"Ben, where is your abode?" Dylan asks, and breathes out.

"Over there. We are almost there."

"I'm damn tired." I remark, and sigh.

"Sorry, clone. Thank you very much." Rose says, again. We finally get to Ben's abode, the door creaks open itself and we get in.

"We all are aware of the witch wizard power, right?" Greg says, first and we all nod.

"Alpha Karl, have your seat here." Ben pulls a stool for Karl and he sits while we others find somewhere to sit.

"Make sure you lock the door tightly." I tell them, and Ben stands up, obeying.

"Make sure the lights are not on." I say again and Karl sighs.

"I have been in Jude's penthouse for up to three weeks, I know what I mean. We can be monitored through his wizard power if we allow the lights to be on." Ben stands up again and turns off all the switches.

"Good." I clip.

"I think we should celebrate our reconnection again." Ross says, and I nod.