Chapter 7

Maria POV:

I raced in line and waited patently behind this person, burning holes into their back with my eyes. If my eyes were lasers, I bet you five chocolate donuts they'd be on fire right now. And after I win, I'd use those five chocolate donuts to do a funeral for that poor man. His death was because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But it was a necessary death. And I'm grateful for it. It gave me five precious donuts. So I shall give him a proper burial. What can I say? I need one! Its a need!

As I stared at this person I noticed something. They had a very nice back... it was well sculpted from the way their shoulders were built to the way I could see almost every detail of their muscular frame.. all the way down to their-...

I blushed lightly and looked away from them. What was I thinking? Am I really that obsessed with men today? Snap out of it Maria!

I looked back at the clock and my heart sank, It read '5:01'. i fell to my knees right there in the small empty shop, well almost empty. All who was there was me, the shop owner, and the guy who kept me from getting my chocolate covered, raspberry filled, donut.

I sighed and got up brushing away the dirt that got on my shorts.

Time to find a place to stay, I guess... without a donut.

Nathan POV:

The smell of vanilla and cinnamon filled my nose and I inhaled deeply enjoying the scent. I instantly knew she was behind me but I didn't want to look and startle her.

Take her, take her now!

Maxine was pushing me and I could feel myself fighting for control over him. She was so close. If I could only touch her, feel her, let her know she was mine and mine alone.

Not yet Maxine, tonight..we'll have her tonight.

That seemed to calm him down, but I don't know how I was going to do it yet. When I saw her leave I sighed and payed for my donuts. I had gotten 2 chocolates and 2 raspberries. They had a special deal today so I had paid for my normal amount and gotten 1 free.

I waited inside the shop a few minutes longer till I thought the coast was clear and then finally exited. When I left there was still a small trace of her scent lingering. Vanilla and Cinnamon... my favorite.

I followed it all the way down the streets to a small hotel. It was faint but it was there. Tonight was the night I would see her, but would I have the guts to take her... could I force her to live a life like me? Would she be happy?

I'll know when I see her... I want to see her now but... Siiigh...

Soon little mate .. very very soon...