
I knocked on the door and was told to enter.

"Lisa, it's nice to see you. Please, have a sit."

I sat down across my therapist Jean.

"I'm glad you made it. So how have you been?"

" I'm okay I guess."

"Mmmmm.....sounds like you have some things on your mind."

I took a deep breath and looked up at her.

"Well, I'm confused."

"Can only help you if I understand what is bothering you."

" Dante wants me to give us a try but, what will everyone say? Kate thinks I should and Hayden wants me to as well though he doesn't seem thrilled. Kate thinks it will be good for me. She says he seems to really like me."

I went on to talk about how she reacted when I arrived home. She was mad then super excited about the whole thing.

" In the entire explanation, I can hear everyone's opinions but yours. What do you think?"

I kept quite to process my thoughts.

" Okay, let me put it this way. When you think about Dante, what comes to your mind and how does that make you feel?"