Chapter thirteen

"May what has been going on? "

"mom I can't.... Let her be the one to tell you. She already doesn't trust me"

I was heard downstairs when I could over hear my mom and May whispering. June had to heard back home last week for an emergency with her sister. And for three weeks now it's been drama through out, with me been treated like an egg. The attention is annoying because it's like they can't carry on a conversation because I'm around. Everyone just wants to keep apologizing but all I what is to think. I've been hiding the fact that I've been dreaming of my baby. It's like one minute I'm holding her and the next his telling me I'm not worth it and that's why he left me then I'm a bad mother, the next thing my baby is gone. I want it to just be in my dreams so bad but I wake up and it's true.

"morning Mia"