"The seal is firm but seems to have been forced. I guess using his aura without opening the seal caused this. I have to contact Shishou." Noir said, and then pulled out a piece of paper he had kept in his inventory, with a few letters in ancient languages. Then he burned the paper with a small fire right in the middle.

"Well, she said that's what I had to do, but I don't know when she'll come." Noir said.

"How about now?" A beautiful figure with maroon hair and red eyes emerged from the shadows.

"Shishou?! When?! How?!"

"As soon as I received a signal from the Rune I gave you, I teleported to the closest shadow to your shadow."

"You're weird as always, Shishou."

"Look who is saying. Phew whatever you've grown so much~ Tell me why haven't you called me for a long time?" Scathach said.

"Oh I just didn't have time so of course I would like to call you." Noir said.

"All right, tell me, what's the problem?"

"The problem is with the seals. Can you check it?"

Afterwards, Scathach started looking at and touching Noir's tattoos. After touching and staring at tattoos for a while...

"You forced the seal. It looks like you forcibly took something from behind without opening the seal."

"Yes, I needed his aura, but I didn't tell anyone around me about the sealed personality in me, so if I revealed it, it would be a problem. I couldn't use my own aura either."

"It's good that you didn't use your own Aura, you would have cut everything including space with a simple swing."

"Yeah I know that."

"Well, it's not a big problem anyway. The seal is intact, all you have to do is open the seal once and the seal will be fixed."

"Really? That's perfect! With this hehehehehehehe..." Noir had evil thoughts again, and a devilish smile appeared in his face.

"Fufufufufuf... You're up to something again, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Wouldn't it be so much fun to show the underworld the true evil nature and give the biological parents a taste of fear?"

"Fufufufufufu... You have a weird sense of humor as always, but I like it. Anyway, isn't the duel the day after tomorrow? Then it will be nice for me to take leave for a week or so. How about spending some quality time with your Shishou?"

"I'm teaching my sister and her friends these two days, but I wouldn't say no to hanging out with you."

"All right, let me help."

"This helps a lot."

So Noir and Scathach left the room and went to the garden where they had to be gathered for the magic work. Both the [Bishops] of Sona's Peerage and Rias and her [Queen] Akeno, fallen angel trio and Asia were already standing in the garden waiting for Noir.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I had a few things to do, now we can start training." Noir said.

"Um Noir, who is this woman?" Rias asked.

"Oh let me introduce you this person is Scathach and she is my Shishou."

""Your Shishou!!!??""

"Well yes."

"So you had a Shishou?" Sona said.

"So, of course, after all, using a sword did not fall from the sky for me. Of course I needed a teacher." Noir said sarcastically.

"Of course, after you have mastered the sword in a short time and even passed me, you still have the face to say it." Scathach said mockingly.

"One time teacher always a teacher."

"Fufufufufufuf Are you trying to make me emabrassed? So tell me, how are you going to train them?"

"Well, it will be the same for all of you, the first step is to increase your demonic power and then you will learn to fight using this demonic power."

"How do we train our demonic power?" Rias asked.

"Master we don't have demonic power we have mana." Raynare said.

"It will be the same thing you do to improve your Raynare wonder magic power. The magic power improvement method has only minor differences."

"There are several methods to improve your magic power. The first method is to constantly use magic. Use your magic power to its fullest and then wait for it to fill up and finish again, then repeat this method. This takes a long time but is the safest method. The second way is meditation. By meditating you attract the magic power of the world to yourself and you use this magic power to increase your own magic power. This is also a long method, but you may get a few surprises."

"Surprises?" Kalawarner asked.

"When you use the second method, you get a better understanding of your own magic power, allowing you to develop a unique spell or control your magic power better."


"And the third method is to fight."

"Huh?!" Everyone surprised.

"During the fight, one starts to control the magic better, especially in life-or-death situations because one wrong mistake leads to death, so the person unconsciously develops magic control." Noir explained.

"That's right, actually the best way to grow is the 3rd way in my opinion, because no matter how much you improve your magic power, there are many variables in war and the best way to understand this is to fight constantly." Scatcach added.

"I think so too but this method is not suited for everyone." Noir said.

"Hey! What hell was that mean?!" Rias said suddenly.

"Yeah what does tat mean 'not suited for everyone'? Are you looking down on us?!" Sona added too.

Noir and Scathach started looking at each other and Noir was looking at Scathach as if to ask for help, but Scathach had no solution.

"So of course we are not looking down on you just that you've never been in a real life-or-death situation before. And it's hard for you to experience it anyway, because Rias is protected by Sirzechs-san and Sona by Serafall. In other words, no one wants to fight you easily, and even if you fight with someone you know, you subconsciously know that that person will not kill you, so this method is not suitable for you." Scathach said.

"Yeah." Noir agreed.

"So then, Noir, how did you get so much real combat experience?" Rias and Sona asked.

"Well that's a long story..."


Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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