As long as there is me, I make sure she will always be happy
# Gevan Radian Juniarta
"Good morning Prince" greeted a girl who just suddenly sat in front of him and in front of Rain
Rain was silent just watching and didn't say anything. She was still engrossed in chewing the toast Gevan gave him earlier
"My name is Gevan, not Prince" said Gevan a little curtly. He felt uncomfortable when there was this girl around him. Especially now that there was Cantik beside him. It's nothing Gevan just doesn't want Beauty to misunderstand, she's afraid. Beauty thinks that this is the girl he likes, even though Gevan means her, Beautiful. Yes, it's true that he does have feelings for Beauty, he likes her more than just a friend. He hopes to make Cantik as his lover. But it seems that is just wishful thinking. In reality, Cantik only thought of him as a friend, nothing more. But this is still better than nothing, right?
"Yes, I know your name is Gevan, but "Prince" is a suitable title for you from me. A kind of favorite nickname from me for you"
"But I don't like being called "Prince", it's too much. I'm a human, not a prince" Gevan replied again
"Prince is also a human Gevan dear" said the girl openly
"Don't call me honey, I have a heart that I have to take care of" Gevan replied, punching the girl
"Oh yes? Who? Do you have a boyfriend now? As far as I know Gevan Radian Juniarta has never been close to any woman. Except for him" replied the girl by glancing at the woman beside Gevan whose name she did not know
"Who do you mean? Beautiful?"
"Who's Beautiful? I don't know"
"This is the woman sitting next to me, her name is Cantik." Gevan replied, deliberately making the girl emotional. "It's beautiful to meet her, have you finished eating?" said Gevan softly as he turned to Rain
"Eh…it's okay Gevan. Hi, my name is Rainata Deviana Senja, I'm a new student here and I happened to be sitting at the same table with Gevan. What's your name?" Rain asked the girl friendly
"What's your nickname? How come Gevan calls you "Beautiful"? the girl asked Rain with a tease
"His nickname is Rain, but I prefer to call him "Beautiful", because he is beautiful. Beautiful face and beautiful heart" Gevan replied. Making the girl in front of him more emotional
"Oh yes? How beautiful is her heart? My face is not less beautiful than hers" replied the girl with a rising tone
"Have you ever seen an angel who came down from heaven?" Gevan asked the girl. Rain just kept quiet, didn't dare to speak, he had a bad feeling. He felt that after this there would be a big fight between Gevan and the girl in front of him
"No, I've never seen it," answered the girl briefly
"This woman who claims her name is Rainata Deviana Senja is an angel who came down from heaven. Who is sitting in front of you," said Gevan, making Rain surprised.
"What the hell Ge, don't overdo it. I'm an ordinary human Gevan, not an angel" said Rain just opening his voice
"Yeah, I know you're a human, an angel incarnated as a human," explained Gevan. He purposely made this girl in front of him emotional, so that she immediately left in front of him
"What's so special about him Ge?" asked the girl with a sad expression
"What is clear is that she is far more special than anything in this world. I have to take care of her and will not let her get hurt at all. As long as I am there, I make sure she will always be happy," said Gevan sincerely
"Does that mean I can't get into your heart? It's clear that I'm the one who's struggling, why is it that he who is just silent is actually getting your heart easily?" ask the girl again
"I didn't choose Ta, but my heart chose where to anchor," Gevan answered innocently
"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you both, I'll leave now" the girl replied glumly
"Oh no, it's okay here, Gevan won't mind either. Isn't it Ge?" Ask Rain to Gevan
"Hmm.. It's okay as long as you don't feel bothered when he's here"
"Huss Gevan you can't do that, let's just stay here, don't go," said Rain to the girl
The girl was silent, in her mind she was deep in thought. No wonder Gevan likes this girl, her heart is really good like an angel.
"Yes, thank you, Rain," said the girl sincerely