"You mean, you won't come with me to the Sitri house?" Sona asked with a shocked face.

"True. I will not return to the Sitri house, I will resurrect the Leviathan clan and bring the remaining living Leviathans back to the clan."

"I-I get it. Excuse me." Sona said and then she stood up and walked out of the dining room.

"Let me talk to her." Then Noir got up and chased Sona.

While those at the table waited in silence, Noir came out and it was easy to find Sona anyway. She was standing right in front of the front door.

"Sona wait let me explain."

When Sona turned her back, Noir saw that Sona had tears in her eyes.

"Ugh... Sona I just... sorry..."

Noir hugged Sona and waited for her to calm down for a while, then he and Sona went to a place to sit.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

"It doesn't matter, I understand. After all, getting stronger has always been your first priority."

"No! It's not like that at all! Sigh... Sona, the thing is, it's not about you or my wanting to get stronger. I can't go back to the Sitri house because I don't belong there."

"What do you mean you don't belong?! Onee-san and I are there too!"

"I know, and like I said, it's not your problem. The problem is my feelings, no matter how hard you try, it's the house of Sitri and I was always a unwanted child, only Serafall and you, I was a guest there because of Serafall and your request. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't have wasted any time throwing me out."

"That's..." Sona wanted to say something, but she couldn't find anything to say.

"That's not the only reason. Namely, there may still be Leviathans hiding in the world, and I want to open them the only home they can return to. Right now, some of them are hiding and some of them are taking shelter in other families like me, and I want to open up a place where they can feel they belong, so that they can integrate into devil society again without any inconvenience or discrimination."

"I see. I understand you sorry for being selfish." Sona said while wiping her tears.

"By the way, you think you can leave just because I'm creating my own clan, you have no chance."


"You can't leave me just because I'm from another clan. And remember, you can be selfish when you're with me. So don't apologize."

"Creating or re-establishing a clan requires a lot of budget and paperwork." Sona said.

"The issue of money is not important, there are enough already, I have someone in mind for paperwork."

"You will be the head of the clan, of course, you have to do the paperwork, you can't leave it to someone else." Sona argued.

"Sitting in a chair for hours, writing and signing is not my thing." Noir laughed.

"All right, so I have to find someone like Grayfia-san for you too."

"Gah!... Actually, when I think about it again, it's okay with me."



After talking for a while, Noir and Sona returned to the dining room.

"You seem to have solved the problems." Chysis said.

"Yeah no problem." Noir answered.

"Noir-kun, I'd like to talk business with you after dinner, is that okay with you?" Zeoticus asked.

"Of course it would be my pleasure."

"Okay, no business talk at the table." Venelana said.

So the rest of the meal went smoothly. Also, Noir took an extra 2 days off from school so he'll be taking lessons from Venelana for the rest of the days to master the power of destruction.



Noir knocked on the door, and when the answer came from inside, he entered, this is Zeoticus Gremory's work room.

"Oh Noir-kun come sit down." Zeoticus showed the chair.

"Mr. Gremory, you said you wanted to talk business with me, what is it?" Noir asked after sitting in the chair.

"You're getting to the point right away, I like it. I want to talk to you about two things, the first is for business. Maybe you don't know, but the Gremory clan is a big company in the world and they mostly work in hotels and tourism. And the Leviathan clan, being a King type clan, gives it some privileges and one of them is absolute dominion over the seas. That's why any business that will open near the seashore and a certain amount must get permission from the Leviathan clan or make a deal. Since the Leviathan clan has not been around for a while, many clans ignored this rule, but when you resurrect the clan, this rule will be active again and this will cause quite a problem."

"But what happens if a clan does this without permission?" Noir said.

"Hahahahahaha... Good point. The contract made is magical. So any supernatural origin building that opens to the seaside will be destroyed by the waves if the clan that made it does not have this magical contract. But at the moment, since the clan's base in the demon realm is not active, such situations did not happen, but while the clan was still active, dozens of clans that did not receive permission were removed from their businesses, and then the Leviathan clan caused a lot of pain by asking for an exorbitant share from those clans that did not get permission."

"I see. Well, as long as the conditions are good, I'll take a good look at this contract."

"That's good to hear and I'm going to create a win-win deal for both clans." Zeoticus said.

"Now, coming to the second issue, this is both an inter-clan and personal request."

"I'm listening."

"I want you to marry Rias."

"What?! I hope this isn't like what happened with the Phenex clan." Noir's attitude changed because he didn't want to force Rias into a forced marriage again.

"Oh no that's not like that. Of course this is something if Rias accepts too. Also, as a father, don't you think I didn't see the way Rias looked at you during dinner, she definitely likes you."

"I can only do that if Rias agrees. You also need to know that there are other people I love. So you know what I mean."

"Hahahahahahahaha... The strong have many spouses, so if you're going to set up a harem, this will concern you and your women, so you need to talk to your women about this."

"I see alright I'll talk with the-"


Suddenly there was a huge explosion sound.

"What was that?"

"Oh, while you weren't at dinner, Rias asked Grayfia to train her, they're probably training right now."

"Rias?! Really?"

"Hahahahahahahah... You surprised too huh."

Later, after the conversation was over, Noir went to the room that was charged for him. Of course, Noir's entire peerage had been given other rooms as well, but Sona and Serafall returned home. Noir changed his clothes and went to bed and went to sleep until the door to the room slowly opened and two people came in.


Sorry I was sick last week

Hello dear readers, I have started a new novel. When I write novels, I write as long as I am inspired, and as soon as the idea for another novel comes up, I want to write, I don't know how long I can continue, but you can read it if you want. Name: The Gamer: Marvel Cross Dc.

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Emilio Gonzalez


Ibrahim El-Okla