"Who is inside?" I jerk awake, and my eyes open to the evening time. I yawn multiple times and my eyes catch hold of another eyes disdainfully giving me the up and down look.

"I'm in." I reply. "A minute please." I rush to open the door, and once I do, they enter. They stare at me as they walk up to their beds, patting each sides. I think I slept on the slim girl's bed. She pats it, and looks at me every now and then. I am expecting her to yell at me but she only shrugs and spreads another sheet on it. Oh, did I drool? I don't think so. Let me believe it's my sweat. They continue their business, and i face the wall, ignoring their negligence.

That slim girl stands up, and yawns, holding her thighs with a hand, and yawning with the other. She motions to one of them called Jessica.

"Jessica, you're not gonna eat anything?" She asks. Jessica stops what she was doing, and looks up to her. "Mhm..." She sighs, and looks at the ceilings. She suddenly smirks, and looks at me. I look at a different direction but my eye can see what she is doing. She is pointing to me. For what!? Does she mean she wants to start bullying me by eating my foodstuffs?!

I stand up after not being able to bear it, and walk up to my box. I can see that Jessica is chuckling at my slow movement. She laughs almost maniacally when I open the box from behind. This is gonna be a great bully, I think. But before I can turn back to go out of the room, I feel a warm hand wrapping itself across my shoulders. I try jerking it off, and running away but my eyes sight the slim girl.

"We won't hurt you. How are you doing today?" She asks, loosening her grip on my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I hesitantly reply.

"Look, we are cool girls. We pranked you and expected your reaction." Jessica says.

"Okay, thank you." I reply, shyly.

"So, can you move near us and tell us your name and form?" A black American Girl asks.

"Yes, sure." I reply, and the slim girl helps me with moving. I sit at the edge of Jessica's bed, and she begins to ask questions.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Sophia."

Shrugs, and suddenly facing themselves, pouting their lips.

"I'm Jessica." Jessica says.

"I'm Anna." The other with a deep voice says.

"Hi. I'm Martha." One of the girls which I see as the most beautiful says. The skin girl parades the room, and stylishly says her name: "Hi. I'm Rose."

"Thank you, all." I smile.

"So, Sophia, are you a Vampire or a Werewolf or hybrid?" Rose suddenly asks and I shudder.


"Dammit!" Jessica remarks, and I sigh.

"I'm a human being." I say, and space out.

"30% of HAPPY KIDS SCHOOL are human beings only." Anna says, with her voice sounding and resounding. "Besides, I can smell you." She sniffs her nose. Others join her,and then end it by staring at me, almost devouring me to spit out the answer.

"I'm an underage. Sorry, I do not know anything about this." I reply, making a move to stand up. Jessica grabs hold of me, and her bones crunch inside her hand, forming a grey old flabby skin with protruding claws outta the fingers. It reforms, and she breathes in.

"Anna is a Wolf. I'm a Wolf. Jessica is a Wolf. Rose is an hybrid of Wolf and Vamp." Martha analyzes.

I stare at Rose painstakingly, and study what qualities I will see in her to avoid it in others. Ben, Max. I don't trust them.

"Wanna see how a Vampire looks like?" Rose asks, smiling.

"Yes, sure." I also smile but widely.

"Not until you let us know yours. " They chorus, and I chuckle, cough, and start to speak.

"I'm not up to eighteen years." I start, and Jessica cuts in.

"Are you a wolf or Vampire?" She asks, and I fume inside.

"A wolf." They all heave sighs of relief, and clap.

"Okay, I'll show you what a vampire looks like soon."

"Okay, thank you. But I think..." I say, and Rose cuts in.

"But what?" She says.

"I think you can only shift under the full moon." I answer.

"No. That's only applicable to underage, or those who haven't gotten mated yet." She replies.

"So you all are mated?" I shrug.

"No, but soonest." I gulp, and gesticulate signs of surprise.

In this minute, a loud yell emanated from Rose's within, a thick fluffy dark object rushing out of her sides. Jessica stands up immediately and turn on a switch, and turn off the lights. But I can see clearly that she turned on the soundproof. My conclusion is that Ben is one of her.

Crunching sounds of bones can be heard from where Rose was holding her navel so hard, and crying uncontrollably.

Before her shifting gets out of hand, Anna moves with matching and hesitant steps, and holds her from behind. Wait, does she think she can handle a Vampire?

"But I can try. Don't be like that, Sophia." She says, facing me. I look around and before I can claim innocence, others agree with her by nodding. I sigh and keep mute.

"She can hear your mind too. Beware of her." I think.

As soon as Anna touches Rose's fluffy body, Rose growls, and pins Anna to the wall. We rush to save her but we get kicked back immediately. I almost regret asking Jess to shift. I reach out for the door but Martha grabs hold of me, and tells me I should not tell anyone that Rose has a vampire trait in her blood. That means, Rose doesn't shift just anywhere.

"Sure she doesn't. We don't, too. But her especially." She replies. I pick up my notebook in my mind, and pen this: "Martha hears my mind too. Beware of her." I can't hear anyone's mind here. Just only Dad's. Mum doesn't give access. I think it's based on whether the Werewolf or Vampire gives access for you to hear them.