Soft Side Of Her

Frank walked into their apartment with Arnold to see his mother sitting on her bed.

"Hi, Mom," Frank said.

"Hi honey Christiana came in a few minutes ago, she said you guys were walking slow," Jessica said.

"She said that?" Frank said, turning his gaze to the door to their room.

"Yeah, and she looked really upset. Did you guys do anything to upset her?" Jessica asked.

"No mom, I don't think I did anything to upset her," Frank said.

"You didn't? I wonder what she's upset about then." Jessica said.

"Don't worry mom, I'll go ask her," Frank said heading towards the door.

"You haven't told me how your first day at the academy was," Jessica said.

"It was great mom," Frank said quickly entering the room.

He left the door open for Arnold who had entered the room a few seconds after him.

The blonde haired teenager scanned the room with his eyes but there was no sign of Christiana but that was no problem because he knew where she was.