"Noir, I'm confused about something if you can defeat even gods with just a sword, why bother with magic? So when we saw you fighting, you always used magic, why didn't you just finish with the sword? Like the Hydra case." Rias asked.

"Because I like to challenge myself."


"Let me put it this way, from the battlefields etc. One of the reasons I pulled out was because it was no longer a challenge for me and things got boring. The reason why I only use magic since my magic power awakened is that there may be a little difficulty with magic right now."

"Don't be fooled. Actually, you can think of Noir as a small child, just as you give something new to a small child, he constantly plays with it until he gets bored. It's the same with Noir. He has always known swords until now, but he was always curious about magic and now that he has it, he tries to do everything he can and learn as much as he can until he becomes number 1 and gets bored." Just after Noir's explanation was over, Scathach took no time to humiliate her student and spilled Noir's dirty laundry.

'Off!' Noir is shot by imaginary arrows.

""Pfff... Fufufufufufufuffu..."" There was giggles from many people in the room.

'He's still the No-chan I knew. How stupid of me I can't believe I thought he had changed.' Serafall thought.

So the whole room continued for a while with Noir's life, goddesses and their stories. After a while, after Noir gave the Goddess her home address and key, the Goddesses left, and soon everyone dispersed. As Riser was still unconscious, things were delayed until the next day, and Sirzechs had invited Noir to dinner at the Gremory house.

"Rias congrats." Everyone had left the room and Rias and Noir were the last ones left when Noir said, patted Rias's head.


"You are free now. You don't have to marry anymore until you find the right person for yourself."

Rias, who could not realize the situation because of what had happened, remembered with Noir's words, and suddenly she hugged Noir and tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Thank you!"

"No problem. I'm not a prince on a white horse, but you can count on me whenever you want."

"Mhm. You are much better than the prince." Rias said the last part in a whisper so Noir could not hear it.

So Rias cried for a while longer, and when she finished crying, she went ahead because Noir said.

"Tomoe, any news?"

[Yes master, I found 1 of the two required things for the skill you are looking for.]

"Great, tell me the way."

[Leave it to me Master!~]

"Alright but first [Boosted Gear- Balance Breaker!]" Noir donned the boosted Gear Scale Mail armor and went to where he wanted with Tomoe's description.

Noir started to go where he wanted to come, the walls separating the Realms, where one of the two parts required for the skill he wanted was located. But as the road is long, Noir has to go fast. Using [Cardinal Acceleration] in the air was quite inconvenient, so Noir quickly went to the location using the Scale Mail armor and his own wings together.




Noir traveled for a long time and finally found the wall thanks to Tomoe. Because the wall was in a place that would not normally be found, because the realm itself was not like a circle, cube etc.

Anyway, after that, Noir stretched out his hand and felt as if some kind of wall.

"Tomoe scan it."

[Got it Master.~]


[Scan completed master~]

"Well then, let's go back."

So Noir flew quickly to return.

Likewise, after a long flight, Noir approached the Sitri house...

"Nah. I won't go back there. Tomoe find Leviathan house."

[Understood master~]

So Noir showed no sign of slowing down and made his way past the Sitri house and towards the Gremory house for dinner.

So Noir changed his clothes near House Gremory, and later, when it was time for dinner, Noir came to the gates of the giant castle.

"Hm... How do I get in now? It would be rude if I jumped over the wall, breaking through the door is out of the question anyway." Noir was in front of the door looking around the door and the door because there was no bell or anything, and then suddenly the doors opened by themselves.

And behind the door were maids and butlers lined up like a parade, and just behind the door was Grayfia.

"Welcome Noir-sama. Your Peerage with Sona-sama and her Peerage are already waiting for you inside." Grayfia greeted Noir with a slight bow.

"Thanks Grayfia-san, can you also address me without the suffix -sama?"

"I can't do that Noir-sama, it would be disrespectful." Grayfia said.

"Ugh fine."

So Grayfia led Noir into the living room.

In the living room were Rias' father Zeoticus Gremory, mother Venelana Gremory, former surname Bael, older brother Sirzechs Lucifer, and Sirzechs' son Millicas Gremory. In the other seats, Sona and her Peerage, Serafall, Rias and her Peerage, Asia, Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt, Tiamat, Scathach were sitting and Ophis in maid outfit was standing.

"Oh welcome you must be Noir Leviathan I am Zeoticus Gremory, father of Rias and Sirzechs and also current head of house Gremeory. This is my wife Venelena."

"Hello my name is Venelena Gremory but you can call me mother-in-law if you want."


"Fufufufufufu... Thanks for looking after our lovely Rias-chan."

"Yes, I'm Noir Leviathan and that's okay, I helped because I wanted to, so you don't have to thank me."

'I am very nervous, I am not used to such environments. Also why do I have a guy nervousness like meeting his girlfriend's family?' Noir thought.

(Hahahahaha... So you can get nervous too, good to see.) Ddraig said with laugh.

'You wait little dragon when I create you a new body I'll have fun a lot.'

(Hey hey hey! It was just a harmless joke don't take it seriously. All I'm doing is just sitting here and not talking.)

[Ddraig-chan just wait, soon the three of us will be sharing a bed with the master~] Tomoe teased Ddraig.

(Hey! Don't involve me in this thing!)

Noir was relieved a little, thanks to the conversation in Noir's mind.

"Hey Onii-san? Will you gonna marry Rias-nee-sama now?" Suddenly, a red-haired boy jumped in front of Noir and pulled Noir out of the conversation. This boy was Millicas Gremory.

"Oh you?"

"S-Sorry for my rudeness. I'm Millicas Gremory."

"Millicas, it wouldn't be right for me to answer that now."

"Hm... I understand. Nii-san you were so cool in the duel how did you become so strong?" Millicas began to ask excitedly, circling Noir.

"With training."

"Wow, can I be as strong as you if I train constantly?"

"Of course you can. You can ask your father for help and you can ask me if you want."

"Can I ask you for training? Really?"

"Sure, but I don't know about the power of destruction, but I can help with sword use or hand-to-hand combat, but my advice to you is to master the power of destruction first." Noir suggested.

"I'll Nii-san."

"Okay Millicas don't bother our guest anymore, look our guest is still standing." Sirzechs said.

"Oh sorry I wasn't trying to-"

"Don't be upset. I'm not bothered or anything."

So Noir sat down on one of the sofas.

"Then Noir-kun, from what I heard you actually have the lineage of the Bael and Sitri clan, right?" Zeoticus Gremory said.

"Yes, biologically it is, but I don't belong to either clan and I don't want to. I've been Noir Leviathan since I was born, and I always will be." Noir answered.

"Noir-kun, I apologize on behalf of my stupid brother." Venelana said.

"Please don't apologize Venelana-san. I believe that just as a child should not be held responsible for the sins of the father, so one sibling should not be held responsible for the other sibling's sins, and I really don't care. Revenge is a long and ridiculous cycle of hate, so I'm not going to take revenge on them unless they provoke me. Although I have been provoked enough, my principle is reaction to action."

"What do you mean?" Venelana asked.

Noir took a piece of cloth from [Beelzebuth]'s stomach skill and handed it to Venelana.

"D-Don't tell me this is-"

"Yes, as far as I know, this emblem is the emblem of the Bael clan's special assassination unit, right? And I have dozens of these emblems."


Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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Emilio Gonzalez


Ibrahim El-Okla
