Blake’s unit froze for a split second until they sprang into action. Like sardines in a can, people pressed close together. Everyone hurried through the narrow hallways. Everyone had to brace their bodies from each other's elbows and shoulders or walls. Blake went to the ship repair area, where his mechanical team awaited further orders.
“Blake Sharp!” says Commander Pixar.
“Sir, yes, sir!” says Blake.
“Report to aerial takeoff Section 1,” says Commander Pixar.
The hallways had quieted down only a fraction of the initial chaos. People are now getting orders from different sections of Reburst where needed. Thus the constant influx of people.
Aerial Section 1 read a metallic sign under which Blake passed. Men and a few women geared up in space suits, a material able to withstand high speeds. They were space pilots. Spotting Commander Lee across the area, Blake hurries over to report to his superior. Blake knew Alex was here, although there was no time to search for Alex.
The work was fast and precise on the spacecraft. Blake inspects the circuit boards and command prompts of the fighter spacecraft. He worked to complete it in time for takeoff. Routine maintenance crews worked on the units daily, so Blake had a short checklist to mark off. Various technicians occupied the takeoff location apart from the pilots. As a cohesive colony, everyone prepared for the eminent battle ahead.
“All pilots are to board their spacecraft fighters!” says Commander Lee.
Climbing his navy metallic spacecraft fighter, Alex pulled on the cuffs of his space suit. He gripped the steering wheel with one hand. Pilots began operating procedures for enemy engagement.
“Alex Han. Here,” says Alex.
The mouthpiece in his suit relays audio to the command center at Reburst Station. Reburst station messages need deciphering and organizing at Loki Station.
Blue light glows inside the cabin of his spacecraft as Alex awaits further orders. Focus. Observe. Attack. Alex repeats in his mind.
Specs of stars emerge at the top and side walls from the Reburst’s takeoff location. Hoovering in midair, the pilots fired up the spacecraft’s engines.
“Take off in 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.”
The first fighters ascend into formation, conducting air upon Reburst Station.
As coordinates had predicted, Leafeans emerged on the horizon.
Alex's order is to kill any enemy that passes through the first squadrons. For the first twenty minutes, all is still. Bronze-like movement arrives. Leafeans zoom in, shooting many yellow orbs. These blasts of energy cause a fire upon impact. The attacks were slow compared to Earth's spacecraft. There seems to be no means of destroying the orbs. The balls of energy burn away in space after ten minutes. Earth’s fighters must dodge the orbs.
Squadron Three split into trios, going after the Leafean enemy. Dodging and chasing our enemies requires unique angle maneuvers. The squadron plans to spread out to allow for better dodging.
As Alex’s trio veered to the left near the Second Squadron, brightness illuminated their view. Flames of violet and ruby engulfed the entire spacecraft impacted by the orbs. Space wrinkles around the edges of the fire as a warping effect.
The Leafean spacecraft sped backward into a new formation. Bronze shapes clustered together, moving closer to Squadron One.
“General Lead, orders?” says the head pilot.
“Watch and wait,” says General Lead.
The remaining Leafeans withdrew to the relative trajectory back to the Mothercraft thousands of miles away.
“Return to Reburst Station, Pilots,” says General Lead.
Earth’s remaining spacecraft fighters returned to Reburst Station. After confirming any survivors from the wreckage. Nobody who had gone aflame had survived.
As pilots returned to aerial station 1, Blake noted a diminished number. The soldiers readied the spacecraft for the next mission. Blake ran extensive work; some ships required repairs. Teams worked on the spacecraft into the night, illuminated by bright overlight.
Blake had been two hours into his sleep turn when the war alarm sounded. With heavy eyes, Blake reported back to his post. The morning after the first battle, take-off preparations began again.
Once again, Earth’s defenders ascended beyond Mars's atmosphere. Undetected by Earth's probes were the main Leafean spacecraft, barreling into battle.
The first visual of the Mothercraft was of a mammoth-wide spacecraft. The first squadron asked for a backup they knew was three and a half hours away at Reburst. They could only rely on their immediate comrades. The Earth’s fighters spread in a long line.
Ribbons of Leafean spacecraft streamed from the Mothercraft. An innumerable amount of bronze dots filled the space void.
Back at Reburst Station, the scenes replayed on the main command screen.
“Defend until backup arrives. Attack when necessary,” says General Lead.
Maneuvering on defense required many blocking techniques. Casualties on Earth’s side have been significant when backup arrives. Alex stumbles upon a discovery. The enemy had blocked the attack. On his display, Alex replays the interaction. The shot's trajectory lines up with a rounded disk with ribbed perturbance. Alex concluded the engines lay behind the disks. It is a weakness.
Ales relays the information into his mouthpiece. General Lead orders the attack on the rounded disks, wings, and opening doors.
Getting close enough to these points was one difficulty. Leafeans surround the Leafean Mothercraft. Squadrons bound into action to disperse the enemy. Earth’s blue and white lasers hit the Leafean Mothercraft. Smoke emits from the round disks as the Mothercraft shakes.
By the afternoon, the Leafeans' main craft had gaping holes through it. Squadrons one and two destroy strangling bronze crafts.
“Earth is victorious,” says General Lead.
Loki station is buzzing like a beehive. Messages pour in from Earth as new information on the war arrives. Reburst sends good news. Loki Station forwards the message to Earth’s leaders.
//Reburst Station Forces defeated the Leafeans at 15:21 Earth time 5.31.79//
Earth’s fighters return to Reburst Station. The earth learns about victory, which calls for a celebration. Confetti fills the streets of Earth and fireworks light up the sky around the world.
Alex finds Blake after arriving from the battle.
“You need some sleep,” says Alex.
“Don’t we all?” says Blake.
Alex slings his arm over Blake’s shoulder as they leave the day behind them.