none of you follow me, I'm serious." I said.

All of a sudden, when I received a notification from Raphael, I started to release my aura and started flying at full speed to an empty spot of the city. When I crossed over to the empty land, an energy like a meteor was coming from the sky towards me.


The meteor made of pitch-black energy opened up a crater right in front of me, and as the smoke and dust began to disappear, a black-haired black-eyed loli girl stood in the middle of the crater.

"You young Leviathan devil." Girl said.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked.

"Yes, you are one of the powerful demons I want to invite you to my faction." Girl said.

"First of all, who are you? And what faction are you talking about?" I asked cautiously because the girl in front of me was so strong.

"My name is Ophis and my faction is Chaos Brigade. Now that I've introduced myself, join my faction."

'Ophis?! Ouroboros Dragon, Infinite Dragon?!' Lightning flashed in my mind.

"I'm sorry but I have to decline."

"Huh?! Why?" Ophis asked with a confused expression on her face. She never expected to be rejected.

"Namely, even though a sweet girl like you invites me, I am not interested in joining any faction." I politely replied with a slight flirty.

(Author's Note: In this fanfiction, Ophis is completely a girl, so unlike the anime, she's not genderless.)

"Why do you refuse?! Even if you join my faction, you can continue to do your own thing, you'll just have to help me." Ophis said.

"Why would someone as strong as you need help?"

"Because I want to take back my silence. I want to return home and I have formed a faction to achieve this."

"I understand, but I still refuse. Because I want to get stronger and I don't like being in command of others."

"If you want to get stronger, I can easily make you stronger. Just join my faction." Ophis kept making offers.

"I don't like using shortcuts to get stronger, I want to get stronger with my own ability."

"Mou~ Why don't you just accept it?" Ophis complained, puffing her cheeks

'She is so cute.'

"I won't join your faction, but I can be your friend."

"Friend? What is that?"

"Friends are people who like to help each other and have fun with each other. They help you when you need help, and they are the people you help when they need it. They like to do things together." I explained.

"So if we become friends, will you help me even if you don't join my faction?"

"Who are you trying to get your house back from?"

"From that big red-baka dragon."

"Big red-baka dragon? Oh are you perhaps talking about Great Red?"

"Hmph that baka dragon."

"There's no way I can beat that thing with my current power." I said honestly.

"I know that's why I'm forming a faction."

"So how about we become friends instead of joining your faction?"

"It's ok if there is no other solution." Ophis accepted finally.

"Then would you like to come to my house to celebrate our friendship? I'll cook for you too."

"I don't need to eat."

"Friends enjoy doing things together. So come with me and you will see my house." I extended my hand to Ophis and began to wait.

"Okay." Ophis soon agreed and took my hand.

Immediately afterwards, I telepathically texted Kalawarner and Mittelt, telling them to stay at Sona's house tonight and not come home. After all, they will be horribly surprised if they encounter the Infinity dragon in the house.

Right after, we teleported home with the teleportation spell. Ophis had a surprised expression on her face when she saw my teleport circle. Normally every clan, even dragons, have teleport circles with a symbol inside, but mine was pure magic circle. It had neither clan nor other symbols on it.

"It was a strange teleportation circle." Ophis said.

"Really? I think so. This magic circle was created by me I guess that's why it's different."

"You created?!" Because of Ophis' interest in discovering and learning new things, curiosity appeared in her eyes and she began to look at Noir with interest.

"Yes, I created it. Anyway, I'll prepare dinner, you can sit in the living room if you want."

"I'll watch."

Then I went to the kitchen and prepared some food, then I made a few desserts and put them in the freezer to cool. Ophis was watching me curiously the whole time I was cooking.

When the food was completely ready, I took it to the table and presented it to Ophis.

Ophis took the first slice rather hesitantly, but after eating it, her eyes lit up and she quickly started eating.

"Slow down, little lady, there is plenty more, no one takes the food in front of you."

Afterwards, Ophis began to eat more slowly than before. After a while, the food on Ophis' own plate was finished, and soon Ophis ate all the food in the pot.

"Hahahahahahah... Did you like it?"

"So good. Can you do it for me again?"

"Of course I will do as much as you want."

"Then I will live with you from now on." Ophis said, like it was a normal thing to do.



Dear readers, the chapters haven't been coming for a few days because I've been in a rush to start college these few weeks. Thank you for your understanding.

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