'Test is successful. Combining physical damage resistance, Holy attack resistance, and Natural element resistance's effects, this sword can neither penetrate my skin nor do damage with its light. I wanted to try this.' I thought.

Freed's and Raynare's eyes widened in shock. As I was holding Freed's sword, Freed let go of his sword and jumped back and this time started shooting with his gun. But this time, even though the bullets contacted me, he got the same result.

"Oh you seem surprised. Of course, I didn't tell you. I'm not a low-class devil, I'm a Ultimate-class devil." I said it with a smile on my face.

"U-Ultimate class!"

Raynare looked frightened. But since Freed was still a little far from me, he must have thought he could escape...

"Boss, if you survive, see you then." Freed threw a smoke bomb on the ground and tried to escape. But when he approached me, he didn't know that I had put a mark on him. Now I can find Freed wherever he goes.

"Well Asia-cha-." When I turned to look at Asia, Asia was unconscious in Kalawarner's arms.

"Noir-sama, this girl fainted from shock the moment Freed tried to stab you." Kalawarner said.

"All right, Kalawarner, you take Asia and go home, and I'll be right back."

"I understand Noir-sama."

Then Kalawarner took Asia and teleported.

"All right, Raynare. What shall we do with you now?" I said with smile.

"You're going to brainwash me, aren't you? Then you're going to use all your brutal sex toys on me. You will fuck me until you break me, destroy my will, right?..."And in this way, Raynare showed us her overdeveloped imagination. For a few minutes, she started counting all kinds of fantasies and fetishes. And even Mittelt's mouth fell open. Raynare continued to speak until she finally needed to breathe.

"Is it over?" I said with a displeasured voice.

"Mittelt, is Raynare always like this?" I asked to Mittelt.

"Noir-sama I really don't know. Maybe she has developed a fetish for rape, and when someone as strong as you comes up against her, this fetish comes into play." Mittelt said.

"Yeah it might be."

"Hey! I can hear you!" Raynare said with a red face.

"Anyway then do you accept it now? Be my servant or die."

"I would never betray Azazel-sama." Raynare said.

"You're not currently working for Azazel. You work under Kokabiel and as far as I know, Kokabiel is betraying Azazel."


"Yes, I understand you're confused. Do you think someone who deals with sacred gear rather than Azazel humans should ask for [Twilight healing], which is abundant in the world. Or why would he send you to Kuoh, where both Gremory and the Sitri clan are the heirs?"

At that moment, lightning flashed in Raynare's head. Noir was right, none of these missions came directly from Azazel, they were always communicated through Kokabiel. So actually Raynare was deceived and betrayed Azazel.

"If you choose to join me, I can help you take revenge on Kokabiel."

"Then I will. I'll join you."

"Good choice."

And I used the [Soul Stamp] on Raynare and was able to open a spirit corridor between Raynare and me.

Then we took Raynare and went home.



"Welcome Noir-sama." Kalawarner said.

"Thanks Kalawarner. How is Asia?"

"She's still sleeping."

"All right, I'll prepare something to eat. You set the table."

"We understand Noir-sama." Kalawarner and Mittelt said.

'Does he cook the food himself? Do maids/servants normally do housework like cooking? Then he definitely uses food to brainwash everyone.'

Afterwards, Raynare began to secretly watch Noir while Noir was cooking.

'Sigh... This woman. What is she trying to do?' I thought.


[Raynare thinks you're putting something in the food and you're brainwashing the other girls, so she's watching you.] Raphael explained.

(In fact, even I doubt it. I don't understand how you can cook a dish that everyone likes and I can't taste it because I don't have a physical body.)

'Then how about this, Ddraig. One day I will give you a physical body, but in return you will be one of my wives.'

(Only this? OK I agree. Being your wife in exchange for having a body means nothing to me. Actually, you're the weak side in this deal, but I don't care, you promised.)

'Raphael save the deal.'


'Raphael, start scanning Ddraig's soul.'

[Scan started.]

"Raynare, instead of standing there idly, come help here or go and check on Asia."

"What should I do?" Raynare came to help.

"The ingredients for the salad are there, start by cutting them."

Raynare took the ingredients and placed them on the cutting board, then suddenly formed a short light blade in her hand.

"Wait wait wait!"

"What happened?"

"Raynare what are you trying to do with that blade of light."

"Didn't you want me to cut these?"

"With kitchen knives." I said, pointing to the knife holder in front of us.

"Okay I got it."

Raynare said, but this time she took a knife and cut the tomato directly into quarters and put it in the Salad bowl.

"Raynare, be honest, have you made a salad before?"

"N-No." Raynare's face reddened.

"Why didn't you tell me?"


"Sigh... Raynare, if there's anything you don't know, don't be afraid to ask. It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn. Cooking is not innate to anyone, it must be learned. Let me show you."

Then I grabbed a knife and showed Raynare how wash vegetables, how to cut vegetables, how to hold her fingers and how to hold the knife.

For a while I taught Raynare how to make a salad until the food was cooked.

"This is how salad is made."

"But you did it all."

"Then you make the salad for dinner."


Raynare took the salad and brought it to the table.

'But why he is so kind to me? I tried to kill him and I tried to kill another human also, don't normally demons hate fallen angels?' Raynare thought.

"Noir-sama doesn't care about such things. I can understand what you're thinking, Raynare, I felt it too, but let me tell you, both me and Mittelt are sane and uncontrolled the reason we're here is because we love this place and Noir-sama. Noir-sama doesn't care about racial difference. It doesn't matter if it's an angel, a fallen angel, a devil. For Noir-sama, he doesn't care as long as there are people he can have fun with and see as family. And Noir-sama did not say these, Noir-sama's elder sister did." Kalawarner explained to Raynare.

"Elder sister?"

"Serafall Leviathan."


This time Raynare fainted. Kalawarner lifted Raynare and laid her on the couch. Meanwhile, none of them were in fallen angel forms. Raynare was wearing the clothes she wore as Amano Yuuma. Kalawarner wore a maid costume and Mittelt wore her usual clothes.

"What happened?" I came out of the kitchen and asked.

"I was talking to Raynare, and when Raynare found out about your sister, she fainted." Kalawarner said.

"Sigh... Okay."

After a while, there was the sound of a door opening, and when I looked at it, Asia was coming in, bewildered.

"Are you okay Asia-chan?"

"N-Noir-san? Wha-Wha-?"

"You don't need to talk now, the meal is ready, you can go to the table and we can talk after dinner."

"T-Thank you."

Then I woke Raynare and brought the food to the table.

Raynare and Asia were a little hesitant at first, but after the first spoonful they started eating until they were full. Actually, it was kind of funny. 3 fallen angels, 1 nun and 1 devil were eating at the same table.


Hello dear readers, yes I have started a new story. Don't worry I didn't drop Tensura System, Reincarnated into anime or Dragon system. I just try new things and write whenever a story idea comes to mind. There will be disruptions in the chapters due to the fact that I enter the university and move from the family home to the dormitory. I'm studying German language and literature and the school I entered is a bit annoying. Who makes a quiz from week 2?! They make me very angry.

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